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Thank you very much for the chapter! they always cheer me up ( :


At least it wasn't 50% irrelevant math about air, had some character moments, and did some setup. I enjoyed it significantly more than the last couple (other than Amelia reconnect scene)


Night Cleaner! Night Cleaner! Night Cleaner!


I enjoyed this chapter, but I would have enjoyed it more with more MATH haha. Thanks as always


Finally someone brought up the Fells, time for Rain to get his Watch-sponsored power leveling session


This was a really nice chapter. It's nice to explore some new characters and it had been a while since we saw Val. Maybe you'll drop the name of his class at some point !


I'm not opposed to some good setup but this is turning into "well I guess he might as well build his own faction and stage coup" amount. Which if ithat is what you are going for is fine, but I was under the impression that you as the writer still thought he was too week for such move. Icertainly do and the way the setup has been done there arent alot of avenues for him to get that strong within the next few weeks until the dome comes down by itsel. I suppose thats where plot twists come in. like finding out the watches pet dungeon got an upgrade from the changing region level or something like that.


That is not to say that I'm not enjoying it. I'm just informing you that the more setup you do the more epic/surprising/interesting the payoff is expected to be.


Rain can’t level at all right now. Mana Manipulation and Aura Compression are the only parts of his build that aren’t maxed and fighting monsters won’t help with those


Nice chapter, Melka was fleshed out a bit and Val's plan is most likely going to end up including Rain at some point.


Val's kinda an idiot : /


Water into the Fells, you say? Water that might be connected to some sort of.. Bathhouse, perhaps? A bathhouse that recently, unexplainedly, had a slime problem?


Thank you!


You know, I just assumed Val had a higher cap from his dad or something helping before now. Apparently not. Looks like even the lower level lair will help. That dragon foreshadowing is stronk and we know the lair's level doesn't stop the blue from being higher leveled than it. Thought the blue wouldn't be worth it for Rain but conflicting info! Going to be interesting to see where this goes.


Why did Rain go back to the Tavern to look for Melka? She was the one supposed to be babysitting Rain, which was already insulting enough, not the other way around. Wasn't he tired and hungry after spending a whole day doing something useful and needed, why waste time on Melka? Did Rain seriously go back to look for her just because she told him too? I don't understand why he cares so much about someone who could only be considered an acquaintance at best. Rain should stop bending whichever way people tell him, have a bit of agency. He's felt very reactionary this entire arc and it's rather frustrating to read.


He doesn't know Melka super well but he seems to actually like them as a person from their few interactions. Toss on one of the few watch members he likes and it being the path of least resistance to go get her. It'd cause himself more hassle if he DIDN'T do so.


Just realized platinumplate Rain would potentially be both an effective and somewhat scary ruler. Rain is going to have insane range on his auras eventually to where he can cover cities. If he made sure everyone living and visiting registered, he could put them all under his white/black lists with aura IFF. His discombobulate attack aura could cover the entire city without damaging anything, goes through mundane materials, and he could use it daily or weekly. Pests like rats? Dead. Monsters? Dead. Escaped or wanted criminals? So dead. While we now know too much winter is a bad thing (for not entirely certain reasons), Rain could still give the entire city a buff. 500% boost from winter, spring, summer, and fall if he ever got it. Entire city gets great regen and is never hungry. Figure out how much of the Empire auras people can tolerate and make his entire city stronger and smarter. I mean it wouldn't be fun to read about a Rain stuck in a city doing that all the time. But nifty that he could. And also terrifying.


Also with Overhealth you would have a city with theoretically no cripples and possibly no diseases.

ricky jackson

So in the case Rain was attacked by non awakened people, he should be able to use overmana through essence well to cause non lethal harm to them right? It seems like if a person has a excess of 50% of the mana pool of overmana there gonna have like Val level symptoms of over mana and he is a mage, so to be conservative 35%:. I think normal people have 200 mp, so against 10 normal people Rain should be able to overmana them in like 6 seconds with maxed out essence well. Ashame Rain doesn't have Stavo information on diffrent class types, I'm confident his boring time during Heatsink would be a lot more interesting for him and us readers lol. I feel like him reading a book of a possibly dead guy is not that harmful, especially when it can be benefitting the masses and not being bored during Heatsink. Looking at the explanation of prismatic intent, should I assume that at level 10 of the skill he will be able to use multiple auras at the same time? If that's the case it sucks he cant get it till level 26 if he wants the legendary class.


Spoiler Warning... Wow, way to make me feel stupid for not seeing that coming. Actions have consequences... and it's easy to brush it off as it all turned out okay, but it's not quite the same for the person experiencing it. Poor Melka. This is a shockingly good story overall (I finally caught up yay! ...or not yay) and I find myself not too bothered by the seemingly slow pacing because the story is more about the characters and developments than the number crunching and leveling... though there IS a lot of that. I just want Rain to take a more proactive role. I mean sure, he's doing the cold/purify/mana thing but I'd like to see him interact with Velika, check out the obelisk, go into the Fells... like he still feels like a passenger more than a driver in the story.Either way it's been great and I'm excited to read more!