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Vote with the swirled substance of your choice.



Well then...


Oh good, the arguments over who was to go in happened offscreen. And yeah, that's freaky. Good horror movie vibes. RoyalRoad should like this chapter.


Well. That's unsettling as hell. I love it. This lair is totally unlike anything I expected. Guess we know about detection and it working with lairs or not, now. I thought the magical aspect might make it wonky but I've wanted to know for ages regardless lol. Well, a bunch of punk-ass level 1-3 ghosts are good for an aura user like Rain. Even if his immolate isn't as effective. And the name of the monster was black. I'm going to assume that wasn't a typo and it's just a regular monster.


I would be glad to finally see health bars too! Creepy for sure.


Well of course, the blue can't show up in their first encounter with the new creepy 'fhrost' lair.



Joe ?

was that printer ink comment a reference to the daily grind?


That was a pretty cool chapter! Got pretty curious by the end lol. Thanks for the chapter!

Ty Tuttle

Fingers crossed we finally see some more progress for Rain soon. He's been stagnating recently. Looking forward to the dungeon!


Ambiance then a cliff. Hmm.


That was creepy...


Well done. And thank you. Was the name supposed to be coloured?


How appropriate that a cold-aspect lair is giving me chills. Truly creepy.

Ole Halvorsen

what I hate with the voting system is that I have to vote to see the result of the pool. meaning even if I think the chapter was ok+ I have to give it a thumbs up...


WHY was melm chosen while he is no part of the firm ?


Because he's a relatively powerful awakened and one of their only melee fighters?


You’re inviting disaster with those poll choices...


Thank you!


That's like a nope rope. First discovery means you turn the fuck around and get out of dodge/messed

Peter Christensen-Calvin

I voted chocolate, and feel very betrayed that it apparently means thumbs down. Heretics.


That is, by far, the nerdiest simile I have ever seen. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but damn, I wasn't expecting to see The gimp referenced here. :)


that was a good chapter


Does the damage variation on spells relate inversely to how much environmental mana is generated? Because the mana costs are set without metamagic.


Very atmospheric but the cliff hanger just when the fight was about to start felt very unecessary


Amazing how being ignored by ghosts is scarier that being attacked by them.


It would be mad to ignore a threat, but they are ignoring us. Maybe we aren't a threat?


Amazing chapter! This is exactly why I'm hooked on this story. While some people want to see Rain become more powerful by increasing cliche stuff like level and stats, I'm here to see how a better understanding of this system and reality in general can lead to greatness. Of particular importance is how Rain verified through experimentation that auras do indeed work by catalyzing and manipulating environmental mana, instead of just using Rains personal mana. This not only goes against the baseline conventional wisdom of the characters(and some readers) but also solidly proves that all auras will produce mageburn. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! If we follow this line of thinking to it's natural conclusion, we would have to assume that all auras, including things like Detection and Purify, subject their targets to Diviniation/Holy 'mageburn', whatever that may manifest as. Just like Winter aura subjects targets to the 'mageburn' effect of increasing their clarity synchronization, thereby increasing their memory and learning capacity. Rain can basically give his company permanent buffs by spamming auras with positive 'mageburn' effects.


The auras acting as a catalyst is not actively manipulating the environment mana. It's the equivalent to lighting a match when surrounded by gas fumes. You're obviously having an effect, but calling it "manipulation" is dishonest. A catalyst causing a chain reaction does not manipulation make. Bowcraig's POV in chapter 94 demonstrates actual manipulation of elemental mana and we're told how unheard of it is. Which Rain might eventually manage! But it's explicitly explained in that chapter that is not what immolate and refrigerate do. So not yet. Give him a ton of extra metamagic and like 20 levels minimum lol. ...I'm not sure where you're coming up with these mageburn theories though. They're pretty out there.


Strong second half, pretty weak first half.


It says they are going to capture essence monsters, are those the blues that awaken people? Are they saying its possible to drag a monster out of the lair so that unawakend can kill it?


That is what an essence monster is. And no idea. You apparently can take objects out, they'll just eventually disappear. Whether they're just gonna hobble them inside or bring them outside, I guess we'll find out.


i liked this a lot, gj. Ty for the chapter. PS: creepy!


The horror was a nice touch. Everybody likes a spooky on occasion




Wait, we skipped all five chapters between 117 and 118?! One chapter about talking with Carter on way back, second for conducting meeting, third about meeting, fourth about Ameliah flying and fifth about Rain going near Lair. Surprised