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What does Focus Sync get you again? Raw Processing Power?

Alexander Dupree

Thanks for the climbing consistency. Have a good week.


Thank you!


Putting a bet down on a Blue before chapter 150


Effective Focus gives an increase in attention span and processing power spent on a single task. We know that clarity sync and focus sync help with headaches from both using to much mana and not having full mana. Maybe also how much mana you can recover in a period of time (Val throwing up after Rain feed him too much mana). It's hard to separate them since Rain has had both maxed from when he started measuring until very recently.

Adrian Gorgey

It's cute how he uses references to remember the world he came from. Until you remember how sad it would be to have literally no cultural touchstones to share with the people around you.


Rain felt a bit inconsistent with his previous behaviour here. No sign of the usual paranoia, more trusting of detection than usual which feels like a mistake. No nervousness before the climb. Just feels a bit off


Thanks for the chapter. IT BEGINS!


A stranger in a strange land teaching his friends how to grok, minus the third act sex cult.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


The hubris of Rain is mind boggling. This is not yet the time to go down. His damaged soul, plus Dozer hanging out inside, is a ticking time bomb. He does not need to level up while that damage still exists. Besides, he is very close to solving the problem and just needs some simple geometric extensions for mechanical support in his soul to make it happen. He has almost all of the trees unlocked, which may increase his action space when he hits 25. He needs to unlock all of those first. Having his soul fixed will also have the potential of increasing his options for level 25 Just have Ascension lay low for two weeks, get all of this sorted, and then go down! The idiot ball does not suit you, Rain.


And if Ascension is attacked before then...? Or if it takes longer than 2 weeks to fix the soul? longer than 2 months? 2 years? You're assuming he's close to solving the problem, Rain isn't making assumptions.

Michael Hughes

When you compare Rain's behavior with how he was in the Fells it seems like he is not taking this seriously. With her behavior because of past experiences this feeling is increased. Only 9 skill trees left to unlock. After this all of his experience will flush through him doing something to his soul. Hopefully leveling up will help. Excited to see the next few chapters. Please don't leave us on a level up cliffhanger by switching to a different POV right after the blue fight. Hopefully he will gain experience and Experience. See you next week.


Nah felt fine to me. He had plenty of stuff going on in his mind to help distract him beforehand for each of those situations + he has had his powers for a while so it makes more sense for him to be comfortable with them


nice, also it makes sense he's more relaxed since he's got two silvers with him and he's minmaxed his detection abilities and has good gear for the level average in this depth


I wonder if Rain and Amelia will have their first lover's quarrel while delving


Time for Rain to get a power up


Finding a blue to power him up isn't happening until Dec or Nov this year so don't get too psyched up yet! edit: jk


I agree though. as good as the story is, the pace is getting slower and slower.

Hal Canary

After 140 chapters, we get a delve!


First time I've downvoted. Ameliah doesn't seem to have learned the right lessons from her massive failure earlier, somehow came to the conclusion that the way to fix it is to ignore other people's advice/opinions even more. She was supposed to be one of the more rational ones.


I think the allusion to her homeland situation was intentional on SS's part. Her tactic of rushing ahead to clear the way for the weaker tag-a-longs is probably exactly how she was raised. But yea, definitely understable on that downvote. This whole situation of Rain gathering a delve team, and then leaving them to go get power leveled just kinda spits in the face of conventional storytelling.


I like how, once again, you can tell that Rain has a stat imbalance with too much Strength compared to Endurance and Recovery, because he's scarfing down every bit of food he can get his gauntlets on.


Except he does not have a stat imbalance. Effective Recovery, Vigor, and Endurance are all greater than Effective Strength, but all are relatively close to each other. Even the raw stats are not bad, with the worst being only 3 to 1.