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Order up! One chapter, fresh out of the oven!

I have two news items for you as well:

Firstly, I’ll be on vacation for the last week of July. 90% probability that this means no chapter on the following Sunday (August 1).

Secondly, an author I know is running a promotion! Free e-book through Monday, so if urban fantasy is your thing, check it out!




Thanks for the chapter!


Thanks for the chapter and the plug! I'll read and leave a good review


Thanks for the chappy and enjoy your vacation


Yay 🤪


Thanks for the chapter! Just a thing I remembered, and sorry if it is off topic, though someone might have brought this up way way earlier, but could the basic healing skills and abilities let someone repair their telomeres, extending their lifespan even if there levels and stats aren’t high enough to to that for them. Or use this to allow unawakened to live longer.


omg tomorrow they are attacking the hive. any bets on what level the queen/king will be and if it will be a blue? I'm going with 32 and yes. That way Amelia gets a little something for her efforts too, though 29 might be more reasonable considering the area is 24 where they are. However, It did say the level went higher as they go deeper, so maybe a 30-something isn't out of the question.


29 and blue is my bet.


Have a good vacation!


**Possible predictive Spoiler** Rain & Co go deeper until the ambient pressure of environmental essence© in the lower areas is sufficiently dense enough to reverse the direction of flow and start flooding into his inner space. This forces Dozer to work overtime to purify and store the additional essence that rain will need to reinforce his internal structures. Side effect of rain intaking so much essence and having it purified for him by a monster essentially infuses him with the same essence that monsters are spontaneously generated from, allowing rain level based upon his essence volume and density, and possibly turns him into a blue. Blue Rain. 💧🤔

Jeppe Fiig

Ah Rain, Multiple cores, sure if the conversion of pure essence is slow, make more purifiers :D Maybe we are going to see some proper Pure essence industrial factory getting set up next, or perhaps he has saved up enough essense to try and suture his paling back together, before it gets painted over by a third layer. At any rate super exicted for next week LOVED the chapter

Adrian Gorgey

Can we just see Rain actually using his aura to fight already? I appreciate that he's really useful to have around and that his work on builds and their math is great for the future, but honestly most of these new auras seem kinda useless. Sure, you can hone in on the specific damage that will be most effective, like Light on Darkness or something, but bc we've never really seen a situation where that was that important, it just doesn't feel like something that couldn't be done almost as well with the heat and cold damage he has. And some auras he just doesn't use to their full potential at all, like the one that speeds him up. Maybe it'll be better when he can do more that one at any moment


He will only be able to use his aura to full effect when he gets the anti mage burn skill. Until then he will kill himself too.


My completely unfounded WAG is lvl33 and yeah it'll be blue. I would think any 'big' bosses in the special areas like the one they're in should be blues most of the time.


You mean healing yourself every day to fix the damage as it accumulates? I doubt it's that easy, or every silverplate would be immortal. There's some speculation that higher healing can de-age the body and that high synchronized recovery, combined with high health regeneration, can slow it to a crawl. A goldplate legendary Vivificant might be immortal.


Thanks for the chapter. I'm glad to see Ameliah is finally getting some bonus stat love. And the damage calculation spreadsheet to show her potential damage was neat. Don't think I haven't noticed how you increased the Sniping Shot base multiplier and added focus scaling to Prismatic Arrow. That makes silverplate spell archers a lot more powerful. Since you did most of the math for us, I calculated her max damage with full skill ranks and full bonus stats. 7.7M, of which about 5.9M are physical and 1.8M magical. Yep, that's a legendary class with legendary equipment. No wonder Lilly could solo blues up to level 37. Her damage would have been even higher. Rain's silver damage numbers will be impressive, but not anywhere near that.

ricky jackson

damn and I thought her current damage was o.d, it's a good thing there is a damage limit on the surface. got any guess on what Halgraves damage output was like? what is rain's silver damage like?

ricky jackson

its ashame tht they couldn't bring anybody else to take advantage of the next blue, but anybody else they bring might not even be able to cause a point of damage anyway especially Jamus


Monsters of a given type always have the same level, but what about blues? We have never seen a blue and normal monster with the same name in order to check.


Musk Wolves in the badlands are level 5 (Ch.101: Fireside), while the one that hunted Rain was level 18.


Sigh, another week of 90% spreadsheets.

Michael Hughes

more like 33% but I get your point. I am fine with the chapter ending here today because it seems like the next chapter will be all soul stuff and I like the separation.

Michael Hughes

I just have to say "That's a lot of damage". Good chapter. Excited to resolve the soul stuff next chapter so that the team can start hunting the queen blue. I hope it is over level 30 because I want Rain to get to tier 4. See you next week.


Rain can build simple machines in his core. Can he build computers? With how obsessed he is about computers, he might remember the designs for a simplified calculator. Then he could offload his spreadsheet calculations to the Soul Calculator. Would using soul machines tax his brainpower, or is the soul completely separate from his brain? I have a feeling it’s the latter, and that Majistraal tech is basically just Soul Computers.


Next chapter should be pretty fun. Hopefully they stocked up on limit of grand Arcane Atamtum hand grenades so Rain/Tallheart can put out some decent burst/AOE DPS without using mana/stamina. Limit of iron did 5k damage so gold and the deepened metals should be a fair bit higher than that.


If we can trick rocks into thinking I think he can trick his soul into thinking too


Rain had better evil cackle one he figures out some shortcut or exploit with that, such as making transistors infinitely small or use light or pretend to use quantum entangled information to make the commuters have theoretically infinite processing power. Cause he OP plz nerf after that.


These jellyfish are actually a good candidate for an experiment I've been thinking of. Since they have a similar body type to slimes, Rain might be able to purify them. What happens if you kill a purified monster? Does it respawn as the non-aggresive to humans(Neutral) type? Or does it regress to the evil element-alligned version?

Judah Frankel

Something just occurred to me: does Tallheart have a way to scan for the deepened version of aluminum? We know he sussed out the aluminum filtration rune, but can he use that to find Mythril or whatever deepened aluminum is called?


He does not. The inability to find materials is probably the biggest weakness of his class, and of crafters in general. Hopefully they have the presence of mind to bring back a bunch of deepened wood/gemstones from the Ashen Jungle and deepened metals from the Sparkscale Deep so the crafters back on the surface can have some fun.


According to Ameliah they were a slime variant. Turning them into crystal jelly could have worked. Most likely they would have lost their lightning attacks and gained some directed purification magic instead. The area would have continued to spawn arcane jellies though, just like Fel Sadanis continued to spawn chemical slimes.

ricky jackson

anybody got any other story suggestions,? I'm running low on interesting reads


Wanderin inn, azarinth healer, the iron teeth, Mother of learning, tallrock, magic blacksmithing, wake of the ravager...

Jeppe Fiig

If you havent read Mother of Learning you are in for a real treat


nearly jinxed it