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Dozer, stahp!



I see no planes. Poor Dozer.

Alexander Dupree

His core cultivation stage went from geodesic to snow glob rank.


I already know a lot of people aren't gonna like it cause there was no progress in term of numbers, but I enjoy these soul focused chapters.


Shit pace continues to drag this story through the mud.

Seth Richter

I'm not a huge fan, and maybe part of that is from the lack of lvl up boosts, but mostly I think I'm just not a fan of the whole "soul world" concept, or when authors in general make things super trippy/outside of reality. I feel like the author is eventually gonna make it important (based off the foreshadowing of paling with the guard), but as of right now the whole soul world doesn't make sense to me. And since I don't really get the rules or consequences, there's no tension. Just a mystery I'm not hugely invested in.


I get that he created the snake in order to be simple, but once he realized that he could make anything he wanted I would have expected him to change his avatar to something more functional and familiar.


If that chaos is unrefined exp, then Dozer is the ultimate level cheat to Plat rank. Numbers aside, I do enjoy soul-space. It feels closer to intuiting the true rules of why the numbers and system do what they do, rather than accepting skills just being what they are.


Soul development is nice, but I hope Rain gets his new skill next week. The wait is killing us, man

Judah Frankel

At this point I’m waiting for Rain to try pushing his essence clay through linksight, inadvertently Awakening Tarny and causing Ameliah to flip right the fuck out. Also, does anyone remember what Rain’s plan was for his next few skill unlocks, or maybe which chapter he listed them in? And does anyone think that he’ll adjust them based on his current environment?


People still fall on their face by tripping over their own expectations... This chapter has so much more significance than a few skills


his skill selections are almost set in stone, there are only a few that can be switched around. i don't remember the ch he discussed his plans, but a ch with the full skill list is ch116 he needs 4 defensive auras, and 3 attack auras in order to have 5 skills in each tree for his specializations. he wants to get suppression, a tier 3 skill, and to do that he needs an aura of each type. so he needs light/dark/chemical/mental and possibly arcane. it doesn't matter of it's attack or defense though. i believe the current plan is as follows: wards: mental(because mind readers), arcane(beacause magic bullshit protection), light, suppression attack: dark(prereq for corrosion), shear(because isn't occluded), corrosion(because chem is nasty) but it could switch around~


Yeah, maybe we will be able to see some levels or any progression at all by Christmas if we are lucky. Obviously his playing as a snake is super important. /s I really hate these stupid soul chapters, they are just filler so the author can drag it our more.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


But what significance would that be exactly? Having a holodeck in his soul is cool but of very limited practical value. He already had the Bastion up before and his leveling seems to have fixed his Paling. Knowing that Dozer is around somehow still is good and all but that still doesn't seem to be doing much of anything significant as far as we or Rain can tell. Meanwhile his new levels and skills will let him grow and protect his guild, himself, and his friends. Which will give him new opportunities in life (read: the story) too. The whole soul Bastion/chaos thing is still a big ol' mystery and so far there aren't any hints of what is really going on in there or what he is really doing. Lots of suspicions sure but nothing solid or practical.


Yay the chapter on soul/bastion are still total mystery, its essence shit/etc But its related to the ancient civilisation on this world and the base how to really master the system and the energie of the world We have some snippet of infos on the ancient civi about the tower/organization of mage, and the people in are still considered green/student and still learning about this untill they lv100 more So we can suspect the system was somewhat created or used by them (and they know the fundamental truth of the thing) And its a tool who put some rigid base fundamental coaching or a technology so neophyte can use this energie (essence) without really learning it, so if bad or just common people they can still use skill and essence shit, and its a tool for teaching people who go beyond the simple use of the skill and start using this system to begin modified it and harness the fundamental energie (essence) That put some base how to use essence And in the history this knowledge was lost and now they just primitive man on this planet And rayne begin to same road as the ancient people who get educated on how really harness the essence who is the base energie of the system (system is a tool, and a repositery of knowledge of concept/mini tools who work and have been refined aka skill, how to harness essence and do a specific effect with) (its a tool for common citoyen who just use it and a curriculum with exemple pf thing and path who work and can be modified and a reposetery of knowledge for the real student who follow the curriculum


Indeed! This soul space stuff is like exploring the source of all the magic and abilities of the world. It'll be interesting to see what happens if/when Rain finds a soul master. I'm thinking he'll probably figure out how the Watch sees souls as well.


i just hope this whole soul thing doesn't turn out be some "hey i lucked out and suddenly im a god thing" so far this story has blessedly managed to stay well away from that trope :3 but seems to be a lot of comments thinking that will happen :P


I liked this chapter. Helped me realise that when we do get the chapters of Rain's skills for up to lvl 24, we won't actually be seeing anything new. We already have pretty great ideas for what skills he'll choose and what they do. (Though it's entirely possible he'll level each up to 10 before moving on in case they unlock new secret skills.) But this soul chapter actually broke new ground.

Causal Chain

Vatreece (watch leader) offered to fix Rain's soul. This implies that the Watch knows how to manipulate souls, so any exploits that Rain finds will at most make him as powerful as Watch members who know about it.


True rules are still rules. All this wishy washy expectation is reality stuff is unenjoyable precisely because it’s so uncoupled from any existing rules or stakes. There’s no tension or wonder or even catharsis in it. If Rain had realized that having more essence meant he didn’t need support struts anymore it wouldn’t have rung false because the author can do anything here. Instead he realized that he did need support struts. Either way it’s meaningless.


What new ground? That mc can move his consciousness in an essence snake? Sigh. Everything else was mentioned before.


While I do appreciate the soulish chapters (it scratches the theorycrafting itch I have), this chaptapter was still more than a bit... slow. It would propably have been better to split the experience into two chapters (or cut the rambling about the snake) and add a bit of interpersonal contact for the characters that make the story feel alive. No offence, but im theorycrafting enough for my the whole year trying to write my masters thesis here... to i hope to see more interpersonal progress with ameliah/ our dear smith (pun intended). Still a lot to explore in their past/ present


I am satisfied with the chapter. It is understandable that some people are upset about pacing and soul nonsense, but to me, this is all expected. It is a chapter that is setting up the foundation for all future progress in soul space, making it absolutely necessary to occur at some point or another. Right after a level up, when Rain was most likely to check his soul space due to knowing that a Blue will fix his paling, also makes sense. Next chapter I expect that we will see the dopamine blue boxes, get skill selection, and possibly see some results of Dozer's efforts.


Love the chapter thank you very much

L Pedersen

Well now that you share the same expectations as the rest of us we can all be sad when our expectations aren't met in a week.

Robert Rosenthal

I hope the soul stuff is going somewhere . Otherwise it is rain playing with himself and now he has added his slime. Vulgar I know but that is how it is feeling as reader

Umut Numanoglu

2 balls and a snake... I see what do did there...


Give me skills dammit

Shiro Fuun

I am a simple man. I see a new chapter I click. I read the new chapter. I feel happy. I finish chapter. I feel sad. Then I wait again.


Well this is quite possibly the crunchiest chapter yet. So...now that Rain is essentially the god of his soul, able to freely create/destroy things as he wishes, couldn't he just make a virtual copy of Delve, along with virtual Rain using skills to create macros that work in the real world? The reason he said that he can't duplicate the healer dude's healing skill was because the mana movements were to complex. But what if he had 1000 virtual Rains studying the movement of the skill, and another 1000 transcribing those movements into a macro? For hours/days/weeks of soul time. Eventually he would 'decode' the skill and be able to transfer the compleated 'soul code' into a real-world macro. He already stated that macros work at soul speed, so this should be possible. And with Queen Ameliah by his side, he could get the blueprint schematics of any skill he wanted, and could 'macro cast' them as well due to domain interference. But why stop there? His memories in soul space transfer over to the real world, so why not have 1000 Rains all practicing the mana movements for creating elemental mana? Or 1000 Rains practicing the notoriously difficult Airwalk? The possibilities here are endless.


Ok, so Rain turned into a snake, got dozer into his bastion, made it bigger and then woke up and got pranked by Tallheart. What a disappointing chapter. See you all next week, I guess.

Bob Dole

Is there any part where he has multiple sentiences? Wouldn’t they just be a bunch of empty shells?


En-mass -> en masse


gonna be honest i don't understand the soul stuff at all (maybe i will reread everything and it will make sense to me because i forget a lot of stuff throughout the week) but i am still enjoying the story a lot, thank you for the new chapter


I know people will have different opinions but I think the fact that Rain's first task after raising his level cap is to mess around with his soul Play-Doh for a chapter or two is what makes this story uniquely "Delve." It just wouldn't be the same without Rain's ADHD self. I'm loving it, keep up the good work.