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Caution, chapter contains: ⟬MATH⟭

Also, an announcement. Apologies, but there will be no chapter next Sunday (the 9th). There was a lot of background work that needed to happen for C153, and I think I sprained something trying to get it done in time. For my sanity and to give myself a chance to do some long-overdue cleanup on my notes, I’m delaying the next release. Thanks in advance for your understanding.


Valter Anunciação

And you just announced this on the 2nd after people already paid for the month by pure coincidence. Asshole scammer move.


Second person to vote... I saw that fat-finger! 😂 For a moment I was mad someone gave it a thumbs down within the first five seconds.

Kendelle Trotter

That's one chapter less in the month. There are 4 weeks in a month. I don't think it's scammer like at all.


boated -> boasted


Very nice Chapter and enjoy you little break/off time :) "Split arrows deal [50%/RNK] of the original’s damage" So if the rank gets higher it deals less damage?


This chapter just had me bored. My eyes glazed over at some point. Woohoo, he did math and talked to himself a lot. There are a bunch of bluescreens with info that I will never look at again. As far as I can tell zero progression storywise.

The 49th Khan

What exactly was the point of this chapter? To go into system mechanics? He has been doing that for months now! The best I can say is that he spent a whole chapter giving an example of how modifiers work. An entire chapter explaining what we already somewhat knew and could have been mentioned in passing and had the same effect.

Michael Hughes

I mean this is a chapter that is just skill trees. True to the title. Now I am just thinking of the magic archer in dragon's dogma. I think lunch after lightning (hidden skill) is a mistake. See you in two weeks. Many of my authors are also taking breaks this month.


The lunch thing is either a typo or really good writing... I saw it and went I bet amelia was convincing him to eat lunch while in the middle of him taking notes and it just got added in since its all in his head anyway. Also the number instead of bullet point thing got a good laugh out of me... but it has interesting implications since, again, all the note taking stuff is all in his head.

Newguy Roy

This feels like a "middle of the book info" section. Always fun to have, but not really part of the story. I still enjoyed reading it.


This is definitely a chapter that exists for the sake of theorycrafters and world consistency. Not my favorite chapter but nice to have. Enjoy your break, Soul!


initially i was disappointed there wasn't more story to it, but really, the fact that skills and such are actually based in a mathematical system, that can be understood by the readers too, is a large part of the charm and this chapters sets up our understanding of what Amelia is doing going forward, so in the end im alright with it :3 enjoy your break! :)


If I wanted to look at physics formulas then I would read a textbook. I think SS is going into the weeds a bit on the amount math and numbers that is being explained. You can explain that Rain is doing math without telling exactly how (putting force formulas in a chapter??). I think it is pretty funny that less than a week has gone by, according to rain, but we've had ~12 chapters. This pacing is starting to get to me when it takes 2 weeks to explain one day of Rain's life.


Potential Typo - Subelemental Affinities - Lunch affinity. Lunch is a subelement?

Forrest Minter

I don't mind chapters including math, but this whole chapter is nothing but math :(


The twelve chapters isn’t that strange considering the number of significant events they encounter... first time in a biome, first encounter with higher level reapers, the blue fight, forming a soul core, level up from soul perspective, dozer reincarnation, synchronization body transformation and this chapter full skill trees and basic bow mechanics for Ameliah. Pretty much all of these events have some readers complaining that this particular event is boring and not worth the chapter. But it’s different people complaining about different events, and in the end it’s the authors choice of what to include.


I'm all for the numbers and system info. But it feels like this chapter kind of got away from you and got lost in the weeds. Most of this can be summed up as, "Rain spent most of his day figuring out how to help Ameliah pick her upcoming build in excessive detail." With a few interesting facts sprinkled in. And terrible implications with the healing skill mention. But we don't need to know the exact description and formula of every skill involved in every single one of those trees. It can be glossed over in broad strokes and we don't miss anything from it. This is mostly a problem with pacing and telling instead of showing. Instead of hitting a big pause button for a bunch of exposition and system info we don't need, you could have instead focused on them talking about their plans or trying new things. Showing us Ameliah trying out a few of these new skills and how they felt/worked instead of telling us about every single possible one would have been much faster and more enjoyable. Last chapter you had snippets of Ameliah demonstrating her class use, skill use, and debating them in a manner that was much more "showing" instead of "telling" and it worked much better.


This is exactly what I think too. Agree completely.


Rain, don’t die !


Splintering shot is division. You'd probably never want it to level. 50%/1 = 50%. Rank 10 has arrows go down to 5%


Slingshot + Rockbomb + multi-shot = millions of damage.


The powerful elements of Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning and Lunch


#typo #bugreport #fixit " Tallheart had made boated draw weights" should be BOASTED?


#typo #bugreport #fixit "Adds [RK*END/10] resistance" should be RNK


This wasn't the chapter I was hoping for, but it was a chapter I really enjoyed. My favorite chapters are the drama ones, and the technical ones. Great stuff! See you in two weeks time!

Ole Halvorsen

I really liked this chapter, it give us a bunch of information into the system, the physical stats, dmg calculations etc. This skill threes is important for Ameliahs build, it also makes little sense for Ameliah to not ask Rain for help and I think it was important for Sene to really nail Ameliahs build since she is a very important character. Also we are now able to give feedback come up with most optimal skillbuild which could help him, not to mentioned that the equipment skill tree and heavy armor might be interesting for Rain depending on his class bonus at silver.


It doesn't change damage as it ranks up. 2 arrows at 0.5 = 1 4 arrows at 0.25 = 1 20 arrows at 0.05 = 1 The scaling is about increasing the AOE, not damage. That's why there's no cost for using the skill.


It doesn't change damage as it ranks up. 2 arrows at 0.5 = 1 4 arrows at 0.25 = 1 20 arrows at 0.05 = 1 The scaling is about increasing the AOE, not damage. That's why there's no cost for using the skill.

Julien Fellegara

200 stamina to fire an arrow is realy too much. We don't speak about a caster. You could run 20 km with this stamina. It realy doesn't make sens.

Julien Fellegara

And please. 12 chapters could be resumed by: they went and see a bunch of monkey, kill the king and ding-ding he can up 24. Too much soul mending, too much math when we don't need it, on top of that the Ameliah build is just a temporary build. Your writting is slow, the pace is slow, and the usefull chapters are sparce. The last three months were about there first week! 😭😭😭😭 3 month.. you will keep us a year like this? 🤪🤪🤪


Many people complaining about math and too much details. I would say this is exactly what is great about this story. There is so much detail in the system that we could theory craft 100 chapters ago how much damage rain will be able to do when he levels up (disregarding his class). There is no bullshit power up or ass-pullery. It's WYSIWYG litrpg. And yes this chapter wasn't high tension action and number wanking, but it's necessary to make this fiction what is. Additionally this gives us insights not only in Amelia's but also Carten's and many other guys builds. I hope one day rain transcends high school maths and goes fully down the rabbit hole and encounters problems not solvable by modern math. (Not that I would understand that) Also Equipment Mastery gives [Rank/20]% reduced strain? That would be 0.5% less strain at rank 10. I guess there should be *100%


Love the Skill trees and hope the negativity from some people doesn't stop you from dropping more in the Future.(will be Pissed if all the bitching discourages you from doing it again,after all you put a lot of work into it.)


I agree that a math dump on us was a bit too big and the pacing is slow, but i must say i missed an abundance of blue boxes. I enjoyed the the chapter, but at the same time I felt like nothing happened. Have a nice rest, SS! Btw, how did Ameliah even reach lvl 31 with such build strategies? her build is a mess.

Julien Fellegara

Before wanting to do theory craft.. learn your math.😘 At level 10, strain * 0.5%. At level 18, strain *0.1% And if you can reach 20+, you don't strain your stuff. So we will have ten chapter to patch this when he will remember about the gold guys. The more math stuff he add, the more illogical stuff we found, the more new rules he add to give us to patch it, giving us more mistake to find. In the end, a bowman lvl 5 can shot a stick that hit 4 digit dommage. It's stupid. That doesnt make any sens. The entire tree that enhance stuff is bullshit too with the soulstrain. ( With only a ring he is already capped. Why would you invest in this? More, in a real life situation, who would bet his life that he will have a great particulary item in the near futur... )


Doesn't a draw length of 63 cms seem awfully low?


This chapter was terrible. At page 22 of 45 I just started paging forward, hoping for content that mattered before the chapter ended. I was denied. When I read Tolkien, I'm reading the LotR, not the Silmarillion. To put it another way, the appendix isn't the highlight of my reading experience. I look forward to my weekly dose of Rain on a Sunday morning, but not when it's this. Warning us about the math seems gratuitous to anybody who's been following you. Warn us when there's going to be story progression which isn't glacial so that the elderly among us don't have a stroke at the shock.


Would you read a story that progressed like this: they went and see a bunch of monkey, kill the king and ding-ding he can up 24. No, you wouldn’t. That would be dogshit. It also would not capture what we have learned with the chapters.

Håkan Friberg

Not to rain on this chapter but the arrow has all to do with the damage. The amount of energy loss in a bow/crossbow determines how much force it will propell an arrow. Putting a modern arrow in an crossbow with ridiculous pull doesn't mean it will have the same penetration as the much heavier medieval arrow.

Håkan Friberg

Anyhow, with that said. I like the story as is. The pace could of course be higher but that could be said with whatever story. A pure math chapter where you show every calcus used compared to "and so he did math" though? Yeah you might loose the attention span of even those that done their math :)


Indeed. The damage to joules conversion rate was particularly enlightening. We really didn't need to know that, at 67k damage, Ameliah is shooting arrows containing about 20% more force than military grade anti-tank rifles in order to enjoy the story; but now we do. Hopefully Rain stays the only character cursed with this knowledge since giving randos the power of a silver plate seems like a bad idea.


Just a tiny little note for the distant future; with Mariah figuring out the skills for True Cold Mage(Cold skills being the precursor to Dark skills), and Val knowing the skills for True Light Mage(Light being the opposite of Dark), we should be able to triangulate the skill coordinates for True Darkness Mage. With all the info/lore surrounding the Dark element, it seems like such a person would be near impossible to track down, and might be a good trump card against people attempting to spy on Ascension.


I sometimes wonder if it woudnt be better if this story had a - lets say wiki - where SS could outsource his tables. The fact that we are reading a story that has complete chapters made out of tables is... not that great imho. I do like world building, i like the math behind it. What i dont like is when there is no story progression over multiple chapters just to read pages filled with 'info dump'.

Ole Halvorsen

that makes little sense to me, maybe we can get a better idea of potential skills but you cant triangulate anything i feel.


I rather hope that the criticism DOES discourage future chapter-length info dumps. Appendices are boring, and chapters should, imho, occasionally contain some plot.


There was speculation that she was carried to silver in Brightside as a Purify dispenser. She has also mentioned her mysterious skill accolade thief on multiple occasion and how he gave her some serious trust issues. Perhaps she was part of a delving team, got to silver, then got fucked over and left.


We got four new skill trees, so let's start theorycrafting! First things first, Ameliah needs bonus stats. Either her Grand Arcane Valis weapon core has a malleable bonus stat enchantment, or TH ight have some Valis left over to make Arcane Valis rings for her. Her equipment use passives would double any bonus stats she gets, which is great since her limit is 3100. As for heavy armor skills, Regenerative Plate immediately jumped out at me. Not only does that skill have delicious implications for a possible Vivificant defender build, but it also means that once Rain is at silver and has Summer he can basically repair her armor in record time for the small price of her feeling like she's being burned alive. Now with that out of the way, let's crunch the numbers for the elemental arrows. Sharpshooting is pretty straightforward, but the elemental damage is basically tagged on and at first glance it seems rather small. Ice Arrow does 146 dmg on average. Multiplied by 3 for arrow synergy makes that 438 and prismatic arrow doubles that to 876. Adding stone arrow will add that number to the physical dmg from Sharpshooting which is meh, but at least it won't have to overcome an additional resistance. Now, Ice Affinity would double the damage of Ice Arrow to 1752 and Cold Mastery should further double that to 3504. Still seems lackluster considering the skill point investment. Am I missing something? Overcharge and Chanting won't work and Ice Synergy would be useless without enough Ice spells. Maybe using Elemental Refinement to create cold mana could boost the damage?


Thank you for the chapter Enjoy your break


At rank 10, this makes any arrow do 7 times more damage if left alone for the 10 minute duration. I'd say that one level's worth of stamina is worth that.


They should definitely test whether or not Concussive Blows and Mana Striking work for ranged attacks. Unless I'm missing something and Elemental Arrows are actually stronger, it might be better to skip them and go for physical passives, blood magic enhancements and magical boosts instead.


I think the appeal of this novel is the ability to be able to join in on rains min maxing, the anticipation that rains build is going to be busted af because of his knowledge of mathematics, in turn making it easy for the reader to plan ahead of the story coming up with ridiculous "what ifs", the author deserves a round of applause for their consistency in making sure the system is top notch. Only problem i have is pacing (what a surprise) and it's been heavily outweighing the pros. The big payoffs have been lackluster, because of the slow buildups and unnecessary filler information. Overall, I think a huge amount of effort, is put into the system and is very impressive but the story fails heavily in it's place.. maybe have the patreon, min maxer enthusiasts influence rains decisions, might save a few hours of brain hurt for the author


Thanks for the chapter, love the theorycrafting aspects!


I don’t understand how so many people read 150+ chapters of a slow paced story—which has been slow paced from the very start— and still complain that the story is too slow. Being slow paced is not a bad thing in of itself, It’s actually one of the things I like the most about Delve. If you don’t like slow paced stories then why on earth have you read 150+ chapters of one only to bitch about it?


An 80kg bow would be pretty useless for Amelia, like using a toy. She might just overdraw and break/warp it, provided the "string" doesn't just snap. And you don't even need it to be metal at that weight, you can just use wood. The heaviest bow used in modern times is 90kg (200lbs) and that's wood, and not by anybody with super-human strength. And that's not the heaviest wooden bow available - you can buy 240lb bows. I get they have a smith right there, not a bowyer, it just seems like a waste to make something out of metal that doesn't outperform wood.


You also use wood for the same reason as in spear shafts afak - the vibrations in a pure metal bow would kick it from your hand or hurt you if you are not careful. Best would be a compound bow i guess but with a smith, not bowyer, and no suitable high tier wood/ monster parts...


Easiest way to break the system would be to get Laverro's Unstoppable Force skill and cast it on Light arrows, creating an attack with both infinite damage and infinite speed.


Unstoppable Force turns Lavarro herself into the projectile. You could however cast Velocity on a charging force mage.


I just went through the skill trees again and there are four skills containing the word 'deep' in the name. Deep Durability, Deep Hardness and Deep Sharpness in Equipment User and Deep Plate in Heavy Armor. Snowlilly started out as an Equipment Use Warrior and later became a Wielder of Deep Vengeance. Do these skills perhaps have something to do with her silver class upgrade?


If her class name was "True Wielder of Deep Vengence", I would have said yes and also acknowledged that as a great world-building moment. As things stand, I can only offer a tentative 'maybe'.


I specifically started reading this series for the math. The author literally tells us that this series is math heavy. I don't get why people are mad at a math heavy chapter.


Just out of idle curiosity, would you happen to know any other story where math is a central theme?


Oh wait I forgot no chapter this week


I really hope that Ameliah already has some Equipment Use skills leveled up. I'm not sure if Tallheart can enchant overwear, underwear or create charms for that matter. Leveling those skills would also likely take forever. But Equipment Mastery is just too good to pass up. Also, Rain couldn't find Light Mastery, but would Luminous Concentration and Last light work with Radiant Arrow? Having hitscan arrows might be neat.


After taking another look at the Sharpshooting tree and Rain's tests in this chapter, I have to say that it's too overpowered. Especially compared to the puny damage of Elemental Arrows, I can only pity that poor spell archer from the watch. Maybe they aren't allowed real archer builds so as to keep them weak? A lot of other weapon trees seem to consist of katas and direct damage abilities, yet Sharpshooting has only multiplier abilities? It allows a level 5 Sharpshooting Warrior to snipe for 12k damage with an enchanted 80kg bow. That seems extreme, why isn't the guild full of archers? How can other weapon classes even compete? And Rain thought about an unawakened using a more reasonable wooden bow with 30kg draw weight? SenescentSoul, you do realize that unawakened men can train themselves to fully draw 90kg longbows made out of wood, right? I get the feeling that you escalate the power levels sometimes to power up Ameliah and end up making everyone else overpowered in the process. I'm curious what math Rain could possibly come up with next chapter to justify putting points into Elemental Arrows. If her new adamant bow has at least 400kg draw weight, then the 3k elemental damage will be negligible and certainly not worth the investment of 7+ skill points.


Arrows are the limiting factor. Lack of craftsmen/woodsmiths/metalsmiths once again artificially bottlenecks progress. Low level dudes would be forced to use weak shit like wood/bone/iron/steel, which would only afford them a limited amount of shots before the ammo explodes and can't be duplicated. Ameliah got some sweet enchanted adamantium arrows, so she can go balls to the walls on the damage.


Okay. Wow. So prismatic arrow allows ALL arrow skills to be combined? Prismatic intent only allows for 2 auras. Is it that auras are just more powerful than arrows, given item strain and their AOE nature? Empowered underwear: got a chuckle. That skill for item strain: so with luck/skilled crafting, this can completely negate all issues mentioned at the beginning of the chapter. Must be another part of why crafters get snapped up by the rich and powerful. Subelemental affinity lunch. The power to make the most delicious arrows. JK hungry much, Rain? Oatmeal a soup? I guess he has to know.