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Alexander Dupree

I like the style of this chapter. Building tension without a cliff or stupid ball. Also I hate you and I lost.

Jeppe Fiig

Okay Now i cant wait for next week XD

Jan Alexander

Hope the hive queen is a blue.


Nice, confirmed depths of 26 and sighting the queen/king not to mention a lair (which is crazy). I wonder if during the small break for a training montage will Rain develop his multicore idea to get back to being able to consume mana as easily as he used to. If he is able to then in theory he could help kill off the rabble with amelia though she likely wouldn't need the help. Could be the difference between 2 shots per monster down to 1, or 3->2 or 4->3 whatever the math works out to.

Jeppe Fiig

Have a feeling the Lair is there because the queen isnt a blue

Jeppe Fiig

Dont think there will be enough time, Amelia thought they needed to attack before dusk, since all monsters come after Rain like he is chum in the waters. And while i can buy that Amelia needs to train a skill up a few lvls, i dont think that would be enough time for Rain to upgrade to a Multicore system.


Huh, you got my interest with Ameliah's character development. I hadn't considered that she's got more power now than ever before and is dealing with that change. Until recently, she's been powerful enough that none of the power scaling happenings have phased her, she's been like a rock for Rain in that regard. Good stuff. Also, this biome is giving me serious Dark Bramble vibes, which I love. Opening up into a vast cavern is a great scene. It seems like swimming is on the menu! I wonder if the lair will end up being the source of gravity in this place, and if they'll go in it or not. That would probably be overextending, especially if that's a blue outside the lair, so maybe it's cliffhanger bait for a future delve, or a way to demonstrate that they're capable of holding themselves back when adventure calls. Fun stuff, looking forward to next week.


Thank you!


I’m feeling like this hive queen is a blue.


Nice, short, another boss battle next chapter with it’s swarm of mobs. Another off topic thought though, with mentioning Winter’s memory enhancing effects, once Rain gets back to the surface and has even more skills to effect more people, then when they escort the entire village and all the new members of Assertions, he could out a winter effect on everyone constantly to make them learn faster. He could give some meditation lessons as just a good thing to help people mentally, but combined with Winter, they could then try and piece together all the memories of their life into sone continuous experience, like setting all your memory time stamps to R (all real numbers). Thought it is probably easier for children. Interesting to see what would happen. But further for those Winter enhanced lessons, he could teach the villagers some more math, or those that don’t know how to read. Same with children. And again with the enchanted memory, som of the younger children who might not even know how to speak, it may be interesting to apply the effect and then let them listen to a crowd talking, then have a conversion while those kids, until they learn how to speak completely. Maybe this also work on children who don’t know how to walk yet. Just imagine kids that are talking to the same skill as adults. And inspired by Mark of the Fool, have the winter effect on, but focus it on the task in front of you, like writing some sentence, then remember how you did that along with other writing skill memories, and write it again on the line below it. Repeat until your writing is really good. Plies this same things to drawing or sparing or swimming (since is Amelia wants to learn, the rest of Assertion should too) and who knows what else. Not to talk of what it will do to the animals, since the horse, dog, cat, and slimes are probably smarter then they normally should, even if only a little. Edit: Also, Rain could use Summer focused on the brain to increase peoples neural plasticity, adding what Cirvante said about stamina, maybe applied that too will give more direct mental stamina. Ir Rain applies this to himself, if this all enhances learning and mental processes, he might finally be able to win chess games again. Sorry for this being so long and clogging up the comments.


Great chapter, I was yearning for more! It ended on a great note though, can't wait to see the boss battle next week.

Jack Trowell

What's the reference or joke with The Game ? I feel like I am missing something maybe becaus English is not my first language


Great chapter! I have a feeling next chapter won’t be a boss battle but instead story time for Ameliah and strategy/gear/build completion chapter.


“The game” is an old joke, the idea is that any time you think of “the game” you have to stand up and say “i lost the game” which then ofc will prompt a bunch of other people to also says “i lost the game” hence why Rain got mock annoyed, her saying the game, meant he just lost :P

Judah Frankel

Almost certainly; odds are it’s going to be what gets Rain to Silver - and add the extra layer to his paling that’ll give him the chance to fix his soul.

Judah Frankel

Given that the air got less dense after killing hunter drones in earlier chapters, odds are that the gravity is being caused by the hive queen. Still, could be both.

Tim Johnson

I'm getting a real subnautica vibe from this area, like they've been going through the underground river and are peeking into the lava zones and the queen is a sea dragon leviathan.

Judah Frankel

I’m just wondering: given the high concentration of air but the normal-ish gas balance, would fire effects burn more fiercely down there, or less fiercely? Or do the +/- effects cancel out? Also, given how much air they’re taking in with every breath, is there much chance of any of them suffering oxygen poisoning?


I don’t think there’s more/denser air, I just don’t think it wants to move out of the way which makes it feel thicker.


So speculation time, what abilities will the boss have? The “given”: control drones and launch/spawn more. Close range lightning strike, probably for 10x hunter drone damage What else is likely? Personally I’m imagining a mothership-like boss without that many abilities but tons and tons of drones. Maybe also with buffering abilities, making the drones more dangerous.


Overmana is just regular memory, it's overstamina that increases muscle-memory most likely. So Winter for mental learning and Spring for physical learning. Children growing up with Winter will most likely develop much faster mentally and be significantly more intelligent. Child geniuses basically. Of course it's a double-edged sword because overmana might not speed up emotional development. Children take a long time to learn empathy.


Thanks for the chapter. It was short and sweet. I liked the part with the swimming, it's exactly what you'd try when faced with a liquid-like atmosphere. I'm just wondering, since Rain is completely submerged in it, is a front crawl really efficient for moving forward? I imagine that either a dolphin kick or an underwater swimstroke would be more effective and less taxing. But perhaps the density isn't actually high enough for those techniques to work. I suppose that his superhuman strength would completely change the techniques in that he could massively enhance the stroke part and then focus on gliding. With proper breathing and technique this should actually be faster and less taxing than fast walking. It's cute to see Ameliah struggling with the breathing and not knowing how to swim. Little flaws like that give her more dimension than just being competent at everything. Anyway, I'm now imagining the three swimming through the tunnels with dolphin kicks. And also what it would be like to aggro that entire cavern at once. That's the stuff of nightmares.


Nice, so the queens is a blue or not and they have blue who spawn in this lair (wich is perfect, a lair level 26 who spawn blue for training) That maybe a really good spot to get some ascension people at lv 26 And i wonder what accolade or stuff they gonna get (plz not the respecialization stuuf for mariah bitch ;P) Give a nice skill for rain And because its lair rank 26, the group who destroy it and get the accolade direct get silver lv 26 max rank So maybe if they cant stay here and recome way later (because migrate the pop in the devastated town so they gonna leave quite fast normally) they can clean the lair and take a group of people of ascension (its 6 or 7? the max for group?) after so they get a tons of new silver direct (if they clean it all and rush after to get a group travel down its possible and get suddenly 7-8 new silver is woa)


Cracking that lair would be stupid depending on whether it spawns blues and how often. Free-roaming blues are incredibly rare, they are only finding some because the biomes have been undiscovered for so long. But now that their group have killed the hababa king and will kill the fish queen, there are no more convenient blues to raise up more people. Farming the arcane lair for blues could allow them to raise up to seven people past the wall per blue spawn. That's too valuable for Ascension to piss away for some T3 accolades.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Looks like its time for some genocide

Michael Hughes

A nice short chapter. I had hoped that they would have at least gotten close enough to identify the blue. Given the level of the zone it has to be at least 26. It looks like in the next 3 weeks we will have preparation and engage, battle, and aftermath. I kind of want to wait 3 weeks and read it all at once but I know I will be right back here next week. See you all then.

Michael Hughes

Hopefully the blue will be at least 29 because I want to see what the tier 4 skill trees are and that would be a nice dump for experience to show progress along with stat adjustment. 144 tier 4 skill trees is 14440000 xp right?

Jeppe Fiig

well 14.400.000 and you betcha Rains gonna work hard to unlock it all


i just lost The Game


Short and sweet, looking forward to Ameliah wrecking the whole colony


But what would be the best way of doing that? Fighting them out in the open would be suicide. Maybe aggro them, funnel them into a side tunnel and spam piercing shots that go in a straight line through several monsters. The hive queen won't get to them and they only have to worry about being attacked from behind. Tallheart would have to make her bow stronger, so that Drilling Shots do enough damage. She won't have any time to snipe with thousands of monsters coming at her.

Kendelle Trotter

Once Rain gets past his cap I wouldn't mind reading some semi-filler chapters about what the gang has been up to so that you can build up a buffer again. Getting stats on Ameliah's bow is defo on my list of info I need to know though 👀 But yeah. Reading about the rest of the gang is fun and we haven't gotten a Vanna or Samson perspective in a while. Plus there's the new awakened like Clubbs (who we keep hearing about with ranks) that could be cool for perspective chapters too.


I wouldn't be surprised if after Rain sends the 'coming back' signal we get a few chapters from Ascension's prespective. We've already seen Rain's progress from 1 to ?9? (Whatever the cap for the newly Awakened turns out to be) so just a review of where they are now, which builds generated a class and which need to take thier safety choice.

Ruyxi Sylpheyes

Huh, i like where this book is going. It'd be fun if they built a way into the depths but they have to save the village first, unless some sorta attack by the Adamants ends up pushing them underground from the village above. Brightside is probably so popular because it's so isolated but still reliably accessible, allowing unaffiliated silver ranks to grow without getting randomly curb stomped by some passing army that either kills them for plates/your either with us or against us, or enslaved.


There simply aren't that many known entrances into the depths. Brightside is rank 20, so it would be a place for high-level bronzeplates to go in order to get past the wall.