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Damn, such an early chapter! Thanks for the present, my dude. Edit: What the fuck did I just read. For some reason now I kinda feel like how I felt when I read about the red wedding. All the build up pointed to something bad happening, even though it wasn't set in stone until the climax, and then BAM death rears its ugly head and you suddenly don't want to believe what you're reading, wishing it's just one of the characters dreaming or something. :(


What a pleasant surprise! Thank you!

L Pedersen

I'm really tired of Velika.


Favorite chapter!


So Westbridge is likely going to be killed by way of telekinetic neck snapping. Velika is likely going to be heavily injured. The empire is here with Val’s father in chains ready to laser the crap out of everyone when the barrier drops. This is quite the pickle.


Wow. Dark. I'm assuming she's actually dead from that wound and this chapter. Obviously it depends on next chapter, but would be much more poetic to have her actually be dead. And personally, actually being willing to kill characters sometimes makes me enjoy a fiction way more. Also, "flinders" is an actual word? I totally thought that was a typo! I had to google that. One of today's lucky 10,000.


Of course *Melka* dies at the most nextest opportunity but apparently *Val* is deserving of plot armor


do you really think westbridge can't counter surprise attacks? it's not as though he doesn't have guards or wards

ricky jackson

Damn.... a great chapter To bad we never got to hear about the summoner from the watch, although he might not be sentinel level. I want rain to have a pet king crystal slime, how it would add to the story probably barely but I still want it. So the empire now has zero competition for when that barrier goes down, just a bunch of bronze plates and a injured almost gold plate.


melka was an idiot who thought joining an attack on a gold when she's low bronze was a good idea, and Val literally had Rain prep velika on why not to kill him along with him clearly not being a threat


Looks like Rain will be keeping the barrier up against the empire. I am glad that the watch psychos are dead except for poor Melka.

ricky jackson

For sure, if the plot wasn't about to change due to the empire, this chapter changed shit real quick

Empty Shelf

Well that went to s***. Not sure who's more to blame for this, Velika or The Watch.


Great....So Rain, the dumbass that he is, decided that instead of just one person dying he would alert them and allow 10s of people to die. Hes got a lot of blood on his hands now. I hope he feels good about himself.


What are you even talking about. Nothing he did changed what happened. He tried warning them, they attacked anyways. That was their plan in the first place. What did he do that has blood on his hands?


Rill was definitely on the shit list, wonder if he died. Also, would the watch keep the accolades of dead nobles?

Silver Beard

Holy shit...a chapter without math? Is author dead, sick, or pretending?

Silver Beard

Figured after opening all the trees...he’d be in a prime position to optimize his groups choices. Shame

Empty Shelf

I mean, they aren't psychos. Velika is exactly the kind of crazed sociopath that they signed up to fight against. She's simply too powerful for them to actually do anything.


This is by far my favorite chapter. I love when everything goes to shit so beautifully. Not really sure where all the hate is coming from. A story where no one dies for stupid reasons is a boring story. Some times people die, which is especially true for stories were the characters are powerful.


10$ on some time rewind, precognition nonsense ;D


to be fair, most of the watch and the guild have been massive douchbags since the begining of the story, so i was kind of expecting Rain to side with Velika. both have massive communication issue, happy it just took some hits to get the message across.


So velika goes after Rain and he accidently kills her? :)

Michael Hughes

And now their watch has ended.


Nice, I hope they are really dead. It's rare that named characters actually die with so little warning.


Epicly done chapter


I'm curious about both these things as well! I don't think Rill would've endorsed the coup, but I also don't think he would've risked his life for her. I imagine he's locked up.


Well, im kinda happy that we got a second chapter after only 2 days. :) Hope that will happen more often, i like this story, also im sad melka is gone. But then, only when you like a character, its loss will affect you when written. Still, sad.


Well, a bit more difficult for Fel Sadanis now that quite some mages died. (with the Empire at their doorstep). Also there'll be less of a check in place against the nobles.


well, that dagger might still find its target. also she is abrasive (is that the right word?), velkia was still a person you could kinda relate to. while she isnt realy a nice person, she is cornerd and was played by west - shows that the author can write even the "antagonistic characters" in a way that they dont appear as simple 2d add ons to the story. still, id have prefered to see melka survive instead of velika, but then - it might be a double k.o - and rain is suddenly one of the highest players in the city - trying to solve the fallout with the empire at his door. xD


Well that's a huge fucking cliff hanger.. woulda rather had waited till the chapter after to read it if I knew :<


well, velika didn't wake up today planning to murder someone who is inconveniencing her. the watch did.


eh, the majority of them don't have too high mana regen anyway... not everyone is like rain... compared to the thousands of dulls around, they aren't that much in the grand scheme of things


And none of them saw the massively flashy attack just outside the barrier beforehand? Or did that not take place yet at this point in time? Sorry, but I agree with Talasa... that was plain stupid.

Michael Hughes

So we know from the chapter when he was charging up the watch that some members of the watch experienced overmana when under the full focused winter. We also know from the chapter where Rain falls off the bridge that overhealth can heal fatal wounds and bring back the recently dead. Does anyone know the full power of the Winter nova using all the different metamagics to boost the seasonal aura output? If Rain had summer instead of winter boosted with all of the various metamagics compressed on one dying person and his ring had his stats boosted into clarity and focus how much do you think he could boost health regen on his full mana bar before it went empty. Do you think it would be enough to cause overhealth even though regen doesn't cause overhealth as much as a healing spell? How much do you need to be healed to cause overhealth? Do you figure it is just 101% of hp total or does it have to reach a benchmark? A full skill list of the metamagics can be found in chapter exposition and I know that auras can be extended and then compressed to get the full benefit from aura compression but I can't remember how the various things stack.


Okay so first, here's the (awesome) calculator Anthony has made for Rain's build: http://bit.ly/DelveCalcRR Second! It looks like Rain can boost Winter to about 4800% within 5 meters. While that is a LOT of boost, we can figure out how much depending on the person's Recovery. Melka is only like... level 7? I assume her recovery is only 20-30ish. So, 20 recovery = 200 health a day. Boosting that by 5000% (for ease) is 10,000. That means 416 health an hour or 7 health a minute. That's not even enough to quickly fill up a health bar, let alone get the overhealth to heal from it.


So far it appears the Watch members outside the barrier were a ways away from it like an outpost instead of directly next to. However, given the flashy beam of light, I am also pretty curious. We might see someone run up with some "news" soon.


...Yeahhh I'm feeling this cliffhanger hard this time. Lord. Sunday is only five days away! CMON MAN. Keep it together!


I just had a terrible thought. There is skip between Rain and Velika's conversation and the party leaving the lair. We don't see what happened just prior inside the lair. Rain has detection, which works through solid obstacles and probably through lair barriers. Rain can use detection on people. Velika KNOWS Rain can do this. Velika is expecting to be attacked, just in general. Did Velika ask Rain to use Detection before crossing the barrier? Did she know about the ambush, and when Rain went through he was doing his best to tell them to abort the attack? Muffle and being tackled would have stopped him from doing anything more than saying "Danger" with the hand signals. Another possibility: The ambush wasn't detected, but Velika will know Rain COULD have detected it, and she will suspect he kept her ignorant on purpose.


There is no reason to believe Rain would have his detection aura up going into what he believed to be a safe place. Also he didn't have it up when going through the portal into the dungeon in the first place. He had to step through first then turn it on.

Klever Kilvanya

This was stupid, fucking moronic in the extreme, congrats ya'll fucking killed yourselves via unmitigated fucking incompetency, maybe Rain can fix your fucked up organization after you fucks are gone.


The title is perfect. Its been a little too familiy friendly on the named characters so far. Im acctually glad someone named died. It makes the story more realistic.

Joshua Little

I am sad for the loss of Melka and Lamida (they were two of the few decent people in the watch) but that's what happens with immovable objects and unstoppable forces. Nicely done. Thanks for the chapter.


As someone else said, from their point of view Velika is in full control of the barrier and is an unhinged, unbalanced person that killed people when she showed up and literally threatened to kill anyone that would try to disagree with her. From their point of view it's either die trying to resist and take Velika out with them or die when she looses her temper for no real reason. If Rain wasn't part of the equation Velika would've blown up in upcoming days, she is literally always on edge. So Watch, Guild and Nobles decided to take the best chance they could, cause they kinda have little to loose and are also on edge. It's perfectly illustrated in Melka's case there she know Velika would kill anyone who opposes her with no hesitation and she literally did kill her. Besides Velika in her own POV admitted that people could take her out, that's why she was doing her "I'm invincible and will kill you on the spot" act. Only it backfired into a magnificent shitshow for everyone involved. So far it seems only Westbridge and some other Citizen are getting what they wanted from this deal no matter the cost.


Big surprise shift in tone of story. First time impactful characters have died, makes for a more realistic world but... damm, kinda hard to read. Next chapter or two are really needed to put this in perspective. Velika probably survives, with healing she wont be vulnerable for long. First impressions of number of deaths is high. Most of the Watch and Guild silver plates could be gone. That may turn out not to be the case, depends on next chapter, Velika and what healers can do. Major loss of power for Fel Sardinis, but I guess it only had a few hundred awakened anyway. The Legion would not see them as a threat to start with (assuming Legion is not vastly normal soldiers, hmm) Melka is dead. Lamida probably too. Talasa? as an armored healer, probably one of the survivors. Good character for rebuilding a more reasonable Watch. Rill is possibly dead, not sure how much power would transfer to Arlo if that is the case. Good point about accolade drops, wonder what the chance is of Velika passing over a +1 skill point for spring. Word of the Empire attack should reach them soon. Not sure how Rain will react. Immediate response (after medical aid and shouting) needs to be to calm the city. Visible patrols ect, good opportunity for Rain to pull people together assuming he dosnt fall apart.


So will Rain manually charge the shield then to keep the city safe?


I don't think any amount of mana regen of Rain's is going to keep the shield charge in the face of 5000 awakened attacking it. Especially not with many of the towns' most powerful awakened dying this chapter.

Ole Halvorsen

are we even sure you can pass +1skill point acolytes? To me skill point acolytes might not work that way. I seems strange if you can activate and deactivate skillpoints. To me it is more likely that the + skillpoints you get from hunting dungeons is not not an acolyte, cant be shared or taken away. I't basically just a free skill points.


Omg, Melka's death hit me((((


I really hope Val either dies or never accompies Rain anymore he is just so stupid, overconfident, and pointlessly agressive.

Michael Hughes

Just lurking waiting for the next chapter to drop. Decided to re read the chapter and I noticed something I missed before. Velika tore of Rain's helmet and dropped it in the water with a splash in the dungeon. I hope the groan of metal was not a break in the armor and that the splash was just in the shallow part and that he gets it back off screen. He can't be a badass without the helmet.