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See a typo? Leave me a note. Math errors too. I don't have overmana, and it's been ages.

Anyone want to write a chapter summary for the Wiki? https://bestspellever.fandom.com/wiki/Chapters


Patrick camp

“It looked like the Watch had employed a few fore mages” fore - fire


Okay I admit I'm not going to fact check that math on the air. I was curious about it but in more general terms. You start tossing out the liters of air and... I'll take your word for it. Awwww. All kinds of character development in this one. We knew Ameliah had a fear of losing people considering her class and past. But her blatant thoughts on the matter seem very believable. And we knew Rain missed her but that moment was pretty well set up. I dig it.


Nice touching chapter. It is good to see the way the characters a growing.


Nice job for the reality check on the O2/CO2 situation


Perimeter instead of parameter? Anyways, a really great chapter. I think you nailed the emotional aspect. It felt natural and believable which I think lends a deeper connection for the reader to the story and characters. I swear, if you kill of any of my favorite characters, there will be blood... Scratch that... There will be words, many unsightly words


Delve is one of the few crunchy litRPGs that I like. But even still, sometimes it feels to me that it kind of spends its time on...inconsequential mathing? no, not the right word. Irrelevant? Hrm. Hard to find the right word to attribute this feeling. I'll move the scope; a story is the author's window- the world they have is physically impossible to completely and utterly put to ink and just as infeasible to read, so one of the things the author has to keep in mind is where they spend the focus of their window. Math for the sake of math is inferior to math in service to a plot point or to lay the groundwork for something. Now, you might say, "Keifru, oxygen is pretty important to the cut-off city" and my response is: Purify is like, one of *THE* most used and known abilities of our protagonist. The fact the issue of air purity is resolved through its use, unless *specifically* otherwise presented, should be given. Additionally, he's not keeping it secret and now has the makings of a call-sign because of it, means its not really something he's keeping on the down-low and minimizing either. Delve being so cerebral, its hard for me to give it ground when it goes out of its way to 'hold the hand' of a reader rather than trusting a reader to make simple deductions based off prior information the story has laid out.

Lane Heis

The author was responding to my comment most likely 😂. It’s nice to see an author respond to things and for him to actually respond through the work. Literally everything this chapter besides the meeting outside the city was a response to what me and some other people commented last chapter.

Lane Heis

I liked it, more numbers, but these ones seemed like they would be the real equations someone with an insane amount of clarity would be running in a situation Rain is in. He’s basically just going to keep getting worse and worse as the story progresses, so I recommend having Rain start using the ring to boost his focus in order to negate the effect. Another recommendation is to just stay in Rain’s perspective in order to make sure this arc goes a bit smoother and faster, because while this arc isn’t actually boring, it’s more reputation building and politicking, even if it doesn’t seem like it. Since it’s basically going to boil down to how tensions start to rise as supplies like alcohol are going to start getting rarer and how all the forces are planning on getting ahead or fucking over others. It’s best to just mention these things in Rain’s perspective and maybe go into more detail after one or two action packed chapters. Since your releasing these pretty slowly, which is totally fair since it seems like your writing them as you go, I recommend keeping it simple and then outlining the big picture events and then filling out the details whenever you need a filler. Or something like that, I’m just trying to give ideas, it just seems like the arc is gonna get boring if we’re literally getting chapters outlining Rain’s day to day life of being stuck in one place and doing chores. While that can be refreshing, it’s not when he hasn’t had conflict since they cleared the dungeon, which was like in November or October. It would just be cool to see Rain flex his Aura on someone, since he hasn’t used his auras on a actual person since he sparred with Val and Val basically said they were pathetic, which they kind of were.


I enjoy the numbers in this story, but explaining that the air will be fine is.. silly. He has purify, and if they were running out of oxygen then Velika would take down the barrier. That's all that needed to be said. You treated it like she'd just leave the barrier up even if everyone (including her) was running out of oxygen. Feel like it's a silly waste of time to use 3 pages of math for something so simple. What's he going to do, create more oxygen?

Ole Halvorsen

Velika cant take down the barrier, and people are not going to swallow it just with it will be fine. I'm personally fine with it, have done the calculation before when someone asked how much time they would have before they went out of air. both co2 and o2. Anyways I find it really believable Rain is to sort of character that would think about this, and to get the total volume of the sphere is important to not leave plot holes. And no purify could not add more O2 to the air, purify is the solution to some problems but it can not solve everything.


So, yea, this chapter I want the ship to sail, Rain x Ameliah need to be a thing at some point, as they are clearly getting more and more emotionally attached to one another.


After being bubbled for a month you just KNOW what Rain and Ameliah are going to be doing the second that bubble goes away. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Not to throw a wrench through Rain's calculations, but, since light goes through the barrier, I'm pretty sure that heat is a self-solving problem through radiative cooling.Basically, heat will be emitted outside as infrared radiation and the temperature should stabilize by itself. The smoke is probably responsible for some kind of greenhouse effect which keeps the air warm, considering that it's visible from outside as a haze.


That's a thing? Didn't think about that. Regardless of how right or wrong he is, it's reasonable for Rain to try and math it out. Could see him forgetting or not knowing of a variable like that.


I'm in the "purify probably solves the air quality problem, because magic" camp, because it hasn't shown much respect for conservation of mass / etc up until now. However, for the sake of academic curiosity...Rain didn't consider the oxygen being consumed by the fires in his calculation. Anyone know how many humans worth of oxygen consumption a campfire comes out to?


I really don't know what you're gonna throw to ddestabilize that situation. Seems like they are really trapped. Maybe Rain can decipher the Majistral's language ?

Adam Roundfield

This is a fun little physics problem. I expect the Majistraal were smart enough to make a shield that would not kill the users. I also expect that the Majistraal did not use wood burning fires for cooking, so they may have overlooked that particular issue...


i voted + for the end of the chapter, but i totally skipped the boring O2/CO2 infodump

Orion Dye

Remember that during the magistraals time, there were many more gold, silver, and platinum rank people in cities so they may not have planned to have the shield up so long.


hi, thanks for the new chapter Avogadro, (there is only a change of "gas mass" not of "gas molecul number" and thus not of "gas volume") The atomic weight of oxygen was 16, while carbon had an atomic weight of 12. There were two oxygens and one carbon in each molecule of CO2, so that was a combined weight of 44. For the 550 liters per day of oxygen that a person breathed in, they would breathe out 550x44/32 liters of carbon dioxide, so 756.25 liters and who knew what else mostly CO2 Six trillion by 2.6 billion was 2,308. It the most relevant factor is mass, liquids/solids have about 1000 times the density of gases, so reducing the temperature of those is fare more relevant, ant that is something that doesn't seem to make a difference for his aura


Just FYI, the physics our hero is using is wrong. Gasses at normal temperatures and pressures pretty much follow the ideal gas law. That is to say, atomic weight is irrelevant; all that matters is number of molecules. In other words, 1 liter of O2 converted to CO2 still takes up 1 liter at equivalent temperature and pressure.


Thanks. Took a crack at fixing it. I want Rain to be able to make mistakes, but I don't want to have him say things that are directly wrong, as people might believe him 0_o. Better now?


Thanks. Took a crack at fixing it. I want Rain to be able to make mistakes, but I don't want to have him say things that are directly wrong, as people might believe him 0_o. Better now?

Jeremy A-R

Should get Amelia to tell rain to cool the water instead of the air/ground. Water’s got a better heat capacity and density and should be 3000x better at cooling the place I think? Idk