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Dozer is best slime, XD.


Heh, neat to see into Dozer's 'head' for a bit. But seriously, that was a pretty big mistake Rain made. They should have nuked the bear, I think.


Thank you!


Looks like Rain's attempt at Democracy has failed and Monarchy has won the day.

Empty Shelf

Such a good boy/girl/thing...


Ah how sweet. Wanted to mention that the tables are always broken for me in epub, using the app Lithium. So idk if it's a problem elsewhere, just wanted to say something. Not a problem in this chap though


Amelia Queen indeed. Thanks for the chapter!


"Kill me?" Jeeeesus. Metal. Also! He has a script for auto-adjusting the ring settings depending on certain actions taken? Nifty. Though he should keep more points in focus than clarity pre-battle. Every 10 focus gives him 600ish mana and 5% extra damage to attack auras. If he had 100 extra focus from the ring pre-battle, that would give him 6000 extra mana and make his attacks auras 50% stronger/more efficient. He has about 5100 mana at base, so that more than doubles his mana for any battles as long as he sets the ring and regens that mana pool beforehand. As soon as his mana dips below x point, those stats are better invested in clarity for regen unless he needs the 50% efficiency for an attack spell. Waiting until the battle starts to change the stats from clarity to focus deprives him of that extra mana he'd get from setting it early and filling up the spare space in his mana pool. Only makes sense if he's doing something like constantly spamming Detection, which he'd need more regen for. Obviously this is ignoring the increase in mana pool from clarity, but each 10 points in clarity gives only 225 to mana pool size, compared to the 600 from focus + attack aura damage increase.

David Otis

Carten, the new hodor.

Nathan Emerson

I love dozer, you need more from his viewpoint. I would even read a book just from his perspective.


Best POV ever


Dozer is getting smarter. Smartest slime in the world.


that was a good chapter

Håkan Friberg

Thanks! I like how Dozer isn't static but starting to learn as well :)


If you are going to have pov for dozer in the future then make it useful. Not some useless filler. Not that I disliked this chapters pov.

Not Real

It said in the chapter that he was not at full mana

Patrick Short

Where's the missing 1% in the votes....


Love that little slime ball :D


I like Dozer but I don't like reading half a chapter of his barely there thoughts. Fight was fine though


I loved this. Fight was done great and dozer was fantastically cute. More dozer please!


Dozer is more complicated than I thought.


Some observations: Dozer is the best Dozer is shipping Rain and Ameliah Dozer gets Tallheart Now you are going to have to write a Dozer spinoff.

Cameron C

I want more dozer chapters.


The awakening of Dozer....love it! I hope next chapter ends the layer tho....

Tycho Green

Showing Dozer himself is the main point. Also, we now know that Dozer is unable to figure out new words, but if Rain hears what is spoken Dozer has a chance to remember the words that through the link become comprehensible to him.


Dozer IS learning and getting smarter! Yay!

Arnon Parenti

My reader only takes the chapter name as text, everything else is size 8