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He's finally gone mad.


haha this was great. rain going eccentric was literally just soul meddling from Dozer.


I wonder if Rain can make Dozer sort of a caretaker of his soul. Dozer hates disorganization right? Well chaos is pretty disorganized, so if Rain can gather enough of dozer in his soul to make him a quasi-body inside of his bastion, then dozer could perform maintenance and keep the bastion going indefinitely (to get rid of the mess/chaos).


Dozer just piloting rain from the inside like a giant cleaning mech

Adam Roundfield

Perhaps there are good reasons not to mind meld with your roomba...


Gimme that good good soul nonsense, one step closer to unlocking the secrets


This chapter was kinda myeh, like the soul stuff is interesting but not for an entire chapter because literally nothing is physically or socially happening. Not to mention it gets confusing after a while.

Peter Christensen-Calvin

I liked the chapter, but it feels like a bit of a leap for Amelia to jump to 'dozer is in your soul'. I think it could be fixed with a few extra lines, though: a little more detail on how she got there. It's a big jump, but it's not unbelievable for her to suggest it and Rain to confirm it. As it is, it felt like she was confident about the conclusion before even bringing it up with Rain


Rain's NEW eccentricities were just soul meddling dozer. He has plenty of old ones still.


I'm the opposite. I've been waiting for more soul exploration stuff. He's unlocking the secrets of the world.


Thank you!


Fun chapter, I was half expecting a paragraph on Buckminster Fuller when Rain went geodesic. I like the underlying soul mechanics but having an entire chapter dedicated to it is going to bother some readers. I'm also not sure how much attention I need to pay to it. Like is core space unique to Rain, or just this version of core space? There have been hints that everyone needs to understand and master/create something within their core to break through to gold silver and maybe plat. But maybe they were just talking about how monsters get harder as the lvl so it's hard to kill a monster 1 teir higher even though it is only a few lvls higher?


Good point. A little more back and forth to reach that conclusion is needed.

His Dad

Compared with "industry" "Known Skills Trees" is oddly missing


I really liked this chapter. I am still confused about one thing from a couple chapters ago: Rain participated in killing one of the plate hunters who was a higher level than him, but his cap hasn’t changed. Does killing higher leveled awakened not function the same as killing a blue? If so, what’s the difference between the two. I don’t know if this mechanic has been discussed/hinted at.


It has never been stated in-story that someone could raise their cap by killing someone stronger than them. I have seen it speculated about in the comments a few times, but not even a hint in the story itself.

Raul klemm de souza

Was Rain in a different type of weird in the last charpters? I felt It just came out If no where. And Amelia's conclusion of Dozer being in rains soul needs some background ir eles It just comes out off her butt, maybe give her pov and ideias first before the conclusion. Kinda meh chapter a lot of tinkering with no actuall pogress, maybe next chapter we will know that he just made It all worse.

Michael Hughes

I loved the chapter. I am excited to see Rain fix his soul. Just remember when building your dome "Hexagons are the Bestagons". See you next week.


Fluff you I had such a long streak and you ruined it


Read the last chapter, this need to organise hasn’t come out of nowhere. There are moments where it’s entirely unsubtle (going off on the recruits telling them to clean up) and relatively subtle (wincing when a different coloured plate joined the colour coded pile when tallheart was dropping the plates)


It's all fun and games until your faction leader murders everyone because someone spilled a cup of juice.

Adam Roundfield

The process of creating the bastion and purifying the enraged chaos reminds me of cultivation stories, but better and more intelligent.


Illuminati confirmed?


I bet those essence thresholds in his soul match up to the xp requirements for level ups.


so rain is level 500 by now? now thats what i would call powerleveling!


I just lost the game. :(


On the issue of complexity; it's completely fine if I personally have no idea what's going on, as long as I'm 100% certain the character understands. I recall a very memorable scene from the Artemis Fowl novels where 12 year old Artemis explains the exact mechanics by which he defeats the Time Stop spell directed at him. Me, being around the same age, had no idea what the ever-loving fuck he was on about, but I knew that boy genius Artemis knows so the scene still worked for me. The same thing applies here. Rain being a math nerd can totally carry this soul math nonsense on his back without me losing immersion cuz I know he's all about that life. Hopefully next chapter he'll remember that soulspace is non-Euclidean and upgrade his triangles to their 5D counterpart.


no progress on anything that matters :/


The progress is that originally, Rain couldn't access his soul, then he could briefly access it, then he could do extended access and stabilize parts if he fully concentrates, and now he can stabilize things in a way that temporarily persists after he stops concentrating. Future progress would be finding a way to keep things stable long enough to last until he can access his soul again, and widening the area he can keep stable.

Adam Roundfield

Non-Euclidean geometry... Do you want Old Ones? Because this is how you get Old Ones!


How can Rain not know for certain whether attributes from Accolades contribute to soulstrain? It seems like an obvious question to ask Tallheart and Ameliah now that he has so many attribute-granting Accolades. I would expect both of them to know, since they presumably have many accolades of their own. Or at least one of them should know. The chances that neither one of them knows seems very small. Given the previous discussion about how Winter causes minimal soulstrain on others because it internally increases their mana regen, while Essence Well can cause a lot of soulstrain on others because it externally injects mana, I would expect Accolades to cause minimal soulstrain, since they are internal to the soul. Also, Rain makes a good point that the System sticks the Accolade right into your soul when you destroy the core, and it would not be likely for the System to do that if it caused significant soulstrain. A third argument for attribute Accolades causing minimal soulstrain is that those +20 strength accolades are not very valuable if they cause the same soulstrain as a couple of +10 strength rings. The strength ring Rain got for a few Tels was crap, and his malleable ring is a treasure, but I am sure there is some middle ground of strength rings that will last a long time and cost maybe on the order of 100 Tels. In which case a +20 strength accolade that does cause significant soulstrain is not worth much more than that, since its advantage of being tucked away safely in your soul is offset (or more than offset) by it taking up some of your limited accolade slots. So I figure that the most likely thing that happens is that when you slot in a +20 strength Accolade, your strength attribute tolerance instantly increases by 20, and the all-attribute tolerance also increases by 20. Maybe it also improves the strength synchronization a bit as well.


Which reminds me of a question. Why does Jamus not have a collection of +10 clarity rings? Even if all he can get is the crappy ones like Rain had in the early chapters, he could still treat them as a consumable since they are so cheap, and replace them whenever they break. That would help him a lot with his mana starvation headaches.


It seems possible that once Rain gets his Soul sorted out he can study the mechanism behind raising the Level Cap. Find a Blue at least a few Levels higher, raise his Cap while examining the process from every angle he can, then repeat until breakthrough or it becomes to difficult/dangerous to hunt further. I wonder if the Majistral figured out such a method? If so, does it have any relation to what Rain is doing now, it might be that the time and difficulty increase exponentially with Level and Rank(Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum). With such a method getting to Gold might be safe and reliable, yet, slow and time consuming. But at Gold it could slow to an interminable crawl, let alone at Platinum. Of course this is all just rampant speculation about something The Author might not have fully decided about. Still fun to think about.


I think he sill figure out the level cap raising mechanism, then install something that can use his essence well to increase it right before the soul-strain aria by extracting the extra, then be able to continuously rase his level cap at will. Considering the skills Rain can even see, he could easily generate the ridiculous amounts of mana needed to to that. But that generation would increase each level, so I think it will be a more constant rate of improvement as Rain gets to gold and platinum. Though if he can apply it to another person, then he could do it on Ameliah, she takes some if his skills, then they enhance each other to massively increase each others level caps. Maybe once Dozer gets revived he can participate. Just having two winters in Rain with that level cap increases should get him to 100 real quick.


I don't remember it being mentioned but I wonder what, if any, Classes there are for those who put everything evenly into two paired Stats at 5/5 per Level. Such as, Strength/Endurance, Recovery/Vigor, Focus/Clarity, Strength/Recovery, and Endurance/Vigor.


Or, evenly between the four Physical Stats, 10(Level +1) = 60 at Level 5 or 15 per Physical Stat.


One of the things I'm looking forward to finding out when Rain gets Prismatic Intent is if Offensive Auras will count individually or collectively towards the Damage Limit. If individually then Rain's potential damage output will be massive, just by boosting multiple Offensive Auras, the stacking damage could exceed the Damage Limit several times over, depending on how high it is. Even if collectively, then Rain can stack Offensive Auras to reach it. Especially when you consider Rank 15 Aura Compression on Rank 15 Offensive Auras further boosted by (again Rank 15) Aura Synergy. All eight basic Wards, and whatever Offensive Auras Rain has, pulled down into a Cloak like he did with Immolate, and Rain could just wrestle monsters.


Rain's potential Mana Regen at Level 25 with +5 to Skill Rank Cap from Specialization, but current Class bonus to Clarity. If I made any mistakes, please point them out. 10(Level 25 + 1) = 260 Clarity 260 × 10 = 2,600 Base M.Regen per day 2,600 + 200%(Dynamo) = 7,800 7,800 + 300%(Rank 15 Intrinsic Clarity) = 31,200 +150%(Winter Rank 15) + 150%(Channel Mastery Rank 15) + 150%(Amplify Aura Rank 15) + 300%(Aura Focus Rank 15) + 337.5%(Aura Synergy Rank 15) 31,200+150%+150%+150%+300%+337.5%= 8,531,250 15meters(Winter Rank 15) +15meters(Extend Aura Rank 15)+337.5%(Aura Synergy Rank 15)+150%(Channel Mastery Rank 15)+300%(Aura Focus Rank 15)=1,312.5 1,312.5×3(Aura Compression Rank 15)=3,937.5 8,531,250+3,937.5%=344,449,218.7 344,449,218.7 M.Regen/day 14,352,050.7 M.Regen/hour 239,200.8 M.Regen/min. 3,986.6 M.Regen/sec.


Oh, and I know others have done the math before, I just like having it all sorted and labeled so I can be sure I've got it straight.


In the (unlikely) event that Rain can freely choose his Auras, my suggested list. 19) Heat Ward 20) Cold Ward 21) Arcane Ward 22) Light Ward 23) Radiance 24) Shroud 25) Fulmination 26) Prismatic Intent 27) Summer 28) Spring Assuming Fall/Autumn and it's derivations aren't actually worth getting(yet). 29) Chemical Ward 30) Mental Ward 31) Dark Ward Completing the basic Wards. At this point Rain will have started Unlocking Tier 4, so who knows.

Harley Shockley

You’re supposed to get a specialization when you become a legendary dynamo, and when you do, it’s supposed to be ten times that of clarity.

Kendelle Trotter

19) Shroud 20) Shear 21) Arcane Ward 22) Light Ward 23) Mental Ward 24) Corrosion 25) Suppression 26) Prismatic Intent This gives him the 5 in each tree needed for his Legendary specializations, gives him mental defenses, and a mage counter with suppression. After that it's a toss up. Support needed: 27) Summer 28) Spring Damage Needed: 27) Ethereal Aura 28) Empire of Will


A legendary class gets to specialize into 5 skill trees if they have 5 skills at level 10 in each. Each specialization ups the level cap of every skill in that tree by 5. Not sure what you're referring to but I think you misread.


In the intrest of doing what best for the company, I'm gunna need Tallbro to hold Val down and tickle him until he gives up the skill combo for that hidden invisibility skill. That would increase Ameliah's PvP/PvE capabilities by a country mile. He getting access to a bunch of accolades and a free powerleveling service right? It's not too much to ask that he contribute some power for the collectives good.


After Rain reaches Silver rank he may wish to train another Dynamo for Ascension. I started thinking about the most efficient way to do that. I am going to assume that Tallheart will cooperate as far as making useful equipment, and that they can obtain the necessary Crysts to make the equipment. I will also assume that the trainee will rarely go on missions without being accompanied by at least one Silver ranker. First thing is to try to find out if it is possible to get the Dynamo Class bonus to the effects of Clarity together with a specialization that gives +3 to the Rank cap of one skill tree. If it is (or might be) possible, then the skill trees to consider are Magical Utility, Offensive Auras, and Utility Auras (Aura Metamagic would be the first choice but it is impossible to choose four skills there before choosing a Class). Magical Utility would be great since getting 3 extra ranks in Intrinsic Clarity and Intrinsic Focus is a big benefit as well as in Magical Synergy and Channel Mastery. Offensive Auras would be a decent second choice since it would allow choosing Discombobulate as the fifth Offensive Aura prior to Silver rank. And Utility Auras would be acceptable as well since there are so many useful auras there. Tallheart will need to make a malleable ring, armor, and ideally a capacitive mana storage device with a capacity of at least 3000 MP, preferably with at least 70% input and output efficiency. The storage device lets the trainee skip Essence Well since they can use Mana Manipulation if they just need to cycle mana or if they need to transfer mana to or from someone else with Mana Manipulation.


In addtion to skipping Essence Well, the trainee will also skip Purify and Detection. Those are highly practical skills but not essential, especially since they will be around Rain and others who will help them if necessary. Skipping those three allow the trainee to take Summer, Life Well, and Spring before Silver rank. Having Summer and Spring so early makes it a lot more efficient for the trainee to train up their physical attribute tolerances with the malleable ring. I am going to list a rough skill order assuming the Offensive Auras specialty, but a Magical Utility specialty would be similar except obviously taking those skills much earlier, and also needing to take Fulmination instead of Discombobulate. This allows the trainee to have the primary three Season Skills, Life Well, and a full set of Ward Auras by level 29, at which point they are ready to go out on missions without accompaniment by another Silver ranker. While there are a lot of possibilities for skills after those 30, it is difficult to say what is best until we know more about hidden skills and tier 4 skills that Rain will uncover after he reaches Silver rank. 0 Immolate, 1 Refrigerate, 2 Intrinsic Clarity, 3 Winter, 4 Radiance, 5 Shear, 6 Summer, 7 Intrinsic Focus, 8 Extend Aura, 9 Ampify Aura, 10 Aura Synergy, 11 Spring, 12 Aura Focus, 13 Velocity, 14 Mana Manipulation, 15 Discombobulate, 16 Channel Mastery, 17 Life Well, 18 Aura IFF, 19 Magical Synergy, 20 Aura Compression, 21 Force Ward, 22 Mental Ward, 23 Arcane Ward, 24 Heat Ward, 25 Cold Ward, 26 Prismatic Intent, 27 Light Ward, 28 Chemical Ward, 29 Dark Ward


While thinking about what the Clarity bonus might be for a Legendary Dynamo Class, I noticed something interesting about the Mana pool formula. If Intrinsic Clarity and Focus as well as Magical Synergy are at Rank 15, the formula is: Mana Pool = 80*F + 15*D*C where F is Focus, C is Clarity, and D is the Dynamo Class Multiplier equal to 1 plus the Class Bonus Percentage divided by 100. If the Legendary Dynamo Class gives a bonus of 433 1/3 percent (D=5 1/3) then the contribution to the Mana Pool per point is equal for Clarity or Focus. If it is higher than that, then the mana pool increases more per point for Clarity than for Focus. I think the most likely value for the Legendary Dynamo bonus is 400%, since it follows a nice progression 50%, 100%, 200%, 400% for Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary (yes I know that we have not seen a 100% for Uncommon, but we have seen 120% and 50% so I took a rough average). There is a small chance of 300% but that seems hardly enough for a Legendary Class. There is also a small chance that it is 800% since the multiplier is 3 for Rare, then multiplying by 3 again to get 9 and converting to percent gives 800%. But I think 400% is most likely. Which makes the Mana Pool formula: Mana Pool = 80*F + 75*C so a point in Focus gives a slightly larger (6.7%) increase to the Mana Pool than a point in Clarity. But it is close enough that Rain should prefer to put all his malleable ring points into Clarity since that increases his mana regen a lot more than those same points in Focus, but he pays only a tiny penalty in Mana Pool size. Of course, he may want to transfer a lot of points into Focus whenever he wants to increase an Aura intensity, and then put them back into Clarity afterwards. That should be no problem with D=5 since taking points out of Focus to put into Clarity will barely decrease his Mana Pool.


This also suggests that a Tortugo build may be a lot more effective than Staavo led us to believe, since Physical Synergy would presumably benefit from the same phenomenon, better even by a factor of 2, since that skill lets Endurance contribute to the Health Pool. If a Tortugo could also get a specialty in the Physical Passives skill tree, it would make for a very powerful build even before Silver rank. With Physical Synergy at Rank 13, the Health Pool formula would be: Health Pool = 72*S + 70.2*E So it is almost at parity even at Bronze rank. At level 18 with no equipment boost S=10 and E=200 so the Health Pool would be a whopping 14,760. With a ring boost, the Tortugo could keep maximum points in Endurance most of the time, but then shift to Strength when damage is required and then shift the points back to Endurance with negligible drop in Health. Add on to that Intrinsic Resistance at Rank 13 and the Tortugo Class bonus for Endurance and that level 18 Tortugo could boost Endurance to 400 with a malleable ring and have Resistances of 432 in all elements. If there is a Resistance buffing skill that gives 2% per Rank and 0.5% per Endurance, then at Rank 13 that would give a 78% boost to bring the Resistance up to nearly 769. At Bronze rank!


I'm assuming it's either a class ability, or his class ability is unlocking the hidden light mage trees and shuffling all the scattered light aspect skills into them. His Transparency skill might only be accessible for his class after all.


Okay, is everyone just lurking here, waiting for the chapter to drop, or is it just me?


Not exactly waiting, but I do refresh Patreon every hour or so while awake.