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Gracias por el capítulo.


Yay! (Danged autocorrect, what even is a YAN!?!)


Thanks Captain

Mike G.

Poor Tallheart... Excellent chapter. BTW, in one spot, Tallheart is spelled as 2 words.


Wow, hell of a chapter. Lot's of crunchy exposition with a gooe core of character development.


Wow. Long chapter. A lot of cute, human moments in this one. It flowed very naturally to me. Plus we get to find out more about smithing and enchanting? Heck yes. Interesting choice for the armor slots. Head, hands, chest, legs, and feet. There being legs and feet but not arms and hands feels odd. Not unacceptable, just unexpected. And who wants to bet force and arcane crysts are generally the most desirable of the crysts?


bets are open. will we see the depths in january or will it be march when they embark on their journey below?


One step closer to the beginning of the classic RPG Grind of (Hunt monster->get loot -> turn loot into better Gear -> Hunt stronger monster). Thanks for the chapter, with a tasty helping of Crunchy Bits and Lore.


Nice combo in the theme of the chapter. :)

Empty Shelf

I liked this chapter a lot. On its face, it's just a whole lot of exposition, wrapped around some decent character work, but there's actually some subtle worldbuilding at work. Namely that, to everyday adventurers like Ameliah and Jamus, enchantments are basically a black box; they know how to use it, but not how it works. It makes sense, and not just because there's no proper education system. The way this world is set up, people are encouraged to specialize. It's not simply "trade secrets", it's that without the skill to go with the trade the knowledge is basically worthless. Which is why researchers like Staavo (and Rain) are so rare, and not just because "much thought hurt adventurer brain hit with club."


Love it! Question about rune mechanics: 200 Heat resist is the limit of Thermalitic Bronze. Is that conditional on the equipment slots it is occupying? If not, why not make a chest and some legs and enchant them both with 200 Heat resist? Ah, maybe this is relevant: "The limit for a single enchantment is determined by the alignment between its rune sequence, the slot rune, and the intrinsic rune of the material." Perhaps the (overall?) slot rune is different when combining the 5 different slots, and this leads to a higher maximum enchantment. Makes sense. The whole "wow my brain's fried after listening to your paragraph or two of explanation of world mechanics" thing seemed a little cliche, and somewhat out of character for Rain. Others, I can see it, because Rain's always being nerding it up and nobody wants to hear it, but really? Rain's doing it too? I guess there is a reason why it's a common trope, though. Don't want to alienate the people who don't care about the exposition, especially when it's probably not heavily plot-relevant.


Oh! Also. Forgot to mention. I did not think about how the Watch might be spying on them, at all. In spite of knowing we were told in story that the Watch used skills to check out Ascension's path a bit before they left. I really should've realized. Definitely would make me paranoid, too.


Amelia asked if it is a limit of the material and Tallheart confirmed, also, they're talking about a full Armor set (Body, Arms, Legs, and Head), so it's the limit of a full set of Thermalitic Bronze. As far as it "cooking his brain", it's probably not just because of what was said, but the proper comprehension, and greater implications of it.


With the Force, Heat, and Cold Resistance from the Armor the Accolades of same become lower priority, which means Rain should go all in on the Strength Accolades and get a Giant Shield and Tetsubo. Harder to get ragdolled when you're packing around a quarter ton of metal. Also, the all-round Stats boost Accolades should probably go to Amelia, because Jack.


I've read Tallheart's response about self-repair about five times now and I still cannot understand what he is trying to say. Rain asks if the armor will self-repair and Tallheart says: "That would consume too much of the metal’s capacity. Without it, the armor will require significantly more Tel to create and maintain. "We cannot be concerned with economics in the depths." So the armor will not have self-repair because that would consume too much of the metal's capacity. I understood that. But then, "without it...". What does "it" reference? Self-repair, or spare capacity in the metal? Neither seems to make sense with the rest of the sentence. If the armor does not have self-repair, why would it take more Tel to create it? Maintain, sure, but wouldn't it take less Tel to create the armor if it does not have self-repair? Or if "it" refers to spare metal capacity, then without enough spare capacity it would take more Tel to create the armor, but it would be self-repairing so how would it take more Tel to maintain? Does he mean the self-repair function would require feeding the armor Tel when it self-repairs? Then he says they cannot be concerned with economics in the depths. Huh? That seems like he is saying that money is no object when in the dangerous depths, which would suggest the armor should have self-repair even if it costs a lot of Tel. Or has he poorly phrased the thought that it would be risky to rely on having a lot of Tel to maintain the armor when they are in the depths, therefore best not to have self-repair. Am I just hopelessly missing something here? Or was that paragraph just ambiguous?


He's saying the self-repair takes too much capacity and since it won't have self-repair, Tallheart will have to repair it in the Depths by hand, which will take a lot of Tel to do. However, since they'll be in the Depths, which are both profitable and dangerous, they can't worry about using all that Tel on repairs since it will be plentiful and vital to Rain's survival.


I wonder if it is worth trying to get Crysts to make Resistance rings for Dark, Light, Mental, and Arcane. They would probably only be good for 20 Resistance, so perhaps not worth it. But 20 Light Resistance might be worth it in case they encounter an environment with extremely bright light. And there might be some Lair environments that naturally reek of Arcane magic or Dark magic (or even Mental magic?). I wonder what Tallheart is planning to do with the two Arcane Crysts he has left. 200 Heat Resistance, 150 Chemical Resistance, 100 Force, and presumably 200 Cold. That's pretty good for armor, I think. Rain's previous set only had 50 Dark. But I wish Rain had asked what the Durability is likely to be. Hopefully a lot more than 13,000 that the last armor had.


I love tallheart


I believe it was mentioned at one point that using force crysts and/or force steel has greater hardness and durability than normal. I'm assuming arcane crysts can function similarly for increasing the amount of magic armor can take, the size of the reservoir, and so on. Not that Tallheart has enough for that or not. I could be misremembering, but decently certain of the force crysts and steel. Plus it just makes sense. I'm not too worried about getting the deets on durability and etc now. I'm 99% certain we'll get an equipment window for his new armor in the next few chapters when it's done.

Shiro Fuun

I think tallheart might also be a scholar. And I rarely think people specialize and people who do either wind up dead or being cream of the crop


Rain should tell Tallhart about composite metal foam. By making a mesh of hollow aluminum balls surrounded by steel, you get a metal that's about seven times stronger than Steel at absorbing damage, and about twice as good at dissipating heat. All for about 1/3 of the weight of steel. Rain worked in construction for a bit, so it's possible he knows about this. I used aluminum and steel in the example, but the underlying principle causing this strange interaction actually applies to all metal. Something about the square-cube law and force being dissipated instead of resisted or something.


I get the impression that Rain wasn't necessarily a materials scientist who'd know about that stuff. He seemed to be more of a managerial/computer jockey type who'd perhaps do some architecting or CAD level engineering instead going by his skill set and displayed information about stuff in general so far in story.


Great Chapter! Thanks! Yet, i miss the introduction of guns(both magical and mundane or a mesh of the two), as im sure that a gun would be extremely useful down in the depths. Plus other equipment, like grappling hooks could be shot, a harpoon, they could put some enchanted glass in their helmets visors so it is not that big of a weak-point. They could make a flamethrower, or if that is not that useful a grenade, or both, along with tripwires and razor wire for defense. A "Chinese wheelbarrow" would be useful as well, similar to the ones used in the modern world as a one wheeled bicycle trailer. They could make some flashlights as well, or enchant the glasses in their helmets for plus perception/night vision..... plus, im sure there are many more great things they could use, and i REALLY hope they will not just use simple swords and armor..... that would be boring.


Fixed, thanks! I had a hell of a time finding it. I was searching for a space, but somehow, it was a tab. :)

Alexander Dupree

Thanks for the chapter cool crunch. I like explanations like this. Make imagining the world easier.


Guns would be awesome but are fairly hard to do unless you're talking about something like a handgonne or a "fire lance". Grenades, or smokepots as they were called, would be far far easier to produce and plenty destructive. Just gotta make sure they don't go off near yourself! Claymore style mines would also be highly valuable in a dungeon scenario if for nothing else other than protecting your camp site while you sleep. Flame throwers are very tough by hand to build since you need a air tight pressure vessel full of high pressure air + fuel to make them work. They also have very short run times and are pretty dang heavy. Their use is situational at best really. Magical flashlights would be invaluable too of course though making them would probably be tricky I think. The magic system + the skills of most of the people in Rain's group are pretty low outside of Rain, Tallheart, and Ameliah.


Were there any discussions about what attracts Blue Essence Monsters other than the one about Rain's long range teleportation attracting the level 18 Blue? I'm wondering if there are any other ways to attract Blues, even if they are fairly short range. If there are other ways, or if Ameliah could level up a tier 4 short-range teleportation skill before they go, it would open up a superior strategy for hunting Blues. They would find a good spot in the Lair and prepare their battleground with barriers, traps, hidey holes, and escape routes. Then they use their trick to attract a Blue and fight it on their own terms rather than randomly running across one and having to fight it on uncertain ground.


I was going to work out how much Mana Capacity Rain would have at Silver, then decided to double check how much he's got now, so I checked the wiki, then went to the cited chapter and either I'm missing something (definitely possible) or his Mana Capacity is wrong. I mean it's supposed to be (20*(F+(C*0.25)))*3=Mana Capacity [F=Focus, C=Clarity] right?


It's showing Mana Capacity at 6,472 but the numbers are: (20*(10+(261*0.25)))*3=4,515 Even if you change the Clarity buff to Focus its: (20*(71+(200*0.25)))*3=7,260

Adrian Gorgey

Aw, Tallheart. These damn humans were really taking him for granted. I wonder how farming and stuff works when there's monsters all over the place? How do you get stable food production? Are there, er, 'Awakened Farmers' who have skills that maximize the amount of food produced?

Adrian Gorgey

Also, I can't help but get excited about the tech uplift side of things and the emergent 'magitech' that melds the knowledge of both worlds. Who knows how things like atomic theory and the periodic table and knowledge of chemical reactions will influence crafting and alchemy? I'm also eager to see how they can use some of these 'basic' magical metals to leapfrog certain industrial and technological roadblocks from our world. I feel like there's so much possibility there, especially with Rain's ability to remember a lot of very specific details. Does anyone have some good ideas about this?


Pretty sure teleportation attracts all nearby monsters equally, "nearby" being relative to how far the teleport carried you. Rain only saw the Musk Wolf because it was the only one strong enough to reach Rain. The others started withering once they passed into the Rank 0 area and died before they reached him. I think. I could be wrong but if teleporting could attract blues and only blues then organizations like The Watch would use it to awaken more of their members.


Tallheart is my favorite character so far no doubt.


When enchanted armor converts magical damage and then dissipates it , what exactly is it being converted to and what is being dissipated? The Dark Revenant's Armor called it "mana conversion", "mana saturation", and "mana dissipation". The mana saturation has units of "mp" and the mana dissipation has units of mp/s. That suggests that it is Mana that is being stored and dissipated. But if it is Mana, why not use that Mana instead of just dissipating it? Has it ever been discussed in the story? Is the Mana somehow tainted and unusable?


If you think of it like heat it makes a certain sense. The Armor absorbs "energy" which becomes "heat", upto its threshold or "melting point", and naturally radiates said "heat" at a rate determined by its design and construction. Even if this "heat" is "energy", if not contained in a usable form within a "battery"(Capacitance Rune) it can't necessarily be used. This itself doesn't necessarily mean it can't be used at all, just that you'd likely need some way to convert it into a usable form and store it.


Wait, is Rain’s new armor going to be a different color? The all black armor (plus the white cape) is so iconic


I assume it will be steel colored, so shiny gray. Unless adding Force Crysts to steel makes it change color.


There are 10 ring slots... Rain is literally only using one for all his current stat needs. Lets hope TH knows some good Runes for more effects. Seems a mighty big waste for those 9 other slots to not go to any use. Maybe we could get an all-round +20 or +30 ring wi(with an off switch/easily removable), maybe a ring for stealthy things. Maybe a +acuity/precision ring, could help a lot to balance out velocity boosts. Certainly he could make some res rings maybe with a bit more beefiness if they can get the right materials


The limiting factor is not the runes Tallheart knows but rather the materials and Crysts that they can get. Rain's ring needed a Grand Arcane Cryst. Presumably a much lesser ring could be made without a Grand Cryst, but they would still need the right kind(s) of Cryst. Probably Arcane for most things that are not Resistances to an element. And they are short of Arcane Crysts.


Since Rain's new armor will not have self-repair, I assume his ring will also no longer be able to self-repair since it was previously leeching off the self-repair of his armor. He will have to be sure to keep the ring safe since even if Tallheart can repair it, it would still be a disaster to have to go without it while waiting for however long it takes Tallheart to repair it.


Thank you!


All readers shall remember snowlily now Tallheart.