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I gotta say, I was going to unsub for a few months until Rain got his blue, but seeing soul progress is keeping me in the game.


I'm wise to the disorder of the links now. Filthy light pdf

Ausie Brooks

I feel you spiritually, there are highs and lows but it's starting to get agonizing watching him spin his wheels for so long.


Go Dozer go! Order that Soul! ... Wonder if he will be able to pop back into normal reality after he is done in soul-space. Or Rain could just get a soul buddy in his bastions

austin kutz

Oh shit, Dozer is going to condense all of Rains outer soul by eating it


A few general thoughts regarding soul parts... This is really starting to feel like the cultivation stories... and I suddenly realize why only significant breakthroughs tend to be in the stories. I like these chapters, but they are a huge distraction from the other adventures. “10k essence not making a dent”, well we know he has 1.6 million exp, which matches a unit of soul essence unit quite well. So I’d say that matches up. Edit: the following is incorrect, thanks Connor for pointing it out. And the obvious reflection, there was a last shockwave at the end, so he probably lost the bastion. But since dozer managed to stay connected he should have help keeping it together soon enough.


Thank you for continuing to write


dozer is back, and caos will be orderly for he will not tolerate the state of his surroundings... ^_^


I disagree about losing the bastion. The order seed is the bastion. Every soul meditation is allowing dozer to precipitate. This time, the seed endured, and allowed dozer to reach critical mass. Rain will come back to a full bastion and possibly dozer.

Arnon Parenti

One slime to rule them all

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Dozer! Also, I find the soul stuff really interesting. Looking forward to him having a solid bastion now. Maybe he'll fix the rupture soonish!


[ F I L T H ] !


Bit mixed, since while I think I like where the soul stuff is going, I don't enjoy the moment-to-moment descriptions of what he's doing in there so much. So I was happy to see some progress on the current project in there.


Yeah the world building mechanic is rich in this story, i fucking love it :)

B Whistler

Man, this really is starting to feel like Rain is discovering cultivation. Either way I'm looking forward to whatever happens.


I'll check back in April or May. Should be some progress by then lol.


What is [filth] but another form of chaos? Dozer is perfect for helping him bring order and purify essence.


Thank you!


Yes, by then Rain will probably have picked out some pretty color(s) to paint the walls of his soul bastion/house, dictated the at least 25% of the Harry Pooter series for Amelia, increased various synchronizations off screen, painstakingly recreated the VLOOKUP() excel function in his character sheet, and taught Tallheart how to make some ballin’ “lemonade” with the new sour fruit they found. That’s a lot of intense story arcs to wait on, but getting to read them back to back would no doubt be damn satisfying.


It would be amusing if gaining a crystal slime familiar was a shortcut to becoming a “true mage” like that old Citizen was referring to. Since Rain is experiencing Dozer’s instincts, I wonder if there will be any change to his behavior when Dozer officially recognizes the ethereal chaos as [Filth]. Rain already wanted to reach people how to enter their souls, but he might be extra motivated when Dozer-Rain realizes other people have [Filth] to clean in their souls.


Rain's soul is not chaotic. Within the context of Soulspace, the artificial [Order] he is attempting to introduce into the environment would be the undesirable [Filth].


Dozer coming back!


I, much like everyone else here, am fully in support of the return of Ascension's mascot. ALL HAIL DOZER!!!

Yeno Memevig

Just resubbed these chapters since hegar have been great! Tyvm 😀


Thanks for the chapter, it'll will be very interesting to see how Dozer might evolve from his time in the Soul-Space. Even more interesting if Dozer became like an AI companion to Rain, helping with Macros and stuff. Food for thought.


Eh not necessarily. If I walked into a room and there's been a ridiculously destructive party there and there are broken bottles and vomit everywhere, I wouldn't point at the 1 clean spot and go 'FILTH! That right there is the problem!' or decide that the walls are the filth. At some level filth is just filth and even if you are neck deep in it, the chaos doesn't become the order


Oh fuck, what’s dozer going to do to rain’s soul!