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Shameless plug time! New book release from an independent author I know. Check it out if sci-fi is your thing. And yes, the MC’s name is similar. Total coincidence 0_o.


Before first contact with humanity, Sledgim was a forgotten world: a secret planet not on any star chart of the Maurian Empire, hidden in a wrinkle of spacetime. To an unfortunate few, this frozen rock is home.

Those born on the ice in the shadow of the split mountain know nothing of the stars, of spacecraft, or of the wars that had ravaged the Empire over the last thousand years. As the son of poor anitheum miners, all Hrain had to look forward to was a life of labor and an early death.

Then, the voices came.

When Leader Paryah learns that a young boy from Adula can read minds, Hrain finds himself on the run and fighting for his life. In this stand-alone novel set in the StarFighter Universe, follow young Hrain as he discovers the awesome power of the Gift of Ramas and leaves a mark on the Empire that will not soon be forgotten.  



Hmm. I haven't read any sci-fi in a little while, I'll have to check this out. Thanks for the rec!