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It is Wednesday, my dudes.



Praise the allmighty SS.


Really enjoyed this chapter


“Are you saying you aren’t usually honest?” said Phoss, his tone cold and serious. Love this exchange. It's a small thing but a way to take a common English phrase completely the wrong way and show what a bag of dicks (always love that phrase) Phoss is. Didn't even think about the fact no one would know he can choose who gets affected by his auras. Hiding IFF is small but smart. I've ALSO been wondering how strong a nova blast of his attack auras Rain could handle the mageburn from. Figuring that out + more training? Helll yes. I was right about the watch wanting Rain to benefit them but totally wrong about the why. Makes sense.


Its only the most tenuous of threads, but I can accept a fling of Talasa x Rain. Interesting. We get some tidbits on how they read people. I thought it was a hidden skill or special training in cold-reading/microexpression stuff but they actually 'pierce' a person's soul and read it? Boy, they're gonna be miffed as his soul gets stronger and stronger :V I really like everything about this chapter. Maybe Phoss comes across really strongly but eh, there's a 3 person balance of Talasa the friendly and Lamida the neutral Leader so its not really overmuch


I don't think it will get that much stronger without another blue, at that point putting him at silver. I'm guessing that the blue will sort of be like food for his soul. You can't get significantly stronger if your not eating short of thing.

Rip Woodham

Solid chap. Nothing frustrating and good showing.


Loved the conversation at the end


Hump dayyyy!


Always happy to get a chapter of Delve. :)


I think I enjoy the POVs from alternate characters way more when they're part of a Rain chapter instead of a whole chapter. We get that Rain POV we love, some information from a different perspective that can prove illuminating, and not to a point it's overkill or boring. Like that bit on the end with the Sentinels is short, with believable and informative dialog. And shows us exactly how the top watch members (2/3rds anyways) in the city view Rain. Ticks all the good boxes and none of the bad. Exactly what I like.

Mike G.

Who thinks Lamida's losing that bet? :)

L Pedersen

I think this is the first time I've seen everyone vote the same. Oh well someone will come along soon and spoil it just because.


I wonder if he was switching back to Winter in between Refrigerate nova's, is there like a Global Cool Down period? heh. I don't know how quickly he can switch between auras.


> Chocolate’s tropical. the swallow may fly south with the sun or the house martin and the plumber may seek warmer climes in winter yet these are not strangers to our land?

Joshua Little

Instantly, we've seen him do it with detect. Nova detect and switch to winter.

Joshua Little

Enjoyed this chap a lot. Thanks for the chapter.


Yeah nice blend of number crunching, plot, and action on Rain's part.

Ezio Azrael

Good chapter, back to their usual for quality. Also I like the hinting that the Watch can see souls and judge weather or not you're being honest with that ability.


Nice to see that Wednesdays updates are back. Rain has now firmly established the watch as allies, wonder if Lord Rills group will be blocked from mana sleepovers? Rain did muck up in this chapter, he should of run channeling at 50% with no amp aura, same damage but a 100 mana cheaper


He has mana for about 22 of those novas. Regen between would need about 25 minutes to pay for one so Lamidas probably winning? If he realised that he can do the same for cheaper by switching of amp aura, he could do 30-35. Probably still not sufficient to get to river on other side? Guess it depends on how far he needs to run.


Didn't Rain already reveal he could exclude people from his auras to the Watch? In Chapter 63 he asks Brakis if he wants to be excluded from Purify when cleaning up the muck from his sewer shenanigans. Doesn't seem fitting that he has forgotten that encounter given his insane overmana.

John Robert Westman

The Watch, yes. The adventurers guild, no. The annoying questions and thanks didn't come from the Watch-Members, but from the members of the guild.


And so Lamida lost 50 Copper. ^^ It's strange, that none of them consider, that he's a Dynamo. I know, they all think, that monolith classes are trash, and I must say, I kinda agree with them. All exept Dynamo seem to have detrimental effects on the body or cause to much soulstrain. But when someone can just churn out magic and keep going and going without much stopping, someone has to at least be thinking of a Dynamo, no?


No mention if he was swapping back to winter while running or just running with an idle skill being used? If he skipped, is that because of his scatter brainedness from clarity? Or is he just being inefficient?


Honestly, at this point I just assume unless otherwise specified that Rain is running winter. As such, I believe he swapped back between novas.


You're not wrong. But going off what Phoss said when he asked Rain why his auras are different than everyone else's, they assume he has a class that somehow alters how auras work instead of just "MO' MANA!" out the ass and the metamagic to back it up.


idk i think he needs to break the level cap by 2-3 lvs it's getting a little stale


I'm assuming when Rain finds another blue, it's going to put him at 26+ and not just a level or two. His best skill so far (prismatic intent) is only available at 26 now that he got aura compression, and the skills up till then are almost entirely planned out and don't change much for Rain. One more level to get Shroud, the non-mageburn (assumedly) attack aura is going to change a lot, but not much else up until class evolution and prismatic intent. I also assume it's going to be a whole arc or mini-arc for Rain to kill that blue (with friends). Having to do that more than once for Rain to break into silverplate would probably not be fun for the author or readers. If done well, sure, but easier to just bump him up once so going with path of least resistance assumptions. Author could also decide to send Rain solo into a lair for some reason to give some tension and fulfill a future requirement for some badass class evolution. The options are myriad. But still going with my 26+ assumption.


"There were a few Guild members around too, which made him feel better, at least slightly. They would have cleared the room if [[[the]]] were going to do something…"


what ever happen to the kettle story line? i was thinking he found himself someone to pic up all the loot for him and someone he could convince to use his passive build.