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Mike G.

Thanks, I like this one a lot, even if he didn't pick his new skill yet :)


Dozer lives! Kinda?


Oh man I'm so keen to see how the soul space is now


So did Dozer's cap just get raised to 24?


These chapters fly by way too fast to be just one per week ☹️


Bug report. “I (was?) beginning to become concerned.” Lots of cute/funny lines in this one. Tallheart's comment about him needing quiet time, Ameliah's comments about there being precedent for Rain breaking himself, several others. Kudos. And no idea how you choose names. Valis? Best result I get is for a book by PKD. The name works, just dunno where you're getting them. "Only that the limit gets less restrictive at silver,” Ameliah said. “It jumps up to one hundred times your level.” I was thinking there had to be things that jumped at each rank we hadn't considered. Otherwise mages and the like are just way too squishy, being unable to keep up to exponential growth, and a bunch of other concerns. But damn. Level 25 = 2500 available bonus stats? Egads. Ameliah has no stat boosting equipment. She's what, 31 I think? So she has 380 stats pre class boost. And she's missing out on a possible extra 3100 stats, PRE class boost. Post class boost? Good lord. No wonder she's so weak. She only has like 12% of the stats she should have, and that's before accolades. If she had full stat equipment utilized, she's wayyy more dangerous and her class much more impressive when fully utilized. And this also shoots Rain's capabilities at silver through the roof.


Gah, need more chapters. Lots to consider here, though. Sync going up above 100%, that's because sync is based on flat numbers not % of buff, right?

Michael Hughes

So if I am understanding this correctly Rain had a broken soul with essence and chaos flooding his soul. Then he gets his level cap moved up which fixes his soul and removes the chaos allowing Dozer to absorb the loose essence condensing it into a core but he will probably have to fight and absorb the other fragments of himself it he wants to get all of his memories back. Good chapter but I wanted to get right into the soul stuff and especially confirming the build and getting new skills. Since we know he can level up quickly I hope the level 24 experience cap is large enough for him to unlock the next tier of skill trees. I think he only had 3 left in tier 3. What is up with his strength and focus synchronization jumping up over 100%? Was it always that high? See you next time on Dragon Ball Z I mean Delve.


Here's a novel idea. Axe the damn stupid shit about the broken interface, and have him pick a skill instead.


Dozer was putting it into cores before the soul got fixed. Pretty sure the next tier of skill trees can't be reached without going silver, I didn't check the maths though. (EDIT: yeah, he needs silver https://bestspellever.fandom.com/wiki/Level_Progression_Table)

K Hilliard

Exciting developments! Felt a bit on the shorter side, especially with all the tangible answers left dangling just beyond our reach for now .


Thank you!


I kind of liked that he forgot to add a way to show his cap increasing and got an error message instead. It adds a bit of human fallibility that keeps him relatable.

Arnon Parenti

Ow the teasing bears down on me. Why isn't Rain rushing his levels up? He had an hour.


Rain-King’s balls would obviously be ⟬CLEAN, no matter where they were. Made my day. x))


So, Rains Soul Bastion is actually the way to manually increase the "Attribute Buff" limit? At least the time frame fits with dozer massively adding to it before the fight and his automatic Progression Marker.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter. The [Need-Read] still feels unfilled.


Hmmm. I think, specifically, whatever Dozer is doing when he "compresses" and "cleans" what's going on in Rain's soul is what upped his attribute buff tolerance. And/or the adding to the bastion that happened almost immediately before they killed the blue. Rain has had his bastion up for a bit now, so that in itself is not new. And Rain didn't do anything different outside of his soul in that hour time frame to account for upping that attribute buff limit. Dozer's actions are really the only new variable. So... Dozer is best slime?


I totally missed that line, I thought you were kidding at first.

M van Dongen

Grrrmmmlllll what skill will he choose ? PeAk Cliff is real !


I think the unbelievable pressure Dozer felt on level up is an interesting thing to consider. Is there a way to express that experience to Rain? Is there a way for Rain to be in his soul in the next fight against a level 25 blue so he can see what happens himself? Is the experience repeatable without external stimulus? There has been a trend in this series that whatever is observable is understandable to Rain. So if he has a way to see how a level cap raise works he may be able to intuit things from it. I've been waiting for the level cap raise for a while and I'm just now remembering all the thoughts I had about level cap when it was first introduced to the story.


Lets go for the skill next, he can only pick offensive aura and defensive aura tree for skill (the double aura skill at the same time he cant pick it he need lv 26 or 27 for it) (He need 5 skill in 5 tree for get the choice of a legendary class type "dynamo aura")


#bugreport / typo: Tallheart rumbled, turning to face him. “I beginning to become concerned.”


i don't get how some people are still not satisfied with the chapter. i thought by this point all readers that just want a fast paced action focused power leveling litrpg are gone. yes it is a bit of a cliff but only because so many new things have been opened again and i can't wait to read more but satisfying that need will take a couple of chapters either way.


Why Ameliah does not have any equipment? And 100*level tolerance for silver explains why Tallheart has 4 thousand effective strength.




We've seen that most awakened have shitty or no equipment, and have been outright told about the elite snatching up crafters and the artificial scarcity. It's done on purpose. But this really nails it home. While a lot of equipment would hinder Ameliah since she uses magic, she's missing out on a LOT of stats. We're talking going from 189 to 1533 in every single stat if she had the proper stat equipment for her current level.


Damn! I’m so excited and now I have to wait another week? I might pop.

Jack Trowell

Bonus out of context quote: "Rain- King’s balls would obviously be ⟬CLEAN⟭,"


My guess is that level ups are the system organizing and building structures with the essence in your soul. Rain's Bastion is the same thing, except he did it manually. The system does more bc it provides an interface to guide you thru using the benefits. Rain's construction is probably less efficient, but has benefits he just doesn't know how to access yet bc the system isn't doing it for him in the Bastion.


I'm confused how he levelled up, when there was no mention of the Shaman Hababa being a blue. They just knew it would increase Rain's cap. Did they just never say it was a blue?


It was mentioned it was a blue tho. Also/or the title was blue iirc

Kendelle Trotter

My discord is saying I need to do phone verification for some reason?


thank you very much

L Pedersen

Rain is clearly destined to introduce his new world to Manscaped.


Finally some levelling! Although it would be interesting if he did not fix his soul :)


I think Arcane ward would be an obvious first choice. Than chem and mental wards. Than light, dark, force attack auras and lastly suppression at 25th level.


Hardly a fix. I think it might break again on reaching level cap. Unless Rain solves something.


Are Rain's effective strength and focus sync right? I thought Focus and clarity had 100% sync and nothing else?


It was somewhat explained in chapter 140. But uh.. it can be a bit complicated.


We're just now finding out silverplates can get 100x their level in stats? Well damn, now I feel pretty dumb for spending so much time discussing it with others.


My theory is that SS derives perverse pleasure from throwing those little facts at us and then watching us go crazy in the comment section.

Richard Davis ll

Oh you bastard, finally giving us that sweet sweet lvl up notif and leaving us hanging on the soul. I love this story too damn much.

Michael Hughes

It is crazy to think that it has been more than 100 chapters since Rain has had a level up. Just one more week. I would gladly pay more money for more chapters. Still if this is the pace that prevents burn out I will go with it. Many stories don't even make it this far. I wish I was the type of person that could stockpile and binge read but every week I find myself back here. Book 9 of Cradle is coming out tomorrow so I can read that in the meantime. See you all at one minute into Sunday.


Yes I can't wait! I'm just trying to read anything to hold me over lol.


Now that this is relevant again, rain should add Soul Fragmentation and System Synchronization to his daily review message. Just like his other synchronizations, he should be able to force the system to give up this information.


I agree everything, listed by the artifact sounds like interesting system properties to track and explore.


Good chapter! Aside: I think focusing on other characters' in ascension progression, rather than making up new bullshit to "sync up" or grind towards is far better to get wordcounts up. Just a thought. That "ring" synchronization was a WHOLE lot of, in the end, useless words. Like, the entire point of synchronizing with the ring (aside from the REAL point to make more filler), was to "activate" stats that were already given. That's such an ass-pull. It doesn't feel good to the reader's to read about AT ALL. It's 50 pages of garbage. It's BEYOND arbitrary. An editor would tell you to straight cut it. 100%. There were frankly more interesting things the crafters or whoever else to increase wordcount too.


Understanding the math/concept behind synchronization and how to optimize your training efforts does, at the very least, provide a plausible reason that Rain, who has been awakened for a couple months, is catching up to people who have been awakened for decades. That being said; I do agree that worldbuilding on the level of solving complex math equations in order to understand the plot is not meaningful to the vast majority of readers, and could have been implemented better.


I think there is a middle ground. You can want more progression without wanting power leveling. I don’t think painting everyone who wants a bit more as seeking the extreme is accurate.

Tomer Yud

" RainKing’s balls would obviously be ⟬CLEAN⟭, no matter where they were." lol