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Those are some quick dislikes lol Chapter has been out for 2 minutes


Amelia's "skill well" is only two feet deep?


It's only briefly Amelia's POV, but haters gotta hate.


thx for the chapter !


It is clear Dozer got smarter due to Rain's influence when he was alive. Will Dozer continue to get smarter while he is in Rain's soul? Or is Dozer going to basically remain the same barring special circumstances.


I'd really love to see a pay off to the soul stuff soon


Thanks for the consistent posting! Can’t wait to see them progress into the Arcane world.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Well first of all, there must be some advantages when you level up with completely purified experience(defragmented soul), Second, we heve seen hint that Rains Buff tolerance rose thanks to purified experience(defragmented soul) And I would expect perhaps some Expansion to Silver Class options if Dozer were to completely defragment Rain's soul before lvl 25.


We finally have real progression again! Kinda cool that metal can be compressed with itself to become a whole new metal.


Must be just new stable atom arrangement. There is like 20 types of Ice.

Michael Hughes

Excellent progress all around. Rain and Dozer working on the soul. Rain and Amelia working on skills and builds. Tallhart working on equipment. This is the stuff that shows progress beyond level indicators. The difference between experience and "Experience". Great chapter see you all next week.


I really enjoyed the chapter, thanks. I am actually surprised that ameliah chose to focus on leveling her skills and not her tolerances, though the second one would take longer and allow her to level her skills faster. I thought getting her a ring or something would have been the top priority.


I really need more of this novel.


Her armor is extra heavy and she has to work, also she is burning through mama through spring. I would say she is training her synchrony.


I had a ", nevermind how" in there, but cut it out when editing because it was making me think of "go go gadget" arms. Might put it back. It's supposed to be...dreamlike, I guess.


Same I wish we got more than a chapter a week tbh

L Pedersen

Woooo! Time passes, me like!

Michael Hughes

Rain does not want to level too quickly and will probably not pick a new skill until the old one is maxed out and he knows what is in the next area. If he were to pick a new skill however, I think it should be mental ward. I think he could keep it running in the night and it could help him with the pressure when he is healing his soul.


Observing and replicating the level-up process might be the key to surpassing his cap. Although we still don't know if the cap is real, or just just the system giving permission to level higher.


The author seems pretty keen on keeping Rain limited so he doesn't become OP and litterally magic away all his problems so I think expecting him to ever find away around the level cap is probably pointless.


It feels like the system that everyone sees is a tutorial/crutch that helps people along. Maybe getting to Plat is what happens when you don't need the help anymore


nice chapter

Jac Onue

We do know that in the old days you weren't considered a fully fledged adventurer until hitting platinum, so you might be right.


This Chapter made me think about that dude who added powdered milk to his milk to have more milk per milk


Powedered milk in milk?! That's brilliant!

Tycho Green

That dude must have not realized that he has less milk powder for it.


"Why can’t I get past this? Rain’s not like…him. Besides, there’s Tallheart and Jamus, even that goof Carten. My…friends. Not just them. Meloni, Vanna, Samson, Myth and Reason… " No love for my favorite tryhard boy Val?! Speaking of, there's no way, he didn't sneak along and raised his level cap to 24? Would have been sloppy of Rain not to leave him in his detection macro. If we don't see surprise level 24 cap Val... then Vanna must be a terrible influence on him, making him all happy and reasonable.

L Pedersen

There is no way he could avoid Tallheart and Ameliah's senses. He can turn himself invisible but he'll still make noise or show up for anyone with mana sight. So either the monsters eat him or he gets sent back up with a scolding.


Yeah, but wasn't there a thing about class requirements? Like didn't Val insist to solo his Blue, because of that? Though maybe this biome was just way less lethal than they expected it to be.


Okay, we got some heavy armor skills. Heavy Armor makes the wearer's armor heavier for anyone but themselves, so they're harder to move? Mountain Stance is like Rooted, so vital defender skills to keep them from being used to flatten their entire team. Also, Bear Kata for unarmed attacks, Martial Arts tree confirmed! I hope that we get some insight into what Equipment User actually does next chapter.


Imagine if they did a double velocity aura + heavy armor Pain Train combo attack.