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If you find a typo, throw it in the comments! Enjoy!



Welp, last chapter of the month...


Thanks! Sleepy seems like he might be ascension material


Thank you for the chapter!

Alexander Dupree

[[FILTH]] is the cutest exclamation I’ve ever read

Empty Shelf

Oh-ho, what's this? Looks like someone has a decent head on their shoulders. Brovose seems to be coming to some proper conclusions here.


I think there's a typo. I thought you had Kettle's name as "Kettel" before now, but it's "Kettle" in this chapter several times. Brovose is actually decently intelligent. He's wrong about Rain being a hybrid build, but it's logical to assume it. He has some decent spellcasting metamagics, and even has mage sight. We already know it takes a LOT of mana to level up mana manipulation to 10 to unlock that. Also. He has a hidden skill called torpor? PFTT hahahahaha. You enjoyed adding that far too much. It's great though, I'm down.

Mason Bially

> Stint snorted. Love ducks. >>He<< gnawed off another chunk of jerky. Lucky bastard. Improper italicization.


really good stuff, ty!

Adrian Gorgey

This was an interesting chapter - I have to say, I'm not terribly interested in the looming conflict with the adventuring team. I recognize that the conflict with experienced adventurers will help Ascension grow, but Idk I'm just not so excited about it. What I'm more excited about is the expeditionary missions into the Depths and the potential Blues that await - and I'm also excited for the magitech developments and uses of aluminum that they can think up - the most obvious being in power transmission lines and industrial uses in engines, such as the one built in 1903 by the Wright brothers to power their first biplane. I can only imagine what a smith like Tallheart will think up with the assistance of magic. Surely, a Helicarrier is not too big a dream!!


Fornication still bad. Rest of chapter was great.

Chris Mantakounis

Yeah this conflict feels like a distraction to the real plot. Not a bad idea just to soon after we finally get to the start of the real story


Chapter's alright. Could use some more fornication.


Your preferences about other people are not as important as their preferences about themselves. You say other people fornicating is bad, they say them fornicating is good. You are wrong and they are right. By all means make your own choices about sex in your own life, but I have no sympathy for your frustration over your inability to inflict your values on people who do not share them. Either keep your opinions to yourself, or be more amusing in your discomfort so we may all laugh harder at your impotent, poisonous attitude.


MFW I can't tell the difference anymore, and neither can my spellchecker:🤦‍♂️ Fixed, thanks.


Off cam lewds is best IMO. Plenty of stories elsewhere to get that sort of thing if you want it. Scribblehub is practically nothing but lewds and straight up porn of whatever sort you could want.

Erasmo Simo

For some reason this is how I imagined Hegar waking up Brovose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkRcxGEBap0

Daniel Vainsencher

I love how this story is multi-dimensional, kinda like life. The delve is the story, and the tech is the story, as are the psycho-party conflict, the sex and the silly but uplifting blob.

Michael Hughes

Great chapter. Was Hole and Oats a reference to Hall and Oats? I am a Garfunkel and Oats man myself. Val getting spotted is great. Magic eyes, there watching you, magic eyes.


Wow Brovose, look at you not being a crazy person!


I got the sense that him and Rain would get along in this chapter. Was he acting crazy in a previous chapter, I don’t remember?


Great chapter. Do you think you’ll ever go back to writing two chapters a week? This is one of my favorite ongoing stories, and a single chapter a week is just barely enough to cut the itch haha

His Dad

kettle ->Kettel


Thank you!


Reveille being described as aggressively peppy was absolutely perfect. Also I'm really enjoying the direction Rain's power growth is going in. Seeing him getting stronger by bending the rules of the system is exactly what I signed up for. Levels/stats are all so mundane to me at this point.


Ah so Rain and Ameliah finally did the horizontal tango, good for them. By the way you ever read the posts at r/rational? of all the places that discuss Delve they are certainly the ones most critical, I went today just to check and goddam those guys, why are they even reading if they think it is so awful.


At the beginning I imagined Ameliah lifting upTallheart who was lifting up Carten who was carrying Rain


From what I've been able to gather, it appears they continue reading because Delve is a fascinating case study in how to do things wrong, but still get paid for it. With particular focus being on how certain LITrpg factors scale significantly higher in gaining/keeping reader attention. All-in-all a pretty interesting discussion that current/future authors here can find some value in.