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Well that's not ominous...


The 49th Khan

Literally just looked at your page to see if i missed a post, went back to my homepage and got a notice. I am both amused and irritated.


light magic to that extent... Val's dad?

Garbled Sounds

God, these kids are annoying! Can Rain please spend like the next hundreds chapters with Tallhearth?


I'm not sure what the Watch is plotting. I'd assume something to do with Lady V as that's really the only thing foolish I know of they can do at the moment. Though them going to the guy she herself appointed would be odd. No idea! Whelp looks like Lavarro IS headed to Westbridge. Makes sense. Now the question is if she actually helps the situation or makes things even worse. With the empire finally here, it's a coin flip. Either saves some people in the face of the attack or kills the only guy that can let people out. By the way, love the throwbacks you make. "She would show him what a true mage was like." Her thought being towards Westbridge? Very appropriate given his POV and all his "TRUE MAAGGEE" bulloney. Plus when you had Velika laugh at Rain saying to "look up" when she thought no one looks up the prior chapter, Ameliah laughing at Rain being compared to a puppy cause of her POV mentioning the same, and countless more examples. I dig it. Wellll shit. Looks like we found Val's dad. Brainwashing or mind enslavement or something? That's fucking awful. This is only gonna get worse for him.


I actually thought they were way less annoying this chapter from taking the sticks out of their collective asses lol.


Thank you for the chapter! The characters and things involving the Empire so far seem kinda cartoonish.

Atlas Dwarf

Well if Westbridge dies that sets up the whole 'true mage' Rain lowering the barrier...which is something they really don't want now that the Empire is outside. It does sound like the Watch is planning on taking down Velika. However it ends won't be good though considering Rain needs as many people with high mana regen as possible to even have a chance at upkeeping the barrier against a beaconed up Legion. Maybe he levels by accidentally by getting enough credit for essence from one of the Watch or Velika?


Sad but great.

Michael Hughes

All that effort and the blue was only a level 6. Poor luck Val. I think the watch inside will try to attack Velika with help from the guild but Carten will side with her for the snu-snu, the legion will break through causing everyone to stop fighting each other, in the chaos rain will see the beacon and get ideas on his build, Val will see his dad but won't be able to reach him, Lavarro will cause a lot of collateral damage creating openings for the plot, Rain will be noticed as a beacon by the legion resulting in him being wanted, but everyone will escape using the skip trace stone teleport the wandering merchant has. After that we will have several chapters of the new characters meshing together as Rain helps the newly awakened with their build and this larger party helps rain level so that we can get back to the real reason we read this. Math. But hey that's just a theory, a fiction theory. Whatever happens it will take many chapters and many cliffhangers.


Really? Strikes me as very Roman. Dehumanize others not in the empire like they've done with the Cervidians, either murder cities and countries wholesale or conquer them.

Mr. Bigglesworth

I'm super confused why no one seems to know the Fecht's powers are. In a world where apparently you can be a super ninja nightmare your telling me no one has super ninja+Analyze setup to figure out the Big Bad's OP setup and copy/paste it? Even worse is this current chapter setting up the ol' Hammer and Anvil tactic, for a military empire that everyone seems to be terrified of, losing the element of surprise is beyond idiotic. They clearly see there is a barrier, the chapter even mentions it. Instead of doing any solid recon on it, they attack? Why? They can just go to the next town over with a teleporter and instawin the entire game. There is quite literally zero military reason to murder the Watch, and if the Adamant is so incompetent to put SS Schutzstaffel MiniMe in command that's simply setting up for failure. They clearly have the power to cross the mountains, ergo, why are they even bothering with a teleporter at all? Just force march the entire army right? I mean we couldn't care less if we lose 50% of a billion right? You never send 5k when 500k could do the same march, and it's not like the Empire has any enemies that would attack because Fecht is apparently invincigod. There's also the major issue of supply that is being completely hand waved here. If you have ever, EVER, dealt in logistics you would understand that feeding 5 men is easy, 50 is tough, 500 is rough, 5000 is a nightmare. Now, if you pull the "we've got magic supply wagons card" then I'd like a real good explanation why there's not 5 million Empire thugs.


Fel Sedanis is many days travel away from any cities with another teleporter. Fel Sedanis is also the closest to the Empire, across the Badlands. Taking a 5000 strong army to another city without being spotted and the other citizens getting teleported in to defend it are minimal. Plus bigger populations and more awakened you have to contend with than a backwoods town. It's going to take them time to wear down the huge, powerful barrier regardless. They aren't going to be able to remain hidden while they bash away at it. Revealing themselves earlier is needlessly dick but doesn't really hurt their strategy. The only real question is what the DKE is thinking. They took over the town to prevent the Empire from getting the teleportation pad to teleport their forces in. If the Empire successfully takes the town with the pad operational, the DKE failed their mission. So they better have stuff planned or just leaving it like this doesn't make much sense to their cause.


My dumb ass read the title as Casual ties at first. Then I read the "ominous" comment...


So... my guess is, the "man in chains" is Val's father? And he follows their orders reluctantly, so I'd rule out brainwashing. I'd rule out mind control either, because he is the one, that acts. He is not made to act. I'd conclude, he is "forced" trough blackmail? He must believe, the Empire has his son as a hostage, no? I don't remember anything about his wife or if there were other children though. But... if Val is the last remaining, we have our very own solution for this whole mess right there. Val meets father, father nukes empire armee. Am I anywhere in the ballpark? ^^


There's no way the Empire just breaks through the barrier that easily, since it's something built by an ancient and presumably much more powerful civilization. It just makes no sense considering the setup that has been going on in the book in the last 10-20 chapters. What I believe is likely to happen is that the Lavarro kills Westbridge and the Empire gets stuck banging their heads against the barrier, resulting in a prolonged siege and stalemate, since the DKE can't teleport reinforcements and the Empire won't retreat. This should last a long time probably, at least until the DKE decides to send an army on foot which may not happen any time soon or at all. Then probably the Shift will happen in (and possibly around) Fel Sadanis making even more of a mess of things.


Val's dad probably just gave up after being repeatedly defeated


Im a little sad this chapter was so predictable. Its been hinted that the empire "cant" come to Fel Sadanis, so ofc they will. Rain cant find Val for days, and when he enters the dungeon, there was already someone inside? Vals father being alive? I mean, Val is already a "revenge" against the empire side character. Dont get me wrong, i enjoy this story very much, i just had somethings i needed to say about this chapter. Please dont be discouraged by my ranting. Keep writing the story as you intended it to be.

Critical Hit

It was definitely predictable. But it seems more like it was meant to be predictable as opposed to otherwise. Like, there's been a bunch of foreshadowing here.


Who is fetch again


Stupid asshole Val... What was his plan? Either the Blue was lvl 6-7, and he may be able to solo it and raise his cap by 1-2 levels; but so what? He would still be stuck inside the barrier.. If the Blue was an even higher level than that it would simply kill him. I would be very disappointed if Val continues to be on Rain's team for delving, Val is way too irresponsible and selfish


If that happens, it will probably take a long time before Val is seen by his father through the barrier. It just feels like the story has been set up towards a prolonged siege scenario. Scenes such as the goodbyes between Rain and Ameliah or Rain's last conversation with Tallheart suggest that those characters will likely not get back together for a long while, simply because of the way they were strongly highlighted in the story.


You are not looking at this through the correct perspective. Val is not aware of everything we know. From his perspective, first of all he has no idea what the highest level rare that can spawn there is, so it could totally be worthwhile even if it's risky and probably stupid to try it. Second of all he has no idea that Velika is scheduled to lead a party in there that day, so he could've easily snuck in, killed the blue and got out before anyone found out he had been inside. The third thing is that the snake that nearly killed him was clearly not a monster expected to be there, considering the Watch didn't know about it, so it could've been a much higher level, perhaps another hint of an upcoming Shift. So while he is definitely reckless, he does know the risks and it isn't pure suicide from his point of view to attempt it.

Arnon Parenti

I know where a level 3 threat can get some experience to his frostfire aura.

And Then There Was None

It seemed odd to hear the phrase "let their skills atrophy" because Skills can't go down as far as we know and that would have influenced the culture. Maybe "desynchronise" would fit better?


I think she meant skills(traditional meaning) rather than Skills(powers). Thoe you make a good point that a different word makes sense. Its a different language that has grown up with the system after all, so probably has a specific word.


i agree, Some things were absolute. The stupidity of Val for once. The man is a walking dead. i can't even think how a man so reckless can even still be alive at his age.


Very choppy chapter. A lot of different PoVs and there wasn't a really unitfying element. If it was, say, some major event occuring and its cycling through different factions/notable PoVs to get various takes on whats happening, thats one thing. But each PoV in this is a completely different plot thread. I also feel like this is going to end up with Rain indentured to Velika because she's absolutely shown to be the kind of person to go 'well there's no reason to let him live but if you serve me he can go'. And Val will learn nothing and probably do another stupid thing later that makes things even worse

Newguy Roy

Typo! “I will kill it in [one] strike.”


God, save me from well-intentioned idiots. This is a problem in a society were force is often the solution. While force is nearly always A solution, it is rarely the BEST one. In fact, it can sometimes be even worse than the original problem though some would argue that's because you didn't have enough force. Either way, this chapter shows not just one, but a person and an entire group of people failing this wisdom. Disgusting. Oh ya, Great chapter


Guys, I need help. I reread the whole thing last week, because I suck at waiting and now I might do it again.


Great chapter Shit's about to get real complicated


Meh, another slave story, nope. I think she'll probably want him more for his advise. His abilities may look good, but dont forget she was clearly instructed to leave the guild(s) the hell alone. Also she is heavy handed and on a short fuse, she isnt stupid and i dont think of her as a slaver in the first place. She might try to intimidate him, sure, but i dont think thats where its going. They will have more then enough to do with the... huh i just thought there may be traitors in the ranks of the watch - there timing is a bit to good. O_o


I agree - id say 70% of all problems can be solved with violence, for the remaining 15% you need a layer, as for the remaining 5%, poison is preferably the way to go. ^_^


One interesting thing here is that Westbridge planed and executed the barrier takeover while the empire force were marching across the wasteland hidden by that mirage spell. Either he had intelligence that this was happening or he’s a brilliant strategist/gambler who foresaw this. Regardless right now it seems he will either have a jackpot or a disaster in the works. Depending on if he and Lavarro and or the watch and Velika fights before they learn of the empire’s attack and if the army can break the barrier. In best case he, Lavarro and a number of Citizens will teleport in and clean up an army with exhausted mages. In worst case the empire cleans up the city after a war between the watch and Velika.


Hey uh - just thought of that - but isnt the watches timing for attacking "their new overlord" a bit to good? I mean they plan to execute it when she leaves the lair and on the gates - like magic... well with magic - the empire crawls out of the snow. So, coincidence or treason? What do you say?


Entirely possible! Good point. It could be malice or it could just be awful timing. It is convenient and the watch does have reason to attack her leaving the lair. We know the barrier prevents communication so it isn't coordinated if nothing else.


I definitely also have a problem. Delve anonymous.

Colby Last

They're called spies. The larger an organization is, the more information leaks it has.


I’m still waiting for Rain’s advancement tbh. 😂


It'll probably take a long time. At least for lvl25+. Halgrave was already saying story that he'd need a decent sized team of people all lvl25+ to reliably take a lvl25+ blue. It'd probably require a very unique set of circumstances for Rain to solo something like that.


Yeah, I did it. I'm the one who binged entire 88 chapters within 3 days.

ricky jackson

Just got done binging 730 some chapter of peerless white emperor in 4 days, but I dont have a job so it's possible


Vals father?


According to chapter 24, the people in the party all get their level cap raised to the essence monsters level regardless of contribution.


From chapter 24. “But I haven’t killed anything like that! Oh… wait.” Rain stopped as he remembered something from his very first day in this world. The musk wolf. When it had died, the dialog had listed its name in blue text, unlike any other monster he had seen since. “Does it count if someone else kills it? If I’m just in the party?” “Yes,” Tallheart confirmed.

Patrick camp

Experience from combat is awarded differently in lairs, only damage dealt counts towards contribution.