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Check my math.



Oh your math is getting checked mofo!! *furiously reads chapter*


I forget, how do Titles work again? Does the system assign them at Tier ups or something? Edit: Class names, got a bit confused with Night Cleaner vs Runic Powersmith (a much cooler class tbh) Thanks guys!

Alexander Dupree

I really want a metal concert with Tallhart. He's got all the tragedy and sadness of Metallica and the chops to back up the badass songs.


Damn I know the system is exponential, but god damn. What in the ever living hell is a level 100 capable of?


Need moar....loved it thanks!


Huh. Well, that is a hell of a bigger boost to Ameliah's stats at silver than most of us thought. I thought it'd be like 1.6x, not 2.6x. She honestly needed the boost, so that's nifty. But she gets no specializations at all? Oof. That's a big trade off. And wrecks most of the math we were assuming she was working with for even basic skills like the intrinsic ones. I don't know how she's going to keep up at goldplate. She'll have great and well rounded stats. But she'll need some other kind of great bonus to make up for the lack of specializations or she's in trouble. A similar legendary class at goldplate will have all five of their main trees with a cap of 20 (if the goldplate upgrade works like silver). So if you have 3 synergistic skills it's 20x20x20 versus ameliah's 10x10x10. And at goldplate with 51+ skills, it would be a lot more than just 3. On another note, good to see that power scaling gets as absurd with everyone else as it will with Rain. Ameliah doesn't even have any specialized trees and she can do 78k damage. If she were a fire mage with all those trees specialized, it would be waayyyy more damage, which is much more comparable to Rain's silverplate damage output. It's just that his spells will be all encompassing and able to be used almost nonstop which is a nice and ridiculous bonus.


Maybe she'll get an additional skill point per level from level 51 onward? If the quality of the skills can't keep up, use quantity instead.


Great last line, even if it’s not exactly true anymore.

Newguy Roy

with dark vegetation that [became] an impassible-looking tangle at the clearing’s edge.


Like dough!


Why cant I open the epub?? Edit: I got it to work thanks to J Miller


thanks for the chapter


The extension is missing, you'll need to rename it to include .epub at the end


Thank you!


So Ameliah's legendary class is getting a +160% boost each to all 6 attributes. That comes to +960% total attribute boost. Makes sense, and is pretty much what I expected. Jack got +40% for 3 attributes for a total of +120%. I expect True Jack got +40% for 6 attributes for a total of +240%. Then Legendary Class doubles that to 480% and Silver Rank doubles again to 960%. I'm not sure why anyone would expect a Jack of all trades Class to have specializations. That would be an oxymoron. Instead of specializations, the Jack Classes give bonuses of things like allowing substitution of prerequisites or refunding skill points while still remembering skill levels for future use. Maybe when Ameliah reaches Gold rank she will be able to instantly use any skill that she has ever used before. And retain all the relevant Synergy skill bonuses for all skills she has used. That would be a fitting benefit for a Gold rank Jack Class.


This also gives us an idea of what bonus Rain is likely to get at Silver rank. Should be +800% to Clarity. It is +200% now, and the Legendary Class doubles that to +400%, and SIlver rank doubles it again to +800%. We also learned the Fireball gives +0.75% increase in damage per point of Focus. Compared to the +0.5% Rain gets for his Offensive Auras, that is significantly more. Maybe because Fireball is Tier-2 and Rain's auras are Tier-0? Maybe Corrosion and Fulmination will also give +0.75% per Focus point. Shear is only Tier-1 but maybe it will give +1% per Focus point since it has double the cost of the other Offensive Auras.




Amelia using gamer terms such as “changing my build” is very weird.


Ameliah picks up on language that Rain uses. He probably said it a few times, so she started using the phrase.

His Dad

Chanting can't give a triple boost see prior "Many mages eschewed Chanting altogether." If it gives that much of a boost mages would be over it like flies on honey. It would be arguably better than Overcharge


Rain getting 5% contribution for tanking/mitigating damage is really scary. It means the system intrinsically understands how powerful support options are. When they eventually encounter monsters backed up by a support specialist caster, it's prolly gunna be some next level shit.


It’s also time-consuming and draws attention from enemy monsters. Big benefit, big draw backs. It makes sense that a lot of weaker mages don’t take it


Has it ever been mentioned before that you can put a fractional point in an attribute? Either Ameliah actually is using fractional points to keep her attributes equal, or else some attributes have one more point than others.


All that fractional stuff only applies for Rain's version of the system interface. We've seen some interfaces on leveling that are just glasses full of liquid that you can divide up among your attributes, so it's feasible that Ameliah's system allows that kind of equal division


We know a bit from the monolith. His paling integrity is something like 70-ish percent, his soul fragmentation is 99% and his core strength is level 18. From Dozer we also know that his fragmented soul leaking through his damaged paling causes domain interference with the system. We know that Burrik the Volcano and Warden Vatreece have demonstrated similar auras of doom and both reached their current level caps without a team. Potentate Fecht and High King Kev also don't have platinum teammates making it likely that they used some soul cultivation fuckery to raise their cap and that fragmenting your soul and damaging your paling is the way to do it. Maybe Rain needs to restore his soul domain, maybe he needs to "absorb essence" in the mana-saturated depths. Someone pointed out on Royal Road that the system seems like an artificially created tutorial system to make power cultivation easier. We'll have to wait and see what SS comes up with, but I'm sure that's a Chekhov's gun lying around in plain view.


Tallheart is my waifu


You catch that "Yes, thank you." He said last chapter? Now that's what I call character growth!


Has Rain ever looked at the stars? I know most people who live today will never actually see the milky way in their lifetime due to how much ambient light exists in metropolitan areas nowadays, that shouldn't be a problem for a backwards society. Is he still on 'Earth'?


Now I don't exactly recall, but I think this was directly mentioned at one point. I think the author put in a bit about the stars being different like in the chapter Ameliah and Rain were talking about how men have gone to the moon.

B Whistler

Have you changed the way you generate epub files? I used to be able to load them right into my text-to-speech app, but have only been getting error the past couple chapters.