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Thank you!


Fornication bad


Awww, they are moving into their first house together. I wonder if Rain will ask to be carried over the threshold?


I can see Captain Rain and gang informally taking over the city from the nobles and the Crimson group. Or even formally, if they can get established over the orifice. Wait. They are building a dungeon camp/entrance. HAS THIS ALL BEEN PROLOUGE TO THE ACTUAL DELVE?


Thanks for the chapter. I'm kinda hoping the Crimson whatsits do try something and are PROMPTLY snuffed out, so we can Finally get to Delving for Blues. They seem like one of those ultimately trivial but still annoying groups that will somehow manage to do something horrible and probably force Rain to take his first humanoid life (assuming I haven't somehow forgotten a previous incident) before Rain finally, Finally, FINALLY gets another Blue. (I'm not suffering withdrawal from lack of Crunchy Bits, no, not at all, ah-ha-ha-ha-ha~) Still enjoyed the Chapter, just hoping the Crimson idiots are dealt with quickly, because every line about them is one more till Crunchy Bits.

Adrian Gorgey

Hope it DOES reach the Depths. It would be cool to have a base that doesn't mean stalling for levels. It's certainly better than aimlessly wandering around in search of Blues and Dungeons.


I want action!!!


Quite a meaty and delicious chapter, somehow. Thank you.


...to give us half of whatever [we] extract... ...but he [was] so used to it by now... [Rain's >> Rain] breathed deeply... You're right, though. [though it >> It] will likely cause an incident... ...had been a mining town, back [when] it had been founded. ...had been digging out [-out-] the ramp of scree... Rain shoved aside [his] worry...


I wonder when the rumor that Ascension aren't human start. "Have you looked at their camp no trash piles or latrines"


Yeah, I twigged when Tallheart told his story, realised that the subject of the title/cover image hadn't even been talked about until then


I can't think of a way to refer to the crack that isn't something my juvenile mind would laugh at. The crack, hole, orifice, deep... Oh! The dark? That one is pretty full of itself, though.


I think they are taking the crimson swords too lightly. What could they really do if the sneaky one went to kill Amelia in her sleep?


He's an archer, not a rogue or assassin. He'd have to make it through their fortified and monitored walls, past the entire camp, kill Ameliah, then escape. It would make more sense for him to try to snipe her in the day than to risk his neck like that. But both options are poor.


“Terminal velocity isn’t that fast” - has to be my new favorite quote from Rain


When I read the sword segment it reminded me to ask why you are making the camps weapons drills with swords? With the concept of moving as a large group a moving spear/ pike wall is alot more scary then a bunch of un awaken people with swords


Yuuuuuuuup. Spears are cheaper and easier to make too. And fix. And learn to use effectively. They can be harder to use in tight spaces but that is why short spears are a thing. Also the user can just pull the spear back a bit and shorten their grip for tight spaces. Obviously won't work for 10'+ long pikes but for 5-6' long spears its just fine. The big pikes could be kept off to the side for more open areas when possible. They're too effective not to keep around for such occasions really.


Man glad my comment is getting thus reaction...I usually dont post. Yeah the roman legions where what made bring up the question of why spears weren't being used. I mean hes bring back metal alloys from what I am assuming are high school memories why not tatics of one of the most talked about armies? I know once people are awakened they can potentially become army killers in this world so group tactic are bad for pvp but they company is pve ideally from what I read. Personally Id try to arm them with a spear for spear walls and staff slings attached to quater staffs for range, bring back that collapsible staff/ batton please.


Gotta agree with some people. Spears are one of, if not the best weapon type there is (besides firearms and such). Really not sure why the camp is using and learning swords when spears are not only easier, but they're just better in almost every single way. Tons of different kinds too, like the Partizan. Would make more sense with Ascensions logo too. Arrow/spear.


To all the spear comments, it sounded like Rain's goal earlier was to make roles to balance around a party, not necessarily go for large scale combat. And while I agree that spears are superior weapons for war, a sword is easier to carry as a sidearm. I would expect if Ascension went to war that spears would be considered, but Im also not sure how great shields behind a spearwall would be in a world where spells exist.


I mean spears are cool. But yes, there's plenty of reasons to stick with swords or hammers or other weapons. Ease of use, it just being one of the many weapons they're going to train because Samson is so good at swords, etc. However, shields would be even better with how metal and magic works. Having a huge wall to divert and absorb all those spells? Yes please.

Lettered Wolf

Spears are great for open field, and for defending against monsters: more reach means more again something inhuman in my opinion than say against a person. It's worth remembering and noting the standard adventuring equipment in Ch113. Everyone has a spear. And if you remember the chapters from Fel Sadanis and the Lair spears were the standard fighting equipment of the unawakened of the company then and we have read nothing that indicates this isn't still true. However we have no one in the company who knows spears or an awakened specializing in them this means there is a limit to what can be learned and how effective one can be with a weapon against creatures than have health bars. For the unawakened they are still the best for defense of large numbers but sometimes the best solution isn't workable in this case we have Sampson who was approaching the peak of what an unawakened could do before he was awakened. Would you rather be mediocre on a better weapon or trained by a master on useful weapon. Finally outside of when the company is on the march as a whole I don't see spears being that much better. They give longer reach and better massed defense true. However there is likely a goal to optimize for combat in 8 man groups because of the limits in lairs. And in small groups spears are often not as useful, once an enemy is inside the reach of your spear or pike you are screwed unless someone in a rank behind you can get them. There is a reason that you don't see or hear of spears being used in one on one duels after you get past the bronze age and metal becomes relatively plentiful for weapons. Don't take this as me not thinking spears are great only that the logistics of how many people will be fighting at time plus weapon length in tunnel confines, combined with not having a trainer for spears, and the magic of the system making awakened far more skilled with there chosen weapon than any possible analogue from our history relegates the spear to a secondary role at least for now.

Lettered Wolf

This chapter gave me optimism which was sorely needed. The Vestvall arc has been a bit disappointing to me after a large built up going into it and a good couple chapters to start. The geologist and lecturer that is still in me from years ago loved the chemistry set trying to get alumina, unless magic shenanigans are going on it's still a few steps away from aluminum, out of what I am guessing is one form of bauxite. Poor Rain doesn't know he's half right about the acid. I'd have loved to have been his chem or geology lecturer and him asking do you need an acid or a base to increase the solubility of Al since the answer is yes: taking the solution to either end of the Ph spectrum works. That said the industrial sized processes I am aware of use a base. I was happy to see him terrify the mayor. Not just because the mayor was trying a dick play in this instance, I had most of a response written to the last chapter that we only seem to see Rain's broken soul for the bad it does. The Lana encounter hadn’t sat well with me, I was specifically going to ask for more scaring of the mayor or someone instead of terrified young women who break Rain, so that did make me smile. Scaring Lana enough to call Rain a monster just felt like more crap falling from a great height onto Rain, at this point random emotional encounters to make Rain want to cry or actually cry are more of an overused cliché making me roll my eyes than empathies with him. To me it really was gilding the lily. This chapter make me smile even Rain using a movie meme was just eye rolling rather than cringeworthy such as the ringwrath he pulled on Gus. That said I'm calling it now that Rain isn’t human or a real creature he's a bucket a memes and Wikipedia pages with an AI algorithm that thinks it's people. He in fact isn't an immature kid in an adult’s body using memes to process situation and emotions he doesn't understand, he is an AI that woke up in our internet which a hallucinated back story who divided by zero to see what would happen and that ported him to this planet. Moving to the fissure really gives me optimism that we'll see more of what made me follow and love Delve to the point of joining patreon: the combination of a magnificently designed system, magic, diverse and believable characters, a believable world (though I do have questions), and the aforementioned characters interacting in ways that fit them and humanity, or deerness for Tallheart. Rain realizing he can’t do everything himself or even with a standard eight man team and building a company for it was an example of this and made me love it more. We've been lacking several of these for this arc; I am hopeful of where they are headed now. Chapters 125 -130 felt to me like fewer chapters spread across six. We have Rain's battle with the stumper with the sword, which I loved showing both him being better with physical aspects and that he can ape some sword skills without taking the skill, The Kiss, Rain playing in his soul, Rain murdering murder shrews, and several meetings. Some of those meetings like Tallheart scaring Vestvall while Jamus finds Bens, or Rain standing up to Hegar and company (even if he did so in an idiotic manner in my opinion that he confronted them was huge for Rain's natural mouse like instincts), or the brain trust's science fair...I mean projects have been entertaining and good but still a lot of talking and internal dialogue for six weeks of chapters. I'm not against any of these I feel that we have been missing some of what makes Delve Delve. Where is the math? Where are the blue boxes? We've had 5* in 6 chapters all in ch 125 and 126. Three were Rain's stats and training at the start of 126. One isn’t blue but yellow of Jamus of a skill we had already scene from Rain pov when he got it in chapter 53 so it was nice but didn’t add anything we didn’t already know. We didn’t get to see a training message in this chapter even when Rain triggers it twice. For the best LitRPG I have read it really feels lacking of blue boxes of late, even if they are from someone else's perspective it is always wonderful to learn something else of the system. It feels like the past several chapters have had much of the world building, discovery, company building, and system exploration sucked out to leave the characters, emotions, and relationships. There were weeks for the newly awakened members of the company to grow and learn things about thier new builds all that we know is that Corrin has become decent with geomancy. I don’t think any of these six chapters are bad I think they are between decent and excellent however taken together I feel there is something lacking. They feel almost soap-operaish not because they are a soap opera but after so long with so many other things happening focusing on meetings and relationships does feel a bit like that. I suppose the biggest argument against my feeling of something lacking or movement in these chapters is the Kiss and that they finally are together. While I do greatly enjoy knowing that Carten fell off the wall and wish we had seen that, I am ambivalent to Rain and Ameliah getting together at this point. I'm not against them. When Ameliah left I thought that was a good thing. She needed to sort herself out and Rain needs to deal with his problems with are greater and frankly him standing on his own would be great for him. I was shocked when she turned around before her POV was even finished that was fast and at the time felt a little forced. I'll admit she seems to have dealt with her issues quickly and decently well in the chapters since then. Rain though, Rain worries me in a relationship. He comes across as an emotionally stunted teenager in an adult’s body. Which I think is fair and I don’t blame him for, he lost first his Dad causing him to drop out of college then his Mom. I am not shocked that he thanks to a low level depression following that he stayed stunned. That is nothing to be ashamed of but it does take time to grow out of that. He has made great emotional growth since the start of this novel. He can still be fearful and socially anxious but he had done a great job at growing beyond this so being cowardly or avoiding people aren't his only options now. But he hasn’t really worked at his issues of abandonment. He's clingy, he acts co-dependant at times, and he can be unhealthy with those close to him. This is what makes me not enjoy seeing the relationship as much as I would in a different situation. His freak out with her leaving to the point of attacking a stumper solo shows just how much his emotions aren't figured out. As is how he freaked out from Lana reacting to his soul something he knew was going to happen to some degree before he even approached her. I wish Rain would spend as much time unfucking his stunted emotional development as he spends on unfucking these people measurement units or his own soul damage. Having been in relationships with people like Rain who really did try or were good people in most ways but who had real trouble with relationships thanks to such emotional stunting or the like is why I found the speed with they advanced their relationship more off putting than joyous. I do hope he figures it out how to fix himself because like his soul no one else but the person can fix emotional damage, others can help or guide but he has to do it himself. And on that note, I hope he figures out his soul soon too. I've been waiting on that one for a while. This chapter gives me more hope for next week than I had going into this one. If you read this far what do you think the crack should be renamed? I used fissure above and think it’s a great name; and that way they can ‘fish’ for blues and loot. :)

Mason Bially

> he is an AI that woke up in our internet which a hallucinated back story who divided by zero to see what would happen and that ported him to this planet. The fuck was that paragraph.


If both natural and artificial light prevent monsters from spawning, it's safe to say some property of photons at that very specific wavelength within an electromagnetic field occludes whatever bozon mana uses to transfer information on monster formation. If such were the case, there should theoretically also be certain sounds that, if played continuously, would also prevent monsters from spawning. There also appears to be similar fields of other fundamental forces through which monster information mana can't travel. The graviton field allowing the magistral obelisk to float prevented monsters from spawning, and the strong interactions binding matter together also seems to prevent monsters(Nothing is going to spawn inside of a rock). Regarding the fourth fundamental force; I would theorize there should exist some speed/amount of radioactive decay that would occlude mana, preventing monsters from spawning. I say all this because now that we're diving into chemistry/engineering, it's probably prudent to identify magic as a 5th fundamental force instead of this mysterious and ethereal unknown.


One of the obnoxious aspects of Delve's magic is that it is unclear how much of the system is due to the "physics" of mana, and how much is due to mana being deliberately "programmed". For all we know, many of the monster spawning/shift changing rules are purely artificial. It is very likely that whatever killed off the Majistraal was the side affect of changing one of the fundamental rules of how magic behaves.