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Aw, this was a cute chapter. More biome info and a little world building on advanced strength. Amelia's dream was also interesting - seems like she's been thinking a lot about her and rains power differential.


Oh boo hoo, he doesn't want to kill bugs now? Didn't he set a field on fire when he was first testing immolate? Is this just gonna be forever, he choose an AoE build and specifically tried to make it offensive, but he's always gonna second guess himself before using it?

Mike G.

Dire limes sound yummy to me! All we need now is dire tequila :)


These are cute, I just wish I could binge them. Every time I think I should stockpile it's midnight on a Saturday and I just dive right in to the new one.


I don't think he'll care in an emergency, and once he gets Heat/Cold Ward and Prismatic Intent he won't ever need to worry about the wildlife. Right now he's mostly lost in the wonder of finding an actual ecosystem down there and doesn't want to be the guy that destroys a natural wonder for no good reason


Filler chapter. They get to the deeps, and in a chapter kill a fatbird, a Squirrel and a trash mob.

Alexander Dupree

Thanks for the chapter. Love these two


The chapters was okay, I liked the fluff and bantering and I really liked Rain being teased and the delve group relaxing with eachother. Plus new Monsters! Always great, even if they are Fodder. I really didnt see the necessity of the deluge of continous references(The only okay one was rock falls, because it makes sense even without memes), it isnt funny to me and should be even less funny for people of delve world, most of the media just isnt that good without the audio and video that tv brings. Second Rain remains just as much if not more as wimp as before! I know many people say you shouldnt kill spiders and bees but really caring about INSECTS? Really broke my SOD for a second there.


Let's be honest. A sensitive guy like Rain would die very quick in a world like that or be bullied into being someone beotch.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


hey hey hey don't be dismissive mate. amelia had a dream and we learned that strong people are strong. and th hit some rocks again

Adrian Gorgey

I feel like a bit of timeskipping would be good. Not full on skips, but just using a less fine-grained storytelling approach. We don't need to hear about every hour they're down there, just the highlights.


Soulstrain can't just be avoided by having attributes with accolades. Good to know. Rain teasing us with more experiments to work out how the system works. Flat regen accolades and attribute accolades don't help attribute sync... Other than giving them a potentially larger pool to regenerate into. And the story is enjoyable. Getting an insight into Ameliah's feelings and thinking. Very good! Of course we want more, but I don't want things to get rushed for the short term reward of an essence monster.


The "now kiss" line and calling Tallheart "the rumbler" were both pretty cute lines. I dig it. I know a lot didn't actually happen this chapter. But seeing that traumatic stuff has an effect on characters instead of being brushed away, plus the enjoyable banter made this chapter pretty good in my book.


If Captain Planet gives Rain any trouble, he can get Smokey Bear to back him up.


We've just gotten to the good part of the story and it namesake, delving, so for the love of all that is shiny do not skip this part just so we can get the levels earlier. We have waited for almost 2500 pages for rain to increase his level cap, we can wait some more if it means we get more time with the 3 best characters and monster killing. Though i do want the level cap increase to be rather sever or happen multiple times with lower incremeants at least to the point that rain is on par with amelia.


At this rate, all that will happen next chapter is that ameliah will climb a tree and rain will make dumb references and give a burial for a ladybug.


This could've been a third of the size :/. Feels like a second draft. I assume it was a busy week.


8 pages to cover increasing affinity... wonder what the next "free filler" will be. Sad day when you can't milk increasing affinity for 100+ pages.


I don't care about the slow pace or the level-ups, but for the love of god, please cut down on the references. I'm tempted to move to [Piracy Site].


If "too slow" is better than "too fast", it's still the lesser of two evils. This chapter did nothing for me. It was pointless.

Christian Basso

I see the reference to his dynamo class as foreshadowing that it's going to change soon. That'd really great.

Maximilien Muys-Vasovic

Looks like someone discovered The Lockpicking Lawyer recently. :D


Plants have souls. Just to do a bit of speculating for fun, it seems like the concept of a 'soul' is something inherent to an independent existence, rather than just sentient life. So, rather than a singular existance, a person's soul would be more like an amalgamation of the combined souls of every living cell/organism comprising the individual. Hmmm from this perspective, the soul 'wind' released during the daily reset would just be all the 'dead' soul from cells/bacteria constantly dying while replaced with the 'living' soul of alive cells. It would also explaine why the soul seems so chaotic. Rain has been picturing it as w singular thing rather than a collective ensemble of voices trying to get his attention.


Grrm will never finish the series

Tycho Green

Did you drop the Asano story or am I misremembering you commenting there a few months ago?

Tycho Green

So Ameliah being able to have a build with only Tier 4 skills seems to be impossible, because of prerequisite skills being required. Good chapter setting the tone in my opinion, with her finally treating Rain like an adult and so forth.


It's all about spreading out as far as possible with her skill points as ressources. Invest six points in a tree, pick a T4 skill, unlearn six skills, rinse and repeat for next tree. She has 32 skill points, so about 26 T4 skills would be possible. Use the rest of her points on the intrinsic passives and so on. Would take many days to set up though, not to mention the time spent on learning all the skills required.


Don't forget Tallheart eating some fruits and hitting more rocks.


I imagine this story having multiple delves. The party increasing to silver. Finding Tallheart’s village, traveling to other continents, fighting the empire. I now doubt we’ll see any of that lol. Story is so slice-of-life that I think it’s uninterested in having Rain interact with the greater world.


Thanks for the chapter


what's with the sudden case of "all life is sacred"? He eats meat plenty in earlier chapters, and he's been fine with going hunting himself along with Val for that lago, so the interest in the well-being of bugs and trees is a bit jarring. LIked hearing more about the biome, weirdly heavy on the references though.


Why is this story moving so slow? And Ameliah is a silver rank. She probably had so many life threatening encounters. Why is she getting ptsd/nightmares? Because she was about to lose rain? Pretty weak.


The number on her 'people I care about that are still alive' chart is probably 0 or close to till now, these nightmares may also be things she has done/witnessed before.


Probably Dozer thinking. All the high-powered monsters don't just indiscriminately slaughter the dull animals right? Even though it would be the work of a couple seconds to hunt them to extinction. There's probably a natural aversion to dull animals built into monsters code such that they don't throw the food chain into chaos.


ahahaha, nice GRRM jab


The trio's interactions were so cute this chapter. Love seeing the bonding


True, next should be Patrick Rothfuss. I'm still waiting for The Doors of Stone.


Thank you!

Vesperius sage

man these chapters are whole lotta nothing

Bury nice Basiun

Yup, one would think the "exploration" chapters would speed the progression up. Instead you get random severely outdated irrelevant "earth-quotes", talking about food and strolling around a tree as if they were chatting in a village. The inner monologues, "optimization nonsense", off-track thoughts and whatever else is fine in the "walking around the city" chapters, but when they're down in THE dungeon "where danger lurks around every corner" you'd at least expect them to act somewhat seriously and ACTUALLY farm and explore.


The characters are cool, and I enjoy them being fleshed out; but at the same time the progress of this story still feels slightly stilted to me. The Ameliah nightmare was perfect as a scene - reliving and exposing her past traumas in the current setting. Yet, as curious as Rain is and we are about the world nothing really happened. There was a dodo bird and a squirrel killed and a fruit found, not really pushing the plot much. Challenges I'm sure will arise, but sooner rather than later would be preferred considering how far these characters have come since Rain last grew in power and progressed like he has as a person. It would be interesting to see Senescent's scaffold of how he want's the depths journey to go and how far they increase his and possibly Ameliah's cap; but without that foreshadowing or feel of imminent progress then these chapters can clearly frustrate no matter the character interactions.


Feels fine to me.