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Somebody order some blue boxes?


Rain might have overmana, but I sure don't. Have I forgotten anything important or misplaced a decimal point?



Love it. I actually only started reading recently, I didn’t realize Delve was in progress. Burned through the publicly published content and realized I could get more of my fix on Patreon. I hope Tallheart gets his armour fixed sooner than later, he is such a genuine character.


Great chapter! I had my money on mental ward, but arcane is weird enough that its not a bad choice at this point!


I feel like this story is lacking flair. Pizzazz.


I like the 2 part chapter :)


Good chapter, also nice to see Rain's future build plans and priorities. Looking forward to seeing the more interesting DA and OA options once he gets more of them maxed out.


Nice! That was a great chapter both in length and.... Girth

Alexander Dupree

There's nothing foreboding about this chapter at all. Nope nada


The Hababas were chased out of this biome, so makes sense that it's an Arcane biome.


"Arcane Mastery Still need to verify that all Utility Auras count as Arcane 90% sure, but my interface won’t tell me :(" This is definitely one of those things Ameliah could quickly verify. It would take less than a full day to swing it, if she doesn't already know. ...However. While making some of his best auras more powerful with Arcane Mastery would be great (does it triple arcane at level 10?), needing two skill points for it is less awesome. Goldplate upgrade might be similar to silver and need another 5 in each tree. He really needs to find out. The more we find out, the more the value of skill accolades becomes apparent. If Arcane Mastery triples the strength/efficiency of a lot of his auras, it would only take a few accolade slots for a big bump in power with no permanent damage to his build in the future. Basic skill accolades like that and intrinsic skills = priceless. Looks like "Equipment User" is a skill tree after all. But it's kinda oddly named? If it followed the trend of every other tree, I'd think it would be Equipment "Use" instead of "User." Much how it's Fencing and not Fencer, Sharpshooting instead of Sharpshooter, and so on.


I'll be honest, some small part of me was hoping for an interlude chapter with the winter horse...

Michael Hughes

That one last tier 3 skill tree needed to complete all 144 bugs me. You were so close. I bet if he took mana sight and elemental kata he could unlock some avatar like skills with his mana manipulation and other utility skills. If I were in this world I would want to be an uncertain savior so that I could just spend my time mastering all of the skills and unlocking all of the hidden skills and synergistic build combinations. It would be great if after he gets his legendary class and specialization he figures out where skills are linked in his soul and gains the ability to switch them out. Even if it was limited to just aura skills that would be so useful. Great chapter. I needed more blue boxes in my life. See you next week.


"Key Assumption◦No extra skill points are available by any means" FALSE he know and have get the infos some lair recompense can give extra skill points (accolade or direct bonus point? i dont remember the sentence exactly, we can maybe add some artefact magic item maybe can too), its just so mega rare, its the same as not in his lifetime he gonna see it BUT for SCIENCE he cant say "by any means" :P


It's his Build ASSUMING he can't get extra Skill Points, such as from Accolades.


So he was stuck at 18 for the longest time right? Why am I counting 19 skills chosen already so far? Intrinsic Clarity Intrinsic Focus Channel Mastery Mana Manipulation Magical Synergy Winter Purify Essense Well Detection Velocity Force Ward Refrigerate Immolate Amplify Aura Extend Aura Aura Focus Aura Synergy Aura IFF Aura Compression That's 19 skills that he's had for a long time now, right? I thought he was hard stuck at 18 for the longest time, not 19.


Awwww fuckn' yisssss *injects blue boxes directly into muh veins*


Glad to see the build considerations. How is Empire of Will not mentioned, though? Has Rain really not realized? It's one of the most exciting things about his upcoming build and it's not even on his radar in the slightest... such things cause dissonance. And if they are planning to stay and farm for ores for a whole long while, then Ameliah has no excuse to not scout the aura trees for hidden skills. Having no time for it is one way to preserve Rain's lack of knowledge, but you gave them time. Arcane ward was a guarantee of course, but I hope Rain won't take other skills before waiting to get intel from Ameliah. Looking forward to seeing the hidden skills either way!


I think Shear (Force damage and Not occluded by mundane materials) is real good for the future By taking Shear he get to have a "physical damage" spell, im sure some monster get to have resistance to a lot of the element, so having physical damage option (vs biological/magical) or material/environnement/building is real good i think Too fucking bad he need all element for get Suppression (so later Suppression and Discombobulate combo gonna rek absolutely everyone, double drain mana combo arf ;P And maybe bonus class evolution for getting all element in aura too So Shroud it is, and he obliged to take it, that suck because its not for Corrosion later, its just a "useless" skill picked just for the requirement when "better" offensive aura are just next to it but Shread is not a option here (so long long in the future for Shread) if he want all element and suppresion and 5 in each tree he gonna make this choice Maybe one of the hidden skill can remplace perfectly some choice but i doubt he get something like this And he fucking lucky he can do it man, at 1 point near he get fucked (with all the different requirement and number of skill in each tree) that was close for him getting fucked stupidly xD (1 point near) I hope his class rock hard Bye the way this chapter is so good man thx author, that rock to much i love it so much


I agree with the EoW comment. It would make EVERYTHING miles more powerful. As far as Amelia scouting out skill trees for him, she's got to rank up skills in her new build, so it's probably not likely as that will take a lottt of her time


That's the stuff, yea. Didn't like too much that mc wants to equip his build based on the needs of evacuation effort. No love for Shear?


This chapter hit all the right spots! Thanks!!!


Hmm. Rain's attitude of picking-what-is-useful makes sense for getting over the wall (who knows what his Legendary perks may be like, given Tallheart and Ameliah's power levels), but his relative nonchalance in which combos could be more useful seems... odd. Shroud is an obscenely good skill for Rain with Detection available, not to mention if he combos with Prismatic Intent. The mana ignition it uses likely blocks Mana Sight, and the Darkness occlusion of the environment is relatively innocuous for mageburn purposes while being incredibly useful for him as both an advantage in pretty much any PvP encounter (and likely many non-dark aspect monsters), as well as a super useful escape skill. While many monsters may have stronger senses, making this less useful, Shroud unlocks Corrosion - which 1) would make it much easier to fight smell-based or other senses that may bypass Shroud 2) reducing health regeneration would be an extreme help in fighting Mighty Glacier enemies or any enemy similar to the Recovery-Monolith Jacks. Shroud + Corrosion alternated novas gives Rain a bug-out 'get the fuck away from here' button to push in pretty much any circumstance where his enemy doesn't have control over the environment, even when it does. While mageburn won't be a concern with Ethereal Aura, the usefulness of the environmental occlusion is still in question. Many skills provide light (i.e. Lunar Orb). Also, Val exists. But we haven't seen one that totally blots out sight physically rather than by Mental fuckery on a widescale area. He should definitely get all 8 elements - one of each prior to getting his Legendary Perk, given how personalized it is, and the relative ease of satisfying it as potential PreReqs beyond Suppression/Hidden Skills. Heat - Immolate Cold - Refrigerate Light - *** Dark - Shroud Arcane - Ward Chemical - Corrosion Force - Ward Mental - Ward (1) (needed, both for meme safety/difficulty of fighting otherwise; also, no Mental element easily obtainable prior to Suppression beyond Discombobulate) He then has 1 more OA and 2 more DAs. While he could take Radiance, there seems to be a path developing going either the Cold/Dark/Corrosion side Or Heat/Light/Arcane. Might as well stick going deeper in one path. Also, Shear seems more likely to open up hidden/useful skills given the relatively more stringent requirements, and it seems mana-manipulation-y, so seems better to invest the point there unless Corrosion opens up a Tier 3 aura. So Light Ward would obviously be choice for Light, and then he needs one more DA. The probably answer is Suppression - while Discombobulate would be easier to get to, Suppression solves a lot of the things Tallheart's armor has difficulty defending against, and solves a lot more cases in general than any particular defensive aura does (though on the path to goldplate, picking up all the Defensive Auras before picking up the Offensive ones seems reasonable). So ideal choices from what he has here appears to be: 1. Arcane Ward 2. Shroud 3. Corrosion 4. Mental Ward 5. Light Ward 6. Suppression 7. Shear (wildcard)


Shear is fantastic, and he should definitely take it at some point soon, but he seems more interested in trying to support his group than necessarily be a solo strong guy.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Feel like if he's planning to get the seasonal auras starting at 28 he might as well save the 28 skill point for 29 and tier 4


I like Rain's Priorities, and the Order they are in, The stuff under other stuff also looks really interesting.


Bleu boxes !!!!!


Arcane bullshi+ for the win!


#BugReport In the table with order of skills the first appeal of Force (Force Ward) is not green.


If I was to change the skills Rain had picked: Intrinsic Focus -> Overcharge Velocity -> Spring Aura Focus -> Ethereal Focus


good point for shroud use but i disagree on the choice light ward is to useless vs chemical ward (to much shit like gaz and CO2 and acide/etc, chemical ward is way more useful in a lot of situation) Radiance can do the same as shroud, blind people and he can use it for light too in utility way So its corrosion vs arcane wich both are good, but if he take chemical ward he need to go for radience so i guess it become arcane or Shear in the end He can let arcane for later and take Shear instead, i guess shear is better now and for the new area arcane too its better (Shear is so amazing and solve a weakness he have (he have physical damage effect) and the utility is great to (push building/rock/people/if he get stuck by rock he push them) A nova Shear can disengage him vs mellee i guess, they cant go in the area if he push them out everytime they go in with Nova Force Pulse So 1 Arcane Ward 2 Mental Ward 3 Chemical Ward 4 Suppresion 5 Radience 6 Shear 7 Shroud (its really shear or corrosion or fulmination choice, the 3 are the same, they good, but i bet shear is better) And the next time he can choose between corrosion or arcane after he take Discombobulate (or the hidden skill?) Im pretty sure the hidden skill in this tree need Shear lv10 or he need both fulmination and corrosion but i bet on shear


Ok you can't get Overcharge without Intrinsic Focus so lets change this to: Intrinsic Focus -> Mana Sight


Val too. He keeps putting off talking to Val, if it weren't for his clarity soulstrain I'd be calling BS. As is, I'm only mildly calling BS seeing as he has a to-do list and for some reason still forgot. It's been weeks..


Neither Rain nor Amelia tried to use Purify on the Lava slimes? Was expecting that in this world, they'd become sentient lava lamps or something...


iirc, ice slimes become crystal slimes too, so i would guess all slimes become crystal slimes


The 143 trees is killing me! If he is trying to delay leveling why not buy it? If he is trying to unlock hidden skills then why not complete the set???

Atlas Dwarf

Loved the chapter and I found it funny just how useless that Level Gauge has been this trip. As for Rain's build I like the crippling combo of Shroud, Fulmination, and Suppression he is going for. However his build after lvl 27 seems pretty up in the air considering he only needs lvl 29 to reach Tier 4 Skills. Also he basically has to take Spring, Summer, and Fall all at once to not torture march people to death. That means if he ends up stuck at lvl 28 he might as well hold on to the Skillpoint until lvl 29 or at least spend it on something immediately useful.


Spring/Summer/Fall is a false flag - getting a blue for Tarny fixes it


I think the implication of the notes above was that those could slip once he unlocked tier 4


Rain is going to be the ultimate support for a group.


prolly part of his next experiment. He's gunna unlock it while inside his soul.


Reading that skill list made me think, what if Suppression + Detection would unlock an aura that hides those affected from remote sensing skills, like Detection but also Scrying skills. Then combining Suppression with Acuity could unlock an aura that makes those affected harder to perceive with ordinary senses, while Suppression + Mana Sight would allow to hide from Mana Sight of others.


Don't forget that Gravity is a sub-element to arcane, so 100% arcane ward should theoretically allow rain to very awkwardly fly.


Doesn't work like that. Heat ward isn't a refrigerator


He should probably get mana sight eventually


Great Chapter, especially the ending. I got chills reading it


what is O(2n) supposed to mean? isnt O(2n) = O(n)?


It is 2^n. Whatever reader application you are using might not be rendering the superscript properly.