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Conor McGroarty

Here fishy fishy fishy: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z7PYqhABiSo


The Queen's visible - - > The Queen is visible


I honestly didn't think we would see another blue for awhile.


Operation Fish Genocide is a rousing success so far. Let's see if Ameliah's shot hits first though.


What a cliff!

Timothy Alexander

Whoop whoop whoop!!!!!!!! Level 30 train coming into the station!


30 is.. a pretty damn solid mark. More then enough for Rain to get his build going. Granted, with the numbers we are seeing here, it's not going to be THAT OP in term of damage output - But it'll be extremely strong nonetheless

Conor McGroarty

So prismatic aura is a must when he specializes in stuff to get legendary dynamo. It’s been a while since I remembered what skills I thought were most likely for Rain to take. In any case, Rain will have to dedicate the rest of his time down here to soul fixing. He will at least have to fix enough to get rid of most of the symptoms of having a leaky soul so he can then work on the rest above. After all, it is probably easier to fix things down here where the pressure difference for his soul isn’t so great than up above.


Shure. But with his stat ring, fixing his soul, and all the new fancy stuff he can do with his new skills (and also looking at other skill trees), he could get his stats up with the synchronisation the-soul-members thing. He also will get to test how the other base auras work and can do. He can also do the syncing training he tried before, but cause his to be ravenously hungry, because he might get the Fall aura that would fix that. So *technically* not op. But he’ll find a way.

Cal Yager

Did Tallheart say 'Lair'? Because I heard lair. Is this going to be a level 30 lair that Ascension can farm?


wow what a chapter. Apparently I greatly underestimated amelia. I assumed she would need more effort to kill the giant ones. I wonder what was their specific plan for phase 4, making a door there intrigued me. 30 is quite nice, though i need to go back and find rain's checklist of skills. Only thing i remember is 26 prismatic aura and 27 ethereal aura which are definitely mandatory. There was talk of the seasons but idk if that was "confirmed" or just an option.

Tim Johnson

This was honestly the best written chapter of the past like 60, great pacing, the action was great, the growth we get of the group having initially struggling against these fishies and now treating them like trash mobs for the most part is all fantastic. Great job Sen, cant wait for next week.


Yeah 'Lair' with a capital "L" The potential to farm it is there, but presumably it will be alot later. Rain made it a point to say that they needed to evacuate that city. So it would have to be after they did that and came back. Also hopefully they level people up before entering it, like find another queen. Tallheart likely wont enter and if you recall Rain said the world is run on a party of 8. So they need 8 people at level 26(ish) or an equal amount of levels to safely do the lair. Rain is all about numbers and he wants them on his side.

Jeppe Fiig

I cant help but think of all that XP from the sparkscales thats just wasted XD and then Rain will need to lvl up


Agreed what a breath of fresh air. Super keen for the next chapter.

Jeppe Fiig

Its chapter 151. He says he will unlock tier 4 at 29 so we might see 2 tier 4 skills in his skill set. But so far it is just enough to bring him to Fall

Justin B

Great chapter. The cliffs are real though.


What fun :)

Conor McGroarty

MC needs Fall to properly supply proper nutrition to evacuate the town (spring and summer will supply stamina and health too) and move elsewhere so that means he also needs spring and summer to unlock it within his level 30 amount. So an offensive aura so he can get 5 skills in 5 skill trees and get legendary dynamo and then prismatic aura. After that is spring, summer and fall (it isn’t a wasted skill point as he needs to get them at some point it is just a matter of when to get it, so priorities) and ethereal aura so he doesn’t have to worry about hurting himself or others with the blowback. His foundation will be basically set with those. His specialties should be offensive aura, defensive aura, aura meta magic, utility auras and magical utility (that tree that he got intrinsic clarity and focus).

Conor McGroarty

Rain levels super easily so that isn’t much of an issue. Bigger concern is the potential negative consequences reckless leveling could have for his soul so it is best to take it slow and get the basic repairs for his soul done while he is down here. I imagine it would be a lot easier to convert essence and such when their isn’t a huge tear in his soul leading to the void and causing all kinds of destabilizing currents. Once the soul is somewhat sutured, Rain can start being a little more reckless within reason. Don’t want to have those symptoms that are gimping him come back (especially the difficulty of building up essence is a real downer for someone like Rain who can go through essence, converted to mana, like water and thus needs a large stockpile to make the most of his abilities).


i look forward to see what rain unlocks


Ayyy he used the limit of valis thing I mentioned. Very noice! Can't help but wonder how powerful that would be without the damage cap.


Man I loved this chapter so much the cliff cut especially deep. Good job!


I really hope she is able to off the queen with that shot next chapter without something gimmicky happening to prolong its life. This chapter was awesome, but having the next one be more combat wouldn't be as much fun as just seeing the queen get exploded.


What to do when there is a Cliff and you are already a patreon?

Ethan Gardner

I wonder what the plate will be for the lair, based on the list of wanted abilities for rain something that let's you take a bonus class ability would be nice, I think he still needs a point reset at some point but this seems to early to get it. It'll probably be neither but instead something similarly useful

Michael Hughes

Great chapter. It looks like it is progressing a little faster than I predicted. I thought the next three weeks would be preparation and engage, battle, and aftermath. It looks like we had preparation (off screen) with engage and most of battle and will have battle aftermath and beginning soul followed by return to group in the next two weeks. I wanted to wait and read them all together but I just couldn't wait. See you all next week. The new class is going to be Legend Wait for it ary. Legendary. Up top.

Forrest Minter

You know, I get that the current difficulty level would be insane for most of ascension, but does anyone else feel like it's a bit of a waste that all these high level blues are basically only being used on rain? Imagine if they could have brought a team down to at least give said team a bit of credit on the level 24 blue. They could be power-farming an entire team to create an elite corps rather than just power-leveling rain. Even if they had to spend a bit of time first finding easier areas and easier blues prior to the fire jungle.


They would've likely died. People are pathetically squishy against monsters 10+ levels higher than them. With Rain's auras now (well soon) strong enough it might be possible but even then there would be considerable risk to go down and take level 1-5 people and have them try to survive against level 20+ monsters


Great chapter, that was amazing. And 200k damage from the guardians? That's brutal, even for silverplates. Even a defender would need something like Rain's new armor to absorb four of those. And once the saturation is full, they'd get insta-killed by another. The breakers were nice, although I don't understand why Tallheart didn't just forge her a better Irony with 10x the draw weight.


If that is a worker queen, I suspect there are scavenger and hunter queens too


Resource limited, it's probably much easier and material efficient to make one-off 'arrows' than it is a whole new bow.


Why the hell would they crack a lair that could allow them to raise people past the wall?

Kendelle Trotter

I don't think Rain should give up a t4, all of which we have seen are absolutely amazing abilities, to solve a problem that is potentially addressable through proper logistics. They could hunt for food in advance and preserve it through refrigerate as an example. It's just way too much to give up a t4 when we don't know when the next blue may come up. And Rain seems to agree with me. Fall is priority 7 on his list while the tier 4s are priority 5.


Why haven't we seen how dark damage causes damage?


He’s also getting another patch from breaking his cap. That’s probably going to make it a lot easier to bind together the other two layers. That being said, I hope he installs a door or gate into that membrane, there’s a lot of advantages that he gets from his broken soul.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Luke Scheffe

I went into this chapter wondering how it got 98% approval ratings. I finished it by saying "So that's how."