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Sebastian Viller

Been smashing the refresh button waiting for this hahah

His Dad

Hmm I though we'd have a stoush with the bank and maybe Khurt would join...


Nice comfy chapter. Thank you!


Good chap but I hope the pace speeds up.


Thank you!


Small typo: let the forgewagons treads -to- do* all the hard work


So, he's using a wheel as a measuring stick, then translating that into his unverifiable otherworldly metric system. Is this one of those "barbarians don't even eat rice" things? What's he checking it to, the 1800's French dock worker's belt? 2 1/2 adult male human femurs?


Iirc, his system/soul interface (?) is in metric, so he probably based it what distance he measured from a running aura at different ranges. Magic, basically


He didn't even try to purify the Ice Slimes to see if it yields the same result? Dang...we've really gotten away from the discovery and wonder aspect of this story.


Its moving forward, nice. :)

Bad Timing

From what we've seen, Rain will have plenty of occasions for that. He probably preferred keeping an eye on the fight he had set up instead of experimenting.


Hey buddy, how was your week? Did you managed to relax, are you okay?


Thanks for the chapter!


I find the best parts of this story to be the social interaction and fights. While the math and structure are appealing on occasion... their are times I find myself skimming it. All in all another great chappie. Thanks : )

Lord Falco

Sigh. I think it’s about time I unpatronize. I got into the story for the fun min/maxxy build and Rain’s cheerful personality. Now the tone’s gotten pretty consistently dramatic, we have way too many POV jumps, everything is moving at a snail’s pace, and we haven’t touched the build in ages. Sorry, but I’ll still catch up over on RR. You write well, but it’s just not the story for me anymore. Thanks.

Alexander Dupree

I'm in love with your characters. I get enough power fantasy from Defiance of the Fall, Randidly, Azarinth Healer, and Dungeon Crawler Carl, so a bit of slow isn't a big deal. I like how much Rain is growing and changing. I think that's as important as the action and power creep. This feels like a saga with real goals and reachable heights.


I think my favorite bits are interactions with Tallheart. The pacing isn't bad, though in a few chapters it would be nice to see Rain advance his build in some way beyond the 'passive' ring buff.


I think there author should take to establish a situation where someone has to be shown who's boss in the group. Democracy is great in principle, but speaking as someone who has had to do things in an isolated military organization, heirarchy and lines of command are absolutely essential.

Newguy Roy

Or put to writing his theoretical builds, discuss them with amelia and test to see their viability so that they have a direction to go when they start awakening people. Also, +1 for more Tallheart

Newguy Roy

It would be a long time /before/ --> [until] he ever saw this place again, if ever. (I think that is the more appropriate word, maybe)


The overly idealistic leadership model is most likely intentional. A lot of people have been saying the MC is a naive man-child, so SS is prolly setting up a system designed to fail so the MC can learn a lesson.


Love the series but damn the pacing needs to be a lot faster.


One would think assassinations would be much more commonplace in this world. With people dropping all their accolades upon death, a build that focuses on silently killing awakened would very quickly snowball into an unstoppable force. Taking this a step forward, a teleportation based build that focuses on assassinating dungeon cores would also be amazing, since you'd eventually get a respec accolade.


Isn’t there a cap to how many accolades can be active or equipped at once?