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This story is always the highlight of my week. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication!

Alexander Dupree

They can do whatever they want in there 😜


“Besides, I could defeat that Ameliah woman. Bull. Shit. Man I hope he tries, that'd be hilarious. Weak ass bronzeplate trying to take on a mid silver? PFT. Lana said he was dumb but damn.


Thanks for the chapter. I do wonder when Rain will get his next Blue. Though Cataloging the Builds of the others, or Collaborating with Amelia to explore the Skill Trees would be cool.


They probably know of a single skillset Ameliah has, and think they can counter her. It would be nice to see them try and get completely destroyed without understanding how it all happened, just because she is using a different skillset from last time


Anyone else feeling off from Unus Annus?


Thank you!


Who else just spent a few to look up how to extract aluminum?


really nice chapter, tyvm.

Adrian Gorgey

A good chapter - it'd be cool to be able to awaken even more people in the chasm - and maybe even raise Rain's level cap? Also like the Rain and Amelia romance - I know they've only been 'together' for a day, and that there's not exactly a lot of privacy in the camp, but I wonder when they'll stop dancing around each other and bang already lol


I dont think we gonna see raise lv cap rain before a "long" time, between his problem soul, ascension fundation to build, all awakening AND training to do before we get a good group for going after hight lv blue, we have some time except twist story Yeah except some combo nasty or group simultaned attack with surprise or assasin, amelia wipe them out easy i think, and dont forget talbear (he is lv 38? i think) with his armor op he stomp them Man so good chapter again but im crying for more, we want moarrrr, 1 chapter per week (pretty long chapter) is NOT enought for us ;))


Is there more chapter if I increase my patron to the next level up.


Key hint: materials engineers sometimes refer to it jokingly as "solidified electricity".


I wonder what will happen to the town after the ruling thugs get heated by Ascension


Seems a little out of character for Rain to get hung up on what a single woman said to him in surprise. And he's back to acting like a doormat. Past few chapters before this were so good with his character growth, but now he's regressed to his strong martyr complex again. To expand: A single damsel-in-distress did this to him? Come on. He was being so much more assertive and confident in the past several chapters. Why is he now regressing to trying to solve the world's problems, when he has so many of his own managing the camp? This was put into good perspective before, and he just ignored that? Where's the character consistency? Frankly, I'm just going to pretend this chapter didn't exist. It caused frustrating character regression, and I'm struggling to find purpose in highlighting his soul-damage for the 5th or 6th time without actually doing anything about it. I just keep thinking of more stuff: Who the hell would respect Rain after that kind of show? An expected reaction to someone feeling his soul for the first time, which has happened before, and he runs off and cries for 3 hours? On top of that, Ameliah comes along and sees this, and essentially tells him "go play with your toys, I'll handle this".


I mean, thinking about it Rain kinda did spawn under a tree, possibly pre dawn but definitely in shadow. Monster might be technically correct.


No. Everything is provided at the lowest tier, you should only increase your tier if you have the cash to spare and want to extra super-duper support the Author's work.


He was being assertive and confident because he had to be, and after Hegar's party left, he collapsed from the stress of it. Here, he could act like he was strong and confident if he wanted to, but he's not doing so, which is the entire point. The chapter name is "confiding," after all. He's confiding in Ameliah, as opposed to putting up a strong front. You may have a point about bringing up the soul damage for the umpteenth time without doing something about it, but the fact that he's been making progress recently makes this depression about the soul damage feel like the impetus to get something big done with it. Stories are all about swings from low to high. Also, that fact that Ameliah is offering to get involved if something doesn't happen soon makes me think that something will happen soon. But, as with all things, we shall see.


Rain should be trying to understand his soul, not fix it. Because if you think about, his soul is not chaotic at all. Each time his body requests a meaningful action for the soul to take, be it activate a skill, alter a skill's parameters, or use the appropriate stat, it consistently replies with the correct outcome Rain desired. Similar to the necessity of the hybrid control panel the obelisk made, He should build an input/response algorithm to actually understand what his soul is 'saying' prior to attempting to interface with it.


I can't help but think that Rain will have to reach at least Silver/Lv. 25+ before he has a reasonable chance of fixing his Soul, especially when you consider the repeated references to OverSoul and Gold Rank earlier on. Rain's "Precocious" in that he can perceive and interact with his Soul at all with his Rank.


Personally, I think the reward for popping his paling and reforming a bigger one is that his class with go from rare to legendary. Earlier on is was stated that the limit of the soul's size was proportional to the class's rarity, with legendary classes having the 'biggest' soul. ya know....maybe if Ameliah lets Rain examine her soul, he would get a feel for how his should now look/operate.


Completely random note. I've been listening to "We all lift together" on and off since the chapter a few weeks ago. I'd never even heard it before, way too catchy.


Just listened to it yesterday and yea, it really adds a lot to that scene. Would have been nice if the first line of the song was a hyperlink to the song on YouTube. That way normies could enjoy the meme as well.


The romance has consistently been *very* clumsy. I think I’ll read the latest chapters, but this story doesn’t interest me much anymore.