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I return.

Fresh chapter for you here, and I’ve got most of the next one written to give myself a bit of breathing room. 👍

Thanks to those who left kind comments, and, as always, for all the amazing support.

I hope you enjoy.




welcome back, hope you had a nice break!!


Idk about that archery stuff. I personally would draw from the hip quiver and store on the back. You need a LOT of room to draw things off your back compared to by the hip. And the act of drawing from the back also leaves you defenceless from a lot of angles of attack.




I hope we get actual details on how radiance and shroud act, rather than just the skill blurb.


Also one of the skill level-ups is missing a 1. It just shows 0 > (+1)


I'm wondering why he hasn't unlocked the last tier 3 skill tree? Is it a hidden tree? We see 144 for tier 1 and 2 but then there's one tree not unlocked?


His exp has been going to leveling. Now that he's capped again he'll probably get it done soon.


I was really looking forward to that but ohh well. Guess we will have to wait for the next chapter


Thanks for the chapter


Good stuff.


If the Bastion provides all the 'rules' of the soul, how would the Airship navigate the chaos? What data could be gleaned from trying to find the edge of the soul-domain? It seems like from inside the soul, it could be experienced as a klein-bottle: there *is* a boundary, just not reachable by travelling along it. Oh god. What if Rain is able to make a Von Neumann essence converter? Broken AF


Im curious if you can somewhat "cheat" with supression You use supression on allie who train and the mana cost increase count as same mana as mana used on the skill so aka exp on the skill, so for slow and low mana cost skill its totally op for upgrade their level and get xp Think its a "loophole" usable and its gonna greatly help ascension level up and training later (not 5 years for just level up slow skill like the world) Now they have infinite mana op regen and boost of cost mana usage on skill so more xp too If it work and you compare to what we have learned of other in this world and what is normal, its fucking damm op, this double "cheat", (infiny regen + increase cost so more xp and massive gain of time on low mana skill level up) that multiply the speed they gonna have to the level up and training


I really missed this last week. Thanks for the chapter!


well... OP if you happen to have a 'categorically insane to take this' monolith class


suppression will definitely be abused to increase training efficiency.


Could you insta soulstrain someone with supression?


Should make boss fights much easier if not outright a snap. That monkey king fight would've been way easier if it could hardly use any magic at all.


Maybe. His Suppression would have to cause them to spend all or nearly all of their mana with 1 spell. Whether or not that happens depends on his level of Supression + his aura enhancement skills as well as how much mana his opponent would have. I get the impression that in story most people have way more focus than clarity as a stat and pump other stats like vitality and such. Which means that generally they don't have much mana to begin with. I think he'll only have issues with Supression on opponents with tens of thousands of mana + can move out of his range and attack from far. Everyone else below Gold Rank will get soul strained due to lack of mana with 1-3 spells once he maxes it + uses all his aura enhancement skills. The real great thing about it IMO is that its so cheap to use that even boosted he can use it for quite a while instead of just seconds like his other skills.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Changed that section slightly to make Tallheart's statement less prescriptive, allowing for personal preference.


this guy will fry his brain if he doesn't takes better care of his soulstrain :p

Michael Hughes

Now he just needs to level up those skills and finally purchase that last tier 3 skill tree. If he can do that, improve his tolerance and synchronization, and improve his essence purification then he will be all set for his class up. I hope he gets something 30 plus so that he can buy tier 4 skill trees. Learning and thinking about new skills and builds is the best part for me with the slice of life character interaction coming in at a close second. Great chapter and see you next week.


Ameliah's new bow has 160kg draw weight, meaning 1000 base damage. Strong Draw turns that into 320kg and 2000 dmg. Sharpened Arrowheads for 4000. Using just Drilling Shot with that makes it 15,600 dmg. Sniper Shot for 34,800. Combining both with Stacked Shot does 135,720. As for Fire Arrow, base damage is 142, add to that 400 from the arrowhead doubled by Empowered Mainhand, gives her a base damage of 942. Arrow Affinity doubles that, Prismatic Arrow doubles it again, as do Fire Affinity and Heat Mastery for a final 16x multiplier. That comes out to 15,072 dmg per Fire Arrow. So using Drilling Seeker Shots with Fire Arrows would do 30,672 damage, about 50% force and heat. The cost would be 30 stamina and 60 mana. 30k DPS is decent, but I imagine resistances would shave off quite a bit and the explosions would ruin the arrow so it can't turn around and hit again with Piercing Shot. Is there really no Ranged Weapon tree? There is one for Melee Weapons after all.


The airship would probably be able to navigate the chaos because Rain thinks it should be able to. As for why to go there, I guess he wants to inspect the crack in the paling.


Does anyone know how Rain increased his speed tolerance? I thought accolades only affected synchronization and that he had no way to boost speed without accolades? What am I missing?


He has two speed accolades giving +1 each. He can now tolerate both of them which should get rid of the weird perception lag. Using the accolades will also increase his synchro.


By the way, according to some quick calculations, if Rain could time his wards with Aura Focus, he could use it within a 10m radius to absorb either 48% dmg at 10 dmg/mp or 96% dmg at 5 dmg/mp. This might come in handy for the upcoming arcane biome.


Only a third spreadsheet.

Froyo Baggins

Back quivers are relatively slow. Forces of elite archers such as Persian forces would keep arrows closer to their hips and hold multiple in their draw hand for improved rate of fire in combat situations. In England and Wales for longbows, arrows would be placed in front of the archer for a battle again, for rate of fire. Back quivers are for hunting, storage, and emergency use as they really cut down on fir rate for combat.

Ole Halvorsen

"Anything that multiplies elemental damage here also multiplies any elemental damage enchanted on the arrow." ahh Totally forgot that that makes elemental auras a lot lot better, that is also without any items that boost focus. If she gets one ring that double her stats from rings totally possible, and she has empowered rings, it means 3x boost from focus multiplier increasing the dmg the Fire Arrow does to 262, if he also manages to pick up arrow synergy that will add 1,6 times multiplier. So if he finds a skillpoint to put in it she could get 33,894dmg, the only problem as I see it that we could reach a point there the skill is to strong for the added dmg, that the arrow skills basically incinerate the arrowhead.


I'm glad not everyone felt the way I did about last chapter. That is, it not being my cup of tea and assuming RR is gonna backlash, but others enjoying it. But this chapter very much felt higher quality and more enjoyable. Not sure if taking the break impacted that or not, but I definitely liked it. The banter, the system stuff, all that jazz felt right. More, please. Though, side note, the tables of him going over Ameliah's skills were a bit odd. I think it might just be the formatting or I'm just not getting it. I understand that a "1" under "Keeper?" is tallying that skill for the final 25 count after and also signifying yes. But certain groupings are brighter than the others, such as 19-24 all being brighter text, as well as 35-46.


There's also the fact that he got to 32 skill points without any intrinsic skill. At least Intrinsic Strength/Endurance and Mute are absolutely necessary in my opinion. She's gonna have to free up some points for those.


I would love to see Rain look deeper into how Dozer purifies the essence so he can figure out how to automate it


Feels like Chanting could be swapped out with something else since it would only apply to Healing Word.


I gotta say I like this kinda pacing more. apart from fights/ interactions, just show us major excursions (like when they will go to the arcane caves) and one every few days if not.


Same for message. If they stick together, they won't need it. She still needs some intrinsic skills and Mute anyway.

Ole Halvorsen

well will be interesting to see if he even can use his Arcane ward at 100%. If it works like Force ward targeting anything about lvl 75% might make the ward very very inefficient. but yeah being able to absorb 80 000 dmg would be great, plus not to speak of the effects arcane abilities can have on the mind and other shitty debuffs etc it can deal and help mitigate.


i wanna see his skills in actions!


I agree. Kind of want to see him using his skills. I really enjoy The descriptions of how they appear and their affects on monsters rather than a summary.