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ricky jackson

first. thanks for the chapter


ty for the chapter!


Thank you!

Newguy Roy

over the ice rather [than] try the bridge, How were the vacations?


Staavo's done it. He's cracked unlimited free electricity. This changes everything.


Is that sarcasm? Nothing is free, and nothing is unlimited.

Newguy Roy

Also, this chapter reminded me of committee hell in university, where we had to go to decide on inconsequential and unimportant things for people who wanted to feel more important than they were. At least, in the story, they're setting up the groundworks for their future. However, I can't imagine someone like Kettel to have listened for more than 2 minutes into the meeting.


Pretty good, but I hope we are done with the rule votes and lets not have a chapter on math class either.

His Dad

this is getting tedious


I think Rain is trying a bit too hard with Democracy and other abstractions. It'd be much simpler to rectify the whole document over a few days talking with everyone, then having the 'founding members' sign and vote on it. Asking people to vote on the spirit of the scope of the job of Capitan or quartermaster is like asking people to vote if a circle is a good shape for a wheel.

Raul klemm de souza

I don't like to read about voting, and It sure will be hard to make something entertaining of the politics Rain playing with. The fuck ups are just too obvious for It not be annoying.


I did not even think about Winter turbo-charging everyone's learning speed. Which is super obvious in retrospect. Just usually only think about animals and Rain in relation to memory and learning. And humans for mana. Side note, I'm never confused about who is speaking. Everyone seems to have their own "flavor" of speech. And most of them aren't even as glaringly obvious as Kettel's. Manage it without even falling into the common writer's trap of over-addressing everyone's names, species, etc. I appreciate that.


The credit system is complicated and unnecessary. Working with shares and profits is much better. 75% threshold is too high. If 74% people want the captain replaced, he is going to be replaced or there's going to a mutiny. The threshold should be at 50%.


Slightly boring chapter. Now that the groundwork is set up for the legal structure of how the company works, I hope we don’t have to see any more of the votes.


Democracy is a stupid idea without the institute or culture to support.


It does have the benefit of tying everyone to the company. If Ascension collapses then credits become worthless, giving everyone with credits incentive to keep the company alive. On the other hand, if faith in the credit system fails and a "run on the bank" happens where everyone tries to cash out, it would be a disaster because they won't have enough to pay everyone. Until the company is well established, perhaps cashing in credits for tel should have serious limits? I don't know enough about economics to say what would work or if using credit is really a good idea.


I doubt it, I don't think we've been privy to the plan for his future build and I'm sure he'll want to learn about and test thing with Amelia. I also think the rank-up of the area wasn't long enough to justify a high leveled blue. Maybe they'll find a weak one after the next town and rain can start to offer advice on builds? I hope they just find a dungeon with a high enough blue after the next town so rain can get back to leveling and unlocking skills to break up the growth and formalization of his company.


Lmao people thought Rain's company management system wouldn't be complicated and described in detail as if we haven't all been reading the same story for the last 100+ chapters. The story that's whole schtick is the level of detail of the system


Was wondering if you could change the pdfs to A5 instead, easier to read on mobile :) it's trivial in latex.


Why not always awaken as many as possible with every blue?


Why would you waste a resource and not awaken as many as possible each time?


I mean you're right. But it's totally in character for Rain to try it this way regardless and learn that he has to do things a little differently as he goes.


I'm enjoying these non combat jobs, Stavvo is definitely my favorite.

Steven Thompsen

Honestly I'm kinda Disappointed by this Chapter, I mean the Weird Voting thing going on is a Recipe for Disaster i mean it's Rain's company and if rain isn't in charge most likely Tallheart and Ameliah won't stay.. i mean.. everyone who has Real POWER is Connected to rain on some level, second I mean what is up with Staavo? he seems to be super "Mageaphobia" i mean.. that doesn't seem like it's going to end well plus people really don't need electronics or steam powered stuff etc or w/e but yeah... I'll have to see how this goes so far it's making me less excited for the future of this novel :/


.. Are you saying the mage Staavo is anti mages or something? Do you not remember who he is lol. And you're not excited for magitech? I guess there's no accounting for poor taste.


Next chapter will be surviving the first night. The pace get slower and slower

Eliot Blane

I actually really liked this chapter. The constitution formation scene and the explanation of credits was well done and interesting. Don’t let your story get written by committee! Take feedback but do what you think is right. Sometimes the most divisive chapters are the most important for the broader story.


It’s a group of 50. Culture and institutions can be created as they grow. In fact that’s what they’re doing most of the chapter.


Thank you for the chapter, enjoyed it! :)


#BugReport Correct me if i'm wrong. "As another example, Ameliah brought in one hundred and three Tel today, plus three ChemCrysts, all of which she donated to the company. She did that on her own, so at four Tel to the Chem-Cryst, she earned herself one thousand one hundred and fifteen credits" Shouldn't it be 1150? 103 Tel = 1030 credits 3 Chem-Cryst = 3*4 Tel = 12 Tel = 120 credits 1030 + 120 = 1150 credits total


Seems like the blue allocation system failed to consider what happens if the 8 highest bidders on a level 15 blue are a mix of unawakened and level <= 5's. IMO he'll always want at least 2 people significantly higher-level than the blue in question to keep the others safe (and if that's not possible, they'll want to either face it with their strongest fighters or avoid it completely). He'll also want a way to make sure the others can't be killed in 1-2 hits, though once Rain gets some more defensive auras and Prismatic Intent, that will become easier.


What initially drew me to Delve was the premise of a modern human being thrown into a foreign and magical world. Watching Rain struggle, work through and adapt to a culture, society and system fundamentally different from anything he's known. Slowly but surely Delve has thrown that premise away. Instead we get Rain doing the exact opposite, trying to impose his views, morals, systems and knowledge onto this new world, which I find much less intriguing. Now some people do like technological uplift stories and the such, but I find them tedious for more reasons than I can count. Not least is the way it slows things down to a barely tolerable crawl. Entire chapters filled with inane techno-babel or literal bureaucracy.


Love your stuff keep writing how you want to write. I love seeing a main character think things through a lot, don't get me wrong he has been lucky but if someone wasn't lucky in this situation they be dead. I might not be a math head but I do like him seeing figure out the the best solution for something and I can't wait for him to get to the next tier, but that doesn't mean you should try to speed up your story. You shouldn't cheapen the experience by just handing him a blue on a silver platter, he has to work in the world the world doesn't work for him.


For those who are saying voting is a dumb idea in this situation. Rain isn't isn't just thinking about right now he's thinking several years or even decades down the line when he's gotten people used to it and actually has a efficient organization going. He's trying to least make his group see that it doesn't have to be the strong and the weak might makes right he wants them to see them as a group and a whole and work for the betterment of each other. Because when it comes down to it Rain is stuck here this is his home there's no Demon Lord to defeat and then go home afterwards as in he doesn't have a definite end goal win the game scenario.


I wonder how Technology is going to factor into the System's logic. Like...would killing a monster with a gun grant EXP? What about dropping bombs from their airship on enemies? An easy way to test this would be to run a slime over with the Forgewagon and see who gets the EXP. A preliminary hypothesis would be that, similar to the party system, whether a person gets the EXP or not would depend on intent. You would need identify and engage the targe(s) you want to kill for the system to connect the requisite Linksight tether(s), through which the EXP transfers.

Tom Clough-Macready

Dont let your story get written by commitee? What do you have against democracy which is what this chap is all about? But i think in this situation democracy is a stupid idea, it only really works when everyone is equally educated on the topics they are voting on. Democracy requires a solid foundation built upon prior govt systems


I think it’s possible to gain exp for kills you’re not aware of. For example the earth magic Ameliah used to crush Rankins house. I don’t think Ameliah needs to know which monsters are there to get the exp. it’s enough that she shaped the attack. In the same way I think it’s enough if you accelerate the forge wagon. You will receive credit for anything it kills, since you turned it into an attack, knowingly or not.


I really think that's the best part about this company idea. These townsfolk have been practicing a profession before awakening, meaning they probably meet the requirements for an rare/legendary class related to their profession. Awakened can effect changes to their environment on scales of hundreds to thousands of times stronger than a regular human. Just imagine how powerful a level 20 farmer would be. Or a level 20 engineer. Combat classes are cool and all, but I think we're about to see just how much of a force multiplier the non-combat people can be.


It seems like the story got too ambitious and the MC a little too "perfect". Suddenly he's the expert leading a company of people at Level 18, designing pseudo-cars, and still has people designing electric generators in a world with none of this exists? After what...2 lairs? It seems like something you would do after a long Delve and return. Maybe you raise people awaken/raise people in your group (less then 10) and then have actual officers. I feel like, barring an utter slaughter of the company, the story is going to grind to a stop.

Osamaru Ta

HE'S not designing them. He's basicly giving them ideas and concepts, saying "This is what it is and does", then leaving it to the experts (Tallheart and Saav in this case) to figure out the details. As for the Caravan, you can more chalk that up to both misunderstandings about his power and a good healthy dose of natural charisma. It helps a lot that he literally saved the town and played a big part in keeping people alive up to that point. Remember, while level 18 to us sounds low, in this world, its quite a bit above the cut.


What is this a chapter for ants?


jeez , still hardstuck at level 18 for how many chapters now