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Weekly chapter fix is in you fiends


2nd, and let me thank you for your time and dedication to the Novel


And in the first line he is in, I'm already done with Kettel. New Record!


why do i get the feeling we wont read about the delve for another 3 weeks? :(


Thanks for the chapter! I'm enjoyed Rain and Amelia's interactions a lot. I absolutely love your accolade system. It's so cool.


Yeah rain and Amelia definitely work. Also rain should let Amelia hit carten... she hits harder.


So as soon as something important comes up even Rain realizes that democracy and voting isn't really going to work. He should listen to Amelia and realizes he is way too trusting and naive. He should just take the lead of the company and stop with all that voting nonsense.


Thank you!


I seem to vaguely recall a three accolade maximum. Was that retconned, or did I just remember it wrong? Edit: It looks like I was just misremembering. All the way back in Chapter 56, Velika's chapter mentioned "She deactivated some of her more defensive bonuses and replaced them with ones that focused on tracking, perception, and most of all, speed. Not for the last time, she wished that there was an easier way to attune more of the accolades at once." and somehow that got twisted in my mind to mean three was the maximum.


Democracy isn't bad if it is set up right but this idealistic democracy he is shooting for wouldn't work. There are so many ways to abuse it and as soon as someone else is in power they would change it. He is already bogged down with meetings and it is only going to get worse.


Considering the shit show that is American democracy. Rain should really know better.


Meh, the point system is stupid, get rid of it, retcon it away, or whatever. The company needs workers and healers, the point system just makes everything unnecessarily contrived. Democracy _can_ work, it did for pirates but only worked because everyone earned pretty much the same amount of money, don't know how this will be possible if some people have magic powers and others do not.


At least with Kettle we might get to see a delve.


So where exactly did that labyrinth come from? It seems awfully convenient that it would show up just as he was meditating on the ice accolade. I’m still thinking Rain somehow summoned a labyrinth or else it would just be too convenient


Thanks for the chapter though


Taking bets! How many more chapters will Rain hem and haw and dodeca-guess himself before entering the lair? Honestly if he was smart he would just let Amelia carry as many scrubs.. *Ahem.. Un-awakened as she can. And hang out there for a few months if the blue re-appears quickly enough to awaken as many as possible.


Oo. Lots of info this time. We finally get an idea on the limits of Accolades. One per level plus one so Rain could do 19? Some accolades counting as more than one "slot" makes things murky, but that's a looot of extra potential power per person. Whether that accolade is worth one or two slots, that's 190 or 380 resistance to one specific type of damage at minimum. Without getting complicated with different kinds of accolades like perception or etc. I was also surprised that one gave heat resistance. Is Rain ever going to try to see if he can sense lairs via Detection? Seems too obvious and potentially useful to ignore.


Our founding fathers are much wiser than anyone existing today. The system isn't the problem. The problem is human beings are greedy and easily corrupted. There is no governmental system in existence that wouldn't be abused and shat-upon by the garbage that calls itself humanity.


EXposition chapter


I find it very frustrating that Rain was too stupid to think of mentioning that to Ameliah.


Is there a reason that Rain didn't tell Ameliah that he was meditating on an accolade and it vanished and then the lair showed up? You know, Ameliah, who knows way more about all this than he does?


While 'the simplest explanation is probably correct' is a common refain, that is not actually what it means. Occam's razor is that the explanation that makes the fewest assumptions is most likely correct. While this tends to correlate with the simplest, they are very different things. This is something it feels like Rain would know. While on the subject, while occam s razor has a lot of value when applied correctly, a fallacy with the argument is that it checks the number of assumptions, but disregards the *magnitude* of those assumptions. A hypothesis based on one extremely unlikely assumption is less likely to be correct than a hypothesis based on a few extremely likely ones.

Kendelle Trotter

I say send the Rain fanatic in and have Rain guide him into taking all the skills necessary for that blind super soldier monk build. Would give them a lot of extra combat potential, show the effectiveness of Rain's synergistic team-based philosophy, and also increase the credibility of Rain's builds.


I'm 90% certain there are already people inside the lair that need rescuing. Probably going to complicate things. Besides it spawning directly on top of the town, almost anyone seeing it is going to immediately want to jump in and try to level. Even if they're unawakened plebs. Can't say I blame them.


You're all insane for thinking he created a lair out of nothing lol. The reason he didn't mention it is the accolade didn't "vanish." He bonded to it. That's what they do. Correlation does not equal causation. If he was dreaming about lairs as he napped, that doesn't mean he conjured this one from his dreams.

And Then There Was None

I feel this chapter introduced a plothole. If it's so easy to store your accolades away from your body why did so many of the watch drop accolades. Do none of them have next of kin? Do they not have a central watchman's vault to store accolades so they can be passed down to new watchmen when someone dies.


I think they said in the chapter the accolades fall out when u die, like a prize I guess


I know by now the story is mostly rain doing a long monologe over the chapter. So, the 'nothing happenes' feeling comes easily up. But making the chapter that short is also a way of generating this feeling.

Ole Halvorsen

it is not really a point system, it's the one with the most money get to decide what is going to happen. Which in no way an form is going to be fair. I will guess they will revisit the hole credit system, and turn part of it into a "DKP" system, a system that is a lot more fair for everyone. I think Rain ,although a bit naive, actually has a bit more thoughts of the idea than I first thought. He just think it will take a bit more time to implement new rules.

Ole Halvorsen

yeah I feel like it is often used wrong by people. Like you have a situation where you have a theory is a bit complex but you don't need to make a lot of assumption or correction. once nailed it describe pretty well how things would work. And then you have e theory that is a lot simpler but does a worse job explaining how things work, so you need to add more expectations. And people often use Occam's razor to argue for the simple solution. I think Occam's razor like many other rules are often used wrong so it generate two definitions that people use. I also feel like people like to shoehorn in different sayings as much as possible, as it's a way to "win" an argument or support there idea.


well, 4107 words or so, but (even for me, a clear slice of life reader) it seemed to be extra extra filler? Partly because the pacing of web serials vs trad novels has been on my mind. Page counts on RR are inflated imho by their 250 std, and web serials all seem to take >100k word just to get out of the intro. I mostly like the more meandering pace, relationship focus, etc in web serials and increasingly dislike (100k, single villain, linear plot, get it done, lots of action) mainstream novel formulas. That said, this seems to be really slow and extra filler-filled even by web serial stds? maybe? idk, maybe just my mood this AM :) Ty for the chapter.


What blind supersoldier monk build? I don't remember anything about that at all? Also what Rain fanatic?


Yeah we've been waiting to figure out what the max has been ALL the way since back then. Also, she wasn't quite goldplate, but she was like 40something. So she has over 40 accolades to where she has different accolade groups for different occasions. Jesus that's a lot of extra power. No wonder she was so tough (besides the many other reasons).


I think the page count is heavily inflated because of the system screens that are copy/pasted to refresh readers. The story is slow, the chapter is short, but this wasn't *purely* about filler, we did learn more about accolades and that is going to be the next "power up" explored as soon as Rain can fix his soul.


I'm enjoying the this new arc. I don't think that the chapters are slow or filler. I like the pace. I just wish they were all written already so that I can find out how Rain's company progresses and what happens when they get to Three Cliffs.


Yo, so I just joined the Patreon and I am super stoked to read these extra chapters (definitely going to be a couple that'll make RoyalRoad scream 'filler', heh). Pace is slow - extra chapters would always be a good thing, hopefully SS will manage it more often if his patrons get generous enough - but I can chalk it up to worldbuilding. Nice to get that view into Samson's head, and that other former noble who fought the slimes with them. And it's also nice to see Kettel get that wake up call. It's just kinda disheartening to end on this note of distrust, though, because Amelia can totally trust Rain, she just needs time to realize that ;^;

Colby Last

So is Rain gonna raise his cap anytime soon? This is taking literally forever. It's been like half the novel since he hit his level cap. Now he doesn't even have any skill masteries left. I'm often the first to complain when someone is rushing, but this is the complete opposite. I wanna see Rain develop more already. He's got like 6 great skills to add to his arsenal, but all we can do is gawk. Also, careful how you deal with Rain's company Ascension. Half the appeal of these novels is in "the underdog's struggle to overcome adversity". Meaning everywhere Rain goes, he should have to fight for everything.


What note of distrust? She mentioned the past event that happened. But the whole accolade thing, Rain couldn't pinpoint what she was feeling at that moment. Probably because the nature of sharing accolades like that is, by its nature, very intimate. She says it herself; people don't just DO that willy nilly! Buy a girl a drink first, Rain, damn. She could've been feeling very exposed, embarrassed, touched and nervous all at once. But I think it brought them closer.


I would personally guess at least 20-30 chapters for Rain. This seems mostly to raise his party up to his level and if it's a Level 11 area, it's unlikely he will find a Level 19+ blue. Rain is making "progress" with his stat tolerances/sync, but raw numbers aren't as exciting as skills for me either.