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Now thats a string of numbers


The universe is made of numbers


A pretty crunchy one. But I'm not sure how great going so far into the weeds on those is useful? Esp with how odd Mel was being it feels like the chapter is burying the lede on that item of importance. Getting some real strong "I have altered the deal, pray I do not alter it further" vibes off Phoss from this. I doubt Rain would balk at some assistance/protection but the whole 'without your consult or opinion'


Pretty sure Mel was being odd because they are the guard who got their head cut off during the initial attack. Would explain the constant neck rubbing.


Thank you! Enjoyable chapter.


Rain can change his alarm, nice. I feel like he did this already and I forgot about it. I have no idea why the potential for his stats didn't go up. Interesting! And being able to get that instant overhealth heal is something I didn't consider at all and seems like a very nice way to end the day after a lot of training. Sore? Not anymore! Bam! Ooo does that mean doing the same for stamina would work like a shot of coffee? Can't get your coffee, get a nice shot of overstamina first thing in the morning! Rain might want to put 10 back into endurance just for that lol. Calling unawakened "dull" seems totally like a slang term that would catch on, and also a total dick move. Who the fuck wants to be called dull? Also, I assumed Winter would eventually cause soulstrain somehow at higher levels of effect, but nice to see what happens. Not even soulstrain so much as physical adaptation? And Kettle DIDN'T get it? I'm assuming his "potential" for clarity is already really high even though he's not awakened. Whelp, there goes any theory the local lair will give Rain his level cap increase. Good to have that confirmed. Also cool figuring out what's going out with the watch recruitment. I assumed they started off as unawakened pledges somehow. Did not realize they'd be given by families so young and given an education/bootcamp. It honestly took me a minute to realize Mel is probably the watch member that had their head cut off. That's fucking terrifying. I like the way you put it in the story where it's obvious once you realize, but up until then you keep wondering why she's rubbing her neck. "Is she using a skill? Is it a new tic? Is-OH GOD she lost her head."


I found this chapter quite dull. All that happened was him waking up and talking for a bit.


Enjoyable, anyone able to do a small refresher. Effective is at 5.52, total of 41, base 10, buff of 31, tolerance of 14. Where does the 23% come from? Able to effectively use 5.52 / 41 = 13% , not the 23% potential use Able to use 5.52 of the 14 tolerance = 39% not 23% potential He can tolerate 14 / 41 = 34% not the 23%... 14 / 31 = 45% = not 23%... What was potential? 1 - It does not seem to be the effective use of his base, 2 - Does not appear to be the tolerance of the buff or total basse / total = 24.3% so... close? So what is the potential again? as I cannot seem to find a pair of numbers to divide to get to it... Or was this some other factor?


wasn't the best chapter but now that they are coming out two a week again and there was some diplomacy it wasn't bad as such


I'm still holding out that Rain will try to put soul pressure towards unlocking highlights where secret classes are, or just leaving a space... Don't need to show what it is, just say that ya there are entire hidden cards or spells, He knows where a hidden spell is. Like to see him unlock it. Or him to go the badass move and try to soul strain to unlocking the next level, to just find that he can and he needs to put XP towards it equal to level * Max Experience. Meaning that he goes through a mega soulstrain event and finds out that he can forcefully unlock 1 level by spending 18 * 22,750 = 409,500. That would take rain, what 18 days or maybe 9 if he forces refreshes. Though getting to level 22 = would need like 785k to unlock, not withstanding needing maybe more than 2.9m to unlock to that point. Or simply kill a blue to fully unlock that potential. I think that could show that the system is fair, but also demanding. to do that to get to level 50 would cost around 135m remembering that rain is still operating only in the 30k most effective day and no normal anything could be wracking up xp as fast as our boy Rain. Just at his present speed (30k a day) it would take some 12 years maxing out exp at his current rate to get there. Could provide a sense of hopelessness but also a path forward, considering regular denizens of the world earn experience at a minute fraction of what Rain does, so for regular people, that 12 years would be more like 1200 years.


Man, when is Rain going to stop getting manhandled? I guess it makes sense that he can't do much about it due to his low level, but it sure is frustrating to read about the MC being ordered what to do from other people and just nodding along.


Yeah. It makes sense with them being quantifiably stronger + them being part of a powerful organization. But it IS frustrating. However, on the flip side, it'll be immensely satisfying as that slowly becomes less true. As Rain gets more powerful, more allies, he's able to tolerate less shit. Plus character development from meek to standing up for himself. the scene with Rain letting loose with Winter in the guild was very satisfying.


Love your work. Yet found this quite dull compared to your other works. Especially after Decembers limited releases. Probably just itching to hear more about the main story versus a bunch of number crunching. Do love when he gets geeky. Yet when 80 percent of the release is math and charts it feels a tad too much

L Pedersen

The pdf crashes my adobe reader a few seconds after I open it. Happen to anyone else?


Why do they treat him like he's to stupid to stay out of trouble? He did nothing but help them. They themselfs stated last chapter, that his chastisement regarding the purify incident was an overreaction. It makes sense, that they are wary of him, but they have a strange mix of overcautiousness and disregard going on there. Either be polite or be overbearing. Being both at the same time seems a bit weird. And I get that Rain is scared of them but really? Does he have to be so meek about it?


I read that as them being condescending. Rain doesn't really have much choice but to go along with it for now. Might makes right medevial-ish society remember.

Lane Heis

Honestly, this is the most boring hostile takeover of a city I’ve ever read about 😂. Although I think that’s because your underselling how vital to the city Rain is, they’d have already run out of drinkable water by now and the sewers would have overflowed. I’m also pretty sure that Rain is also responsible for the fact that they aren’t suffocating from carbon monoxide poisoning by filtering it out of the air unknowingly, otherwise people would have already started dying or getting sick at least. I’d recommend making a big deal out of rain doing this stuff in the next chapter or at least recognizing that people would notice that he’s more valuable to everyone than literally anyone else in the city currently, especially the watch, who everyone would probably be holding a grudge against for failing to protect the city and continuing to act like they are the top dogs even though the citizen literally made all of them her Bitch single handedly.


It could be that potential won't rise at all while he has buff over his tolerance, or maybe any buff at all. In the same way that HP buffers injury and SP buffers fatigue, maybe buffs/tolerance is buffering his fitness/potential.


inb4 Rain gets kidnapped by the DKE to prevent riots in more newly annexed cities.


I was seriously worried the whole chapter was going to be him in his status in bed... But thankfully it was only 2/3rds of the chapter.


I was critical of some of the December chapters because at the time, when coupled with the slow release rate, I was frustrated with the shift away from Rain. I liked this chapter a lot because I think one of this story's strengths is the contrast of Rain's analytical approach to his slow, but steady growth with a world where the average person doesn't understand math or the scientific method enough to do the same. Rain doesn't need cheats or anything crazy OP to drop out of the sky, because the author has build him up to where, if he becomes OP, it's because he figured out how to get there and worked for it. This chapter highlights all of that, while still having some decent character interactions.


Haha. i didnt catch that lost her head thing until you wrote it. Nice. I must read more carefully next time.

Silver Beard

Now the MC is a camp follower- how exciting is that? The Watch will never let him go nor will the new Citizen most like. He’s now stuck; Please write him a nice obituary.. preferably less than 200 words...and start a new story with a MC that doesn’t suck balls through and through!


You read the 72 chapters on RR, paid for the patreon, and thought the story was going to drastically change in the +7 chapters? There's 0 constructive criticism here, just weird bitching.


I think that we could have done with just a summary of his research on tolerance rather than the long version. I'm not adverse to math but tolerance is not very exciting to read about.

Arnon Parenti

It is if he can make the stupid citizen soulstrained. It appears that Rain has the ultimate torture device in his auras just waiting to be unleashed and you can't even think dirty thoughts about him or he purifies you to the pain of more soulstrain.


Woke up, did math, ate breakfast, had a conversation.




This was a great chapter, love the maths and social parts of your novel


Very nice chapter thanks you ! I like the math and, while a bit annoying, it makes sense that Rain don't make a fuse out of the disrespect (after all they are stronger than him and he needs friends more than enemis). I have a harder time understanding why the Watch are treating him this way ? He helps the rule of Citizen Sadanis so he should not be in danger, no ? Hope that will be explain later !


"The courtyard worked well enough, but it was"n’t" hardly the best environment for getting a good night’s rest." "but rationality didn’t have a lot to do (with) the sense of unease that he still felt" "The "prospects" (group) he was talking to seemed normal enough, and a free education was nothing to scoff at, restricted as it was." Okay, bare with me. I think "were" is correct here instead of "was". However, neither sounds right in this sentence with the phrasing no matter which one technically is. Considering you referred to them as prospects already two sentences ago, might want to just go with "group" instead of "prospects" and dodge the issue altogether. "as he was hoping "of"(to) somehow convinc(e)"ing" Citizen" "in case there (are) any incidents."


I'm getting an 'attachment not found' thing when I try to click on it.


It would be awesome to see Kettle as a Passivist


Honestly as soon as Rain brought that combo up, totally thought of Kettel. Seems probable. AND I was curious why we hadn't seen any "passive" builds so it was a fun reveal of skills.




Is there any schedule for new chapters?


Yes. Regular chapter every Sunday, plus more when I have the time. Extra chapters are posted whenever.


i read some comments before reading the chapter, describing a crappy chapter with the return of doormat Rain. well, that's far from it :p the chapter is good imho, seriously in this situation where he fears to be kidnapped, having some guards is good for him.


"The universe is made of numbers.", I'd say it can be contextualised as such, are the numbers not a figment of our collective imagination? Maybe we are just using them to find meaning in nature?