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Daylight Savings?


I knew chapter 2^7 would be special, didn't disappoint!

Empty Shelf

"Finally"? Finally... -Heals his soul? -Breaks the system?! -Levels up?!? *Smooch* ...well, that's okay too, I guess...

Aezy Ken


Valter Anunciação

Either we had a time skip or something there was fucky. What happened between they figuring out she had ledf and the fight? How long has it been. Am I being done or was this chapter that poorly written?


Kiss Kiss Kiss! lol

Adrian Gorgey

Me likey. Actual romantic development! Not playing coy around each other for entire volumes! Who'd have thunk it?? I really like the direction Delve is going - this chapter also showed Rain's development with that sword style (which, while I'm sure he considers "amateurish", was fueled by an absurd overmana learning speed), and maybe the fact that his sword broke will convince Talheart to make him an enchanted version when the have the Crysts? Also, the utility of their engine and lights in a ranked zone is interesting. Looking forward to more magitech!


>Rain was pissed about Ameliah leaving >Convenient outlet for rage appears >Rain murders Stumper >Ameliah says psych >Making out


Thanks for the chapter! Finally indeed.


Disgusting, accidentally downloaded the light one

Arnon Parenti

Beat the monster with armored hands, kiss the girl. A good day in Rain's life.


All feels and no crunch, but I don't care because the build up was so long. The time line is a little odd, either Ameliah is gone of a day off camera or the end of chapter 127 takes place before the beginning of chapter 128. Or the missing day is in the other direction and Ameliah part of chapter 127 was chronologically before the rest of the chapter 127.


Yes Ameliah, you did break him.


Thank you!

Joseph Dizdar

I was thinking it's the other direction. 127 happened during Stint's pov in 128, so the end of 127 is a little before Rain gets back to camp in 128


The story feels slow, probably because the one chapter a week, but it is progressing really well. I love the direction Rain is going so far.


Well that finally happened.


Short chapter, thanks


When I saw the Title I thought maybe he FINALLY leveled up, still an apropos Finally.


I agree, it's great to see a discarding of that common yet utterly annoying will they won't they nonsense.


It’s cute. I love it. Best story. But why so short!? 😭 More story! More story! More story!


Thanks for the chapter. Truly an appropriate Finally. Though I can't help but hope that the next Finally will include more Crunchy Bits.


I love the Stint pov man dat was too funny, when he rub his eyes and think im hallucinating? yes im hallucinating looking to his horse and the dog (where is doozer bru who poke him and bop a sound at him to let him pass when he random move in the camp)


I don’t get it. Ameliah was gone for a day and Rain acted like she was gone for months. Even Ameliah acted like she was returning after a year long journey. Bruh I saw you last morning why become so moody and dramatic?

Critical Hit

I think it was longer than that. Long enough for Rain to move from the first sword form to the second, and long enough for him to learn enough of the Stumper's pattern to take one out solo and distracted as a very much unfinished aura build.


Wooo! Hell yea :)

Newguy Roy

Definite lack of dozer fist bump this chapter




did I break you.


Seeing Rain go full sword hero like a damn paladin was pretty amusing. Realistically, He should be using a dagger or Assassin's creed style wrist blades to deliver a singular, velocity enhanced piercing attack straight to a monster's weak point(brain/heart/neck) to kill them instantly like Laverro does. Sacrificing a larger weapon's mass for a smaller weapon's speed will also yield exponentially greater returns on damage due to the way energy is calculated, all focused on a vulnerable area. The only downside is killing monsters with single-minded, Laverro style efficency does not make for good storytelling. I'd much rather read about some knuckle dragging sword ape rather than a perfect assassin.


Uh, oh - is it ok if i admit that i may have chanted with carten? x))


OOoOOOOOOaaaoaAAAHHHH. Cat Crosses the Courtyard, Rain in High Wind, Striking the Spark, Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose, Rose Unfolds, Threading the Needle, Whirlwind on the Mountain, Wind and Rain. Surprisingly relevant Wheel of Time sword forms.


We need more of the horse thats obsessed with fire.


You just KNOW that isn't all they're going to be doing in the dark soon~~~


Don't worry, they'll find his lubiness later on, that was clearly what the cliffhanger was for.


He needs a spear or a poleaxe not a sword or dagger. Swords and daggers have HIGH skill requirements + you have to get close to hit with them. Spears and poleaxes are easier to learn and give you distance while still allowing you to hit your opponent. The safety factor is huge. And one good swing with a poleaxe could probably kill a whole lot of things even for him. They were notoriously nasty and effective weapons for anti armor too. They aren't thought of such today but back in the mid-ish late Medevial period they were actually a knight's weapon and they were more widely used than the sword in battle. Lots more effective too in general. Swords got used as a backup weapon and as something you could carry around socially (unarmored) for daily self defense and duels for knights, nobles, and the wealthy. The social carry aspects allowed them to persist for a long time in use and the skill requirements to be effective with them also lent a certain mystique to any sword carrier which carries into today. But the real killing weapon of choice that won out in physical combat was the polearm of some sort.


Nothing, because monsters spawn in the dark. They'll be doing it all in the light.


That's sweet. I honestly never thought it would happen, but I'm glad to be wrong.

Joe ?

the most appropriate chapter title of all time. finally.


That was not the 'Finally" I was hoping for. Maybe next chapter can begin with a notification: Your soul has been expanded by True Love's Kiss. Your level cap has increased to 28.


Finally lol. Happy she's back and here to stay

Daolord Badlands

All I hear is madara coming out of his coffin: "FINALLY"


It's absolutely ok. The best part of instant barbarians is feeling it vicariously. Sometimes you're shocked into silence. Other times you gotta let loose and yell AAAAAYYYYYYYY and this one of those of those times. The story just gets so many things right and this was no exception.


Now kiss. 😂


Rain, just so you know, no need to ask Reason if a Chemist can make magical contraceptives. The Best Spell Ever can take care of bodily fluids.


If it took care of that fluid then everyone in camp would be sterile..


yay! Tyvm. Nice and wholesome. I'd been reading another story (which started ok but has gotten nastier and more twisted by the page, I'm increasingly convinced that author is one random input away from being a psycho killer) and reallllly needed to see something a little less effed up. TY! I, ofc, am gonna bail on that other story. Ick.


OMG, thank you, just thank you. Took long enough.

Michael Hughes

The kiss was nice and all but I was hoping for a level up. Or that he would get level one of the sword skill.


I think there is a good chance in 1-2 months for Rain to level up. But katas are just libraries of movements. There is no "level up" as he doesn't have the skill and is just mimicking movements from Samson.




OOAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Indeed. Carten always got the right words.

Chyro Nighthowler

Just curious, what other story was that? Either to know to stay away from it, or to give it a try while aware of the risk :p


A bit of cringe, but at least it's not boring.


"Finally" is right. Been waiting for that to happen for like 60 chapters now! Carten's "Kiss, kiss kiss" was super juvenile...so completely in character. xD