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Eyy, we got to see how Radiance works. Neato. Also frick, Rain's back to square one.


good chap

Mike G.

That last line, very nice!


“What is happening,” Tallheart said mildly. “Describe it to me.” Hahahahaha yes. And then you follow that up with Rain's soul and Tallheart's last line of the chapter? My emotions are going to get whiplash.


Thanks for the chapter. I hope something comes of these soul shenanigans.


Great chapter! Thanks. Can't wait to see what kind of "stats" Ameliahs Bow and armor have. For some reason that chapter felt rather short though. Probably because it was just thoroughly enjoyable.


I wonder if the constant breaking and fixing is good for Rain's soul, like building muscle. It could be that the breaks and healing need to be guided by Rain and not the system to be beneficial. My money is on him fixing his paling before he starts leveling again.


Why are there so many dreams in these chapters? They do nothing to further the story and they're becoming more and more frequent


Nice chapter

K Hilliard

Thanks for the CLIFF!!


I sure hope after they get out of the dungeon caves that the whole Soul Rip/Corruption issues get totally resolved....




I would put money it's more like bones, the more you break it the easier it is the next time.


Great chapter, love some insight on Tallheart


Yeah, this chapter went pretty deep. With Tallheart worrying over Ameliah being able to kill him. I'm really curious about Ameliah's healing issue now. Did she learn higher healing and mess up? Did she force healing on someone? Or was she healed herself?


So Supression has to overcome arcane resistance. Ameliah's skill wouldn't activate and she had to force more mana into it. Also soul conflict? He did turn a 5 mana skill into a 130 mana skill. It does imply that Suppression increases base cost and gets multiplied by metamagic. Or perhaps that's what the soul conflict determines, whether it works in favour of the attacker or the defender. Regardless, it's interesting that the target can't just cast normally only to notice their cost increasing, but instead actively has to push through it. By the way, I remember the watch activating Suppression wards before their ambush against Velika. I guess they do find some auras useful afterall, or at least their enchanters do. The reason they don't offer their members aura mage builds is probably because they don't want them to have the power to wipe out a city at silver.


Great chapter like always


bromance is real.That last line though. oof. I felt that


technically this one was a subconscious effort to tell himself that his soul was on the edge. It was almost foreshadowing the events at the end of the chapter.


Maybe this is a sign that he should stop trying to fix his soul, if the damage is so inevitable. The inner workings of the soul are still a total mystery, it could be that this damage is actually good for him in ways he doesn't recognize yet.

L Pedersen

I liked this chapter. Though I hope he isn't just going back to square one with his soul issues. Hopefully this will allow him deeper insights into what is actually going on and allow him if not to fix it entirely but to at least make a better patch than before.

Ole Halvorsen

I think the reason the target could not cast normally might be that rain was unsure how it would work and he might try to suppress her ability to cast. Much like you can use purify to cleanse alcohol from the blood. I'm a bit surprised at how it worked though seems like it totally tried to lock the ability to cast spells. Regarding how suppression work I still think it should be added on top after metamagic, that at least is what makes most sense to me when you can see how powerful suppression will be at a later state, I also wonder if it would be easier to activate a skill that cost 1000 mana with a 135 suppression on top than a skill that cost 5 mana. I mean one represent a 13,5% increase in cost the other 27x amp. Anyway we did not get much information to know how suppression work other than your soul strength also gets factor into the calculation

Ole Halvorsen

I don't think he is going to lose his progress on his bastion. I think we might get a soulspace chapter nesæxt where he looks over the damage/changes and maybe tries to use his boat to travle to his paling to physically look at the dmg.


AGAIN into Rain’s soul....


hopefully he will fix his palling next chapter :p

Conor McGroarty

I wonder if busting open his paling all the way would cause MC to die or something else to happen. Based on the story, I doubt it would result in no-effort-OPness without repercussions like death. Probably for the best to try and fix it perfectly first before trying to experiment with holes in it (might need a hole when trying to help dozer get a physical form). I wonder if Rain will conclude that trying to close up the rip in the paling will potentially speed up the current collection of soul stuff as the “soul chaos/currents” should smooth out somewhat as it is self contained again instead of poking out. In any case, guess suppression essentially adds weights to mana use thus requiring more effort to break the threshold necessary to use the skill. Perhaps that mental aura (causes damage to mana instead of health) does something a bit different (it is a different skill) to shave off mana directly without needing for the person to use a mana skill. I wonder if all mental skills focus on doing mana damage and such? Will this mean the Rain has the potential to be “scary-platinum-Watch-Warden-grandma’s” biggest adversary as his mana regeneration at the realm of platinum would be insane? It isn’t impossible for Rain to end up facing her and she wants to keep the status quo and Rain wants to bust it wide open (Rain’s methods would definitely have the potential to get the world on track to reaching the same level as the civilization that destroyed themselves with a civil war which she certainly wouldn’t be happy about considering the Watch’s stance on keeping certain info to itself). But that wouldn’t be anytime soon. In any case, I wonder if the person who screwed over Ameliah (a healer it seems, and maybe her ex) found a way to weaponize heals? Cervidian women seem to be more prone to being flat chested or at most modest chests, though Ameliah seems to be buxom. I don’t think the bastion will be completely ruined if though more damage isn’t impossible. The rip in his paling should have expanded though. I wonder if Watch granny and other people spend exp on unlocking skill trees when reaching cap? After all, it seems doing it strengthens the soul assuming you space it out so it doesn’t rip?

Conor McGroarty

Also, before I forget, Rain has never told anyone his full name correct? Richmond Rain Stroudwater does sound like a D&D character name. Maybe he will get to it after getting out of the depths and Ameliah talks about her baggage. Rain will preferably need to have a cap of at least 30 before he leaves the depths as he needs to get the seasonal auras (25 is an offensive aura, 26 prismatic aura, 27 ethereal aura, 28/29/30 seasonal auras spring/summer/fall) for their great uses and to help with evacuations. Those auras are worth getting considering they can maintain an army all on their own.


Mental Blast in Psionics does mental damage to health. And Vatreece can do a lot more than drain your mana pool, just ask Lavarro lol.


Looks like domain interference is back on the menu boys! And with Rain domain of the soul being exponentially more powerful/defined than it was after the fight with Hegar, it should be even easier to use.

Michael Hughes

So we know she has difficulty letting go of purify because that is a skill that would have saved her father but this is the first I remember her having a problem with healers. The only thing I remember along that line is that she saw Rain naked when she did the health scan. I guess this means that her ex is Redo of Healer and Rain will have to kill him in the future. I want him to fix his soul completely next chapter. I am tired of this being a thing. Great work otherwise. See you next week.


I think I can honestly say Tallheart is my favourite character. Rain is great and all and Amelia is best girl, but damn if I wouldn't cop entire chapters of just Tallheart

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


One more thing regarding her Fire Arrows. I just reread the chapter where they fought against the razorspine with officer Wilson. He was a spellarcher and at one point he shot three fire arrows at once. If Ameliah could replicate that, she could boost the fire damage to 45k. Not sure how that works with Sharpshooting skills though.

Shiro Fuun

I feel like suppression is like a wall and the modifiers make the wall taller. The issue is how strong is the wall in general, aka the soul.


th <3


… again?! Maybe he can find the edge and fix it himself this time. I feel like he is just cramming his soul full of too much experience, and it is bursting his paling, but there has to be a way around that…