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ricky jackson

The long awaited chapter


Thank you!


Rain would do better to try to purify the rocks away. Try to mentally set them as debris or trash.

Michael Hughes

Carten is just too pretty for God to let him die. Look at that chiseled jaw. Love you Firefly. These short chapters and constant cliffhangers are killing me. Remember when it was a new find on popular this week and hundreds of pages were just waiting to be read. I have already read you twice Delve. I should just wait a month or two but I know I will be back Wednesday.


I didnt realize I could think even less of Carten, but hey- props to him, dug new ground. And apparently Rain was kncoked out for a day. And a bunch of chaff thats filler.


The skill likely has limits. Even if he could make purify get rid of *rocks* I doubt he could make it purify only specific rocks. The stone walls near the debris could dissolve and cause a cave in.


dunno how Carten is so shallow about people he worked with but oh well


I love how Rain blamed everyone besides the watch for attacking in the first place... I mean what the hell did they expect would happen if they failed? I'm sad for Melika, but they made their choice.


You ever had one of your friends be talking to/dating some chick that's completely insane, and literally everyone knows it except for said oblivious friend? This is how Rain will feel when he reunites with lovestruck Carten.


I keep on trying to predict where Rain will get his next improvement from, and I keep being wrong -.-; At first I thought there was going to be an essence monster doppleganger in the city, then i thought he'd get some ~lvl20 essence monster from the dungeon. Then there might've been accolades from taking out an assassin (adamant knives), or from the aftermath of Velika's slaughter here. Rain still has a lot of room to grow into his current power though, so I guess it's not time yet


Yeah The watch was the one who started and tried to kill her and broke the status que , I mean we can all try to paint Valika as the villian her, she been one of the less fevorite charecters. But I think she wasn't wrong to kill the watch, because they themselves wanted to do the same to her and her constant paranoia and lashing out make sense


I wonder, how did Detection identify the lever? Rain said he thought it was a "sconce" but Detection corrected him. If Detection doesn't work off of Rain's perception, is it instead describing objective reality? If so, that's a pretty OP skill. You could ask Detection literally anything about a physical object and get the actual truth. "Search for a girlfriend who's cheated on me...... Uh-oh."


If Westbridge doesn't answer because Lavere killed him, then this is a real clusterfuck. Even more messed up things have likely happened in reality on Earth, but it feels almost immersion-breaking for things to go down like this: The Watch attacks Velika and seconds after they start the town-bells go crazy because the Empire is attacking and the only person that can be contacted for help, Westbridge, may have been killed by a woman who thought killing him would help her daughter out, but it will in fact only increase the chance the City gets breached by the Empire and her daughter is raped and killed. Even if the Watch had a traitor that convinced them to attack Velika and Westbridge is not dead, but simply ignoring Velika, it's still frustrating to read

Empty Shelf

The tyranny of Rank is real. Dozens of Silver Plates, hundreds of Bronze Plates, slaughtered to a man by a single, exhausted, suppressed, injured Gold Plate. (Edit: My Bad, I forgot she's only level 48. Still Silver Plate.) I've just about lost hope for the prospect of this idiot dying. The more time passes, the more obvious it is that the author has "plans" for her; and that like Val, she will continue to be unbearable long past the point of interest.


Come on what is with this pacing you build up the tension last chapter empire attack, watch ambushing Velika, and next chapter it is over, even worse we don't get to see this events build up the tension in the city we get nothing, we get Rain abandoned and with no ideea of what is happening some math, an offhand comment that there is looting in the city and that Velika is alive, why build up tension just to throw it all away


I’m still on board- trusting the author to keep writing an interesting and entertaining work. Keep it up SS! Love it so far.


*glances at witty text* **chuckles sensibly**

And Then There Was None

I like the tyranny of Rank. Too many litRPG stories treat stats like fluff on top of regular fantasy logic, it's nice to see one that does it properly and acknowledges how far ahead high level RPG characters are compared to normal ones. Also she wasn't exhausted, her pools would have been near full. A gold vs a bronze rank lair won't tier her out.

And Then There Was None

Having caught up with the mid week chapter - this is why you lead with crowd control. (Though I suspect a goldplate would have shrugged of any CC they could throw at her)


Yup, chapter felt short. Not much was resolved by it, just some questions answered. Given the resolutions are going to take a bit to work out without it feeling rushed, I guess it has to be slow. Having another cliffhanger ending, dose not help. Westbridge/Lavarro scene is probably a big one, so I guess that's why we didn't get it. Still can see why chapter is getting low vote currently


Detection seems to work with any suitably defined physical object. So 'Trap' is too vague - lot of variations. Nor can he search for 'helmet belonging to Rain' or 'cheating girlfriend' (as the belonging to, girlfriend and cheating bits are not physical). You can search for 'helmets' and even 'Rains helmet' if you know it well enough to have clear physical picture of it. So Rain just needs a specific enough idea of a lever to be able to search for it.


I wonder what exactly that suppression ward was supposed to do. It dumped mana through Rain's armor in some way but I'm not sure what the intended effect was.


how the hell can rain have been forgotten there ?


I'm quite eager to see where this goes. Velika is not very likeable - she got herself in this situation by conquering an independent city, killing many citizens and severely disrupting the lives of the rest - and yet I kind of sort of still like her. So I think you did a fine job on her characterization.


Same as last time, I even called out exactly what would happen last time and it was almost a perfect prediction. For some reason some authors fear the end results of massive build ups like these and tend to write conservatively. There is just so much wasted potential cause of this needless fear IMO.


Westbridge may not be dead, he might just be too busy to answer just now. Still odds look poor for him. Question is what counts as a "true mage" as far as barrier control is concerned. Is it a Mana Manipulation skill of 10+? Or Rains effective Clarity of 600+(Which should at least equal a gold plate mage). Rain has a few days to train. He can increase all of his effective physical stats. Including Endurance - with same trick he used to fix his back to heal up after training it. He will also have extra time waiting on regen. So will be able to charge his armor and train Mana Manipulation too. He needs about 17k experience to get it to 10. Which would take 30-45 hours of focused training, doable in current situation. He also probably will read all his books, inducing the tax one. Handy for running a city... Why did Velika leave Rain behind? Might of been the confusion of battle?, or was it on purpose?. She knows he is needed for water supply, but did she think he was helping the Watch? his force ward did protect some? Did she intentionally collapse the way out, to delay dealing with stuff and protect the lair whist she recovers?

Joshua Little

Is it just me or does anyone else wonder, why the hell he doesn't purify the rubble? He has already shown that while he can't purify a hole he can purify the leftover soil. He might not be able to melt the wall but all the cave in rubble should be doable. Thanks for the chapter.


I guess reading books in the dark would be kinda difficult. And he was burried under a corpse in an otherwise cut off room... I don't think, he was left behind on purpose.

L Pedersen

Honestly at this point I'd sacrifice all of the worldbuilding that's been done to have Rain just leave the city behind and go somewhere else, even if it means everyone in the city dies. As long as he's around Velika he has no agency and I'm tired of the main character being a side character in his own story. Also I gotta hand it to SS, people are actually coming around to feeling sympathy for the complete psyco Velika. At this point I'm putting my faith in Val's dad killing her real good.


This is a good point. He did after all Purify the rubble blocking the tunnel to the Slime King away right?


To me it seems weird that none of the other Citizens would be unaware that Westbridge died for long. He seems kind've important. Once they know he is dead it wouldn't take long for someone to try and contact Velika. Until then I don't think the attacking force is going to get through the shield. They're already having to ration their mana in attacks after a day and it doesn't seem to have made a dent in it going by in story accounts.


Velika could've walked out of the remains of the building leading to the dungeon and said that she just killed the Watch and if anyone else goes near the dungeon for now she'll kill them too. Also its been less than a day and Rain is fairly well buried underground tunnelling him out would take a while too. Particularly if none of the Adventurers are getting paid to do it.


LOL I don't know why they care about Velika either. Velika isn't a complete psychopathic tyrant but she is fairly tyrannical in her governing methods and isn't shy about using pain and throwing her power around to get what she wants. Which honestly for a noble (going by real world historical examples) is pretty accurate. All but a exceptional handful were usually pretty awful to what they saw as peasants and 'lessers'.


it's funny that two stories I'm reading have the same title on the same day's release. Azarinth Healer by Rhaegar Chapter 421 Buried 9:55 pm Feb 23 and this!

Robert Rosenthal

I don't understand the reaction to the attack, of course the watch attacked, the longer they wait the worse their odds. the "status quo" was they governed fel sadanis, I think its been less than a week or so since the dke came in, they don't know about the empire being outside and do know that the dke locked everyone in a cage. THe watch seems to have one reason to exist to stop powerful awakened from doing things just like this. If they did not fight when it actually happens then they really should just promote the dke, empire or whatever gold/silver plates want to run things everywhere. Its one thing to accomodate what already exists its another to give up when things get tough and someone challenges your mission. Yes the politicians who are long past helping actual people in the watch or guild may take a different view, but the watch or halgrave didn't and it would be odd if they did. It ould make them more like the rankin character


Looks like melkas dagger didnt find its target. So much for the last ditch effort. What i dont quite understand is that rain got a ping of still livin people in his suroundings but didnt felt the need to check if its someone he know. He didnt strike me as a person like that.


Sadly, I don't think rain will improve anytime soon... Too much worldbuilding still to go.


Training montage time?


I still dont get his strengh trainibg point? Why is Rain doing that?

Michael Hughes

Strength determines hit points and ability to lift heavy objects. When it is not synchronized to the soul effective strength is reduced and the ability to lift objects is denied even when hit points are adjusted to the boosted amount. He is training to increase the compatibility of strength to his soul and his max tolerance to boosted stats so that he can be strong enough to lift and move the rubble.


Uh I was expecting a response chapter to all the war and killing build up Thanks for the chapter !

L Pedersen

Out of morbid facination, what exactly is it that you like about her?


A very anti climatic chapter, but ofc they cant all be like the last one. Wish we had a little more about the fallout after the slaugther though


The war is on hold since all the enemies can do is make pretty light shows against the shield.


I'd like to point out that Rain calling Velika a mass murderer for killing all those people is ridiculous. Murder is defined as unlawful premeditated killing. If someone attacks you (with obvious intent to kill) and you kill them instead, that is completely justified. It doesn't matter if its one person or a hundred.


Yeah, its kinda weird how Rain is acting. Its not like Velika did anything wrong. She was attacked and defended herself. Imho its their own fault if they attack someone and die in the process. If the Watch had won then they would be the murderer. If Rain were in the position to be killed I cant imagine that he would just accept to die because he doesnt want their blood on his hand.


You know, I felt like the transition from last chapter to this one was super jarring. But I went back to reread a little of last chapter with this one and it's not nearly as bad as I thought. The week wait after that cliffhanger last time just made it seem way worse. Well, looks like the barrier has a pretty decent base resistance level against damage, or decent mana to damage blocked conversion ratio or something similar. Points to everyone calling that. That barrier IS going down, but it obviously gives more weight to Rain's mana regen in relation to powering the barrier. The Dominus outside has to have some way to knock it down or get in. Whether damage or otherwise. He commented on knowing who was in charge of Fel Sedanis (He said "She won't be a problem" or somesuch) so he obviously has a spy or inside information. Didn't seem surprised at all or make any comments about the bigass barrier. The attacks against the barrier have to be slowly wearing it down or something. I have no idea what the DKE is doing, though. I'm completely befuddled. The DKE is at war with the Empire, we know that. They "annexed" Fel Sedanis to prevent them from getting a beachhead via teleportation platform. West seems to believe in the DKE so I wouldn't think he'd betray it? But for some reason Velika's pleas and communications are being ignored, and she can ONLY talk to West. This alludes to some sort of plan she's not privy to. But zero idea what it is. Like let's put it this way. The DKE can field at least 7 goldplates alone, based on the fact 7 delved with Velika to raise her cap to gold. That leaves 30 other goldplates (not counting V) unaccounted for just from their Citizens. But this also doesn't include any bronze or silverplates the DKE might have ready to mobilize. Being at war implies both sides have an army, and if the DKE doesn't have the ability to mobilize an army through their teleportation network, that'd be.. weird. Nonsensical. The hardest part of utilizing an army is mostly logistics. Being able to quickly travel from point A to B with teleportation makes it almost a non issue. Hell, it's the whole reason the Empire is attacking Fel Sedanis. Anyways! So let's say the DKE can field 10 goldplates, 500 silver, and 2500 bronze. It'd take a lot of mana to teleport them, but they could send them all to the nearest city (Jarro I believe?) and have them march to reinforce Velika. Or hell, just have West alter the barrier stone to let them all teleport directly into Fel Sedanis. You'd think the Empire would assume the DKE would reinforce FS via teleporter so it's not like there's a point in keeping reinforcements secret. But.. they aren't, it seems? Because reasons? I don't know. I'm hoping whatever the DKE is planning makes sense for what's going on. Even if you toss in some deliberate sabotage, I can't figure out what they're doing. Sending their forces to simultaneously attack the Empire while the Empire tosses themselves at the barrier? No idea.


Right lets have a go at this. From some of the comments made by Westbridge we can assume that not all DKE cities have teleportation platforms only a "few other old cities in the DKE" (quote from Westbridge about barrier stones, but should apply to teleportation platforms too) Also from Amelias musing on Empire using the teleportation platform, moving an entire army would be possible but very very expensive. Not a usual tatic or something that can be done without planning. "Even if it took a ridiculous quantity of mana to shift their army across the badlands" "It all came down to whether the Empire would be able to afford the mana cost to shift a large enough army to hold the platform. It would be astronomical, but it was probably within their means." So the DKE has an actual border with the Empire they need to protect. Much of the DKE might needs to be deployed there. As not all cities have teleportation capability and its too expensive to move large armys quickly. Jarro is a 2 week(?) journey from Fel Sardinis. It is also a journey over a mountain range. So easy to block, easy to trap and easy to watch. A single army marching through it is different from a sustained campaign with reinforcements. DKE got word Empire was planning on grabbing Fel Sardinis. By activating the sheild, they can stop them without the need to use any troops. By DKE law they are required to make a new Citizen, Velika was the 'best' choice. However, many including Westbridge were not happy about it and would be happy to see her fail (to be replaced by someone else). All he cares about is the barrier staying up. DKE get to see what Empire has deployed. The Legion cannot quickly attack anywhere else. I imagine the DKE plan was simply to choose an opportune time to teleport in a select few Citizens. Then use hit an run tatics on the Legion. Retreating behind barrier as needed.


Lavaro will probably kill Westbridge and only Rain will be able to control the shield artifact, or not.


just a new short comment, so i don't have to always scroll past the comments of ziggy &amp; payforthat