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Yes, it is a reference. No, the numbers are not the same. What am I talking about? You tell me.



if I'm being honest, I'm just not interested in a new character. It seems like it will take away from Rains perspective.

Alexander Dupree

Glad to catch up with Rains merchant friend.

The Human

Same. I think the horse's story (with his begrudgingly tolerated sidekick stint) would also be an interesting story, but I'm really here for rain.

Tyler Babcock

I take it someone, won't say who, seen zombieland 2 recently. If the merchant characters are anything to go by.


Glad stint and that horse is still somewhat relivant to the story


I don't know what the reference is, but I like that Mlem guy.

Mike G.

The last line upped my vote by at least 1/2 point :)


More adventures of Stint and Horse are needed!

Ole Halvorsen

I really don't like these chapters that much. Like it's Rains development I want to fallow. I can tackle one if these chapters sometimes, but please don't let this become the norm, can't even think about what it would do to me if I needed to wait one/two weeks to fallow a side story that's I don't even care about. Think a lot of stories fall into this trap. Yeah I'm sure some like it. On the other side I think it's fine to have some of these chapter, In a way, if you slammed to characters and make it efficient, it doesn't need to take to much time away from Rain. We got to see a bit about Stain and this merchant. Will be interesting to see how he is going to be interloped into the story, seems like a fun character. I guess what I'm afraid of is that next chapter we will fallow Val, then Amelias trip to check the noble...

Empty Shelf

I would have preferred more Rain, but I think it's important to Rain's character to follow up with Stint. He's something of a test case for Rain's admittedly unrealistic Ideology.


Ferengi Rules of Aquisition!


Not fan of the side char chapter


I figured it was that Stint saw his health in a Diablo like globe.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

L Pedersen

Okay time for me to throw my negativity into the hat. I actually enjoyed this chapter surprising myself. It had a lot of things going for it, we got to see the horse again, we got some action, we got to see someone with a physical build, we got some ACTION! and we got reintroduced to one of my favorite side character who most people had probably forgotten about. Honestly I thought that guy was out of the story forever. But even with all that I can't help but be annoyed and it really makes me feel petty. For the most part, stories in this genre are character driven to the extreme, a big part of the enjoyment is watching the main character progress and gain power. In short, I'm here for Rain and he wasn't in this chapter. By itself that wouldn't be too bad if it weren't for two other things. One, the pace of the story is that a massive glacier. Two, the story updates on average once a week. Now it might sound like I'm mad about that but truely I'm not. I've made peace with both the pace and the update frequency. But then we get chapters like this to further slow the pace down, I was really excited about the last few chapters and when I woke up today and saw the update I couldn't wait to read about Rain testing out his ring and seeing how it changed fighting for him. Only to be disappointed :( I really love this story, there is only one I like more on RRL and I hate to be negative, please don't take it personally, I'm just trying to convey how side chapters like this might be received.


I wasn't a big fan of Carten's chapter but that was mostly because it didn't really tell us anything about him we didn't already know. He likes to push himself physically, interested in Ameliah, etc. Though the horse's perspective was unexpected and interesting. I like this one more. We finally get a name for the merchant/see where he went, and see how Stint is coping. I'm way more interested in Rain. But we get some info, some action, and more skills demonstrated. Sobering to think that if Tallheart hadn't given Rain his OP armor and ring, even noob level Stint could kill Rain.


It would probably be better if these non Rain chapter were marked as interludes or side chapters rather then the same as the main story.


I quite enjoyed this chapter thought it would be nice to have it marked as a non rain chapter


I think the main thing killing these chapters for me, is that you always seem to do these interlude-esq chapters right after a 5 star chapter, and don't mark them as interlude. It's a real kick to the nuts to get home from school or work and get excited to see a new chapter, for it to be about a side character that not many people care for. That being said, of the interlude chapters, being the Carten one and the horse one, and now this one, this one is by far the best. A good amount of action, as well as a new perspective on abilities that exist within this system/world outside of the magic of rain/val/ and jamus. Add on a mysterious merchant who seems like he could be Columbus (from zombieland) brought to this world, and it's definitely a good chapter, in the scope of chapters.


Which one do you u like more and don't say he who fights with monsters

L Pedersen

I specifically didn't say because this is supposed to be constructive criticism, not a comparison. Also it feels kinda bm to talk about other stories in the comments of a story.


Off topic and random thoughts I've been thinking about. 1: Even though Jamus seemingly admitted he's an arcane mage, is he actually an arcane animus? He's mentioned the animus class many times both aloud and internally. He: -Asked Rain why he didn't pick it instead of dynamo in a way that was fake casual. Something along the lines of, "Why'd you go with dynamo over something like, let's say animus?" -Said aloud once he can't believe he ever thought animus would be better when Rain leveled thrice in one day to 18. -Internally thought after the umbral charger he doesn't know how an animus can do a pure focus allocation considering his debilitating headaches with his focus/clarity ratio being 3/4. So are these animus mentions just him referencing it to his mage class and dynamo, is he actually an arcane animus, or did the idea of his class change when it came time to define it? 2. PLEASE tell me Rain talked about altering his system and skills using his high clarity with Staavo and we'll hear about it soon. Even though he's been pretty damn busy lately, I feel like it's finally time for him to mention/ask his friends about it. If it's normal, if they can at all, if clarity is related to his ability to fudge with the system, etc. We have no idea or frame of reference for Rain's pushing the system to create whitelists and other shenanigans. If it's common, unthinkable, or completely unknown. Or what category soulstrain it falls under! Could even ask the highest leveled among them (Ameliah, Tallheart) to try and modify a skill of theirs that has always had something annoying about it. See if they even get to that point of feeling resistance from the system. Or ask them about their experiences if they've done it in the past. 3. I'm surprised Rain hasn't tried to see if he can use detection to find lairs yet. Even though I doubt a lair is a "mundane material", would think it could sense the barrier or outside of it. Could ask whereabouts the one for the Watch is located (the Fells) and do a super long range detection pulse to see if it registers. Obvious reasons for wanting to see if he can detect lairs, whether or not it works. 4. Last chapter Rain referred to using winter full blast all night as a nova. Whereas before he defined nova as a very quick, short lived, and full power aura blast. Not sure whether you wanted to switch the definition to include that or didn't mean to use nova there. 5. Getting a price estimate on the value of Rain's armor (not even including the enchantments useless to most everyone else) was helpful. But god I can't wait till we get more frames of reference. Stats of a few armors to see how Rain's is in comparison. And/or Rain testing how his armor holds up to stress like punches from him with extra strength, or Ameliah, or Tallheart. 6. I'm assuming potentate Fecht has to be a super high level vivificant or something. Or whatever the class becomes when it evolves a few times. Only thing I can see making him nigh ageless is an absurd amount of overhealth. Vivificant has that in spades. Toss on his own, personal, beacon slave to boost it even more and voila.


I understood a Nova being full blast with all the mods but nothing limits its time other than mp usage.


Zzz main story is setting a record glacial pace with no action for over a month and then we get filler character chapters on top of it, I like the theorycrafting but everything else is dragging the story down hard.


I always thought nova was when he did a blast of a fully powered aura for only a second because of the sensory deprivation. So while walking around he could do a quick pulse where he loses his senses for a small amount of time so he isn't affected by the sensory deprivation too much. #


Other uses for detection. Can detection be used to search for people of a specific level. What about bronze, silver gold rank ranges?. If not then at least he can search for guild/watch metal plates. Can detection be used to search for levels of monsters, or if one is an essence monster or not?. Can it be used to detect Tel and Crysts in living monsters? - which might give some idea of there level depending on number/type. Can it be used to find enchanted items? or at least determine what materials an item is made of - which might give some information (force steel or grand arcane gold) Can detection identify groups? Watch, guild members or soldiers of different armys? What about Cervidiands? or humans of different ethnicities? or hair/skin colours? or male/female Can it be used to find specific tools, like tel scribes, lockpicks or manacles? Can it be used to find blank spots of secret warded spaces?


Definitely think it could be used to check for the plates. And as the watch, bank, and guild all use plates for varying levels, would be able to easily find everyone and their respective levels. Though we don't know what the bank uses besides gold. Like the essence monster search idea. Possibly given its shown uses so far. Though doubt he'll get much data about the inside of the monsters and their tel until after dead. I'd say probably. While it can be occluded by vaguely defined, non-mundane materials; I doubt most standard enchanted equipment is purpose made to block detection or similar skills. I don't think he's been able to get it distinguish people based on group. But as most groups wear or have something on them indicating their group (like the plates or a patch or something), easy to workaround. Rain specifically mentioned using the skill to find Tallheart via his race on the way back to camp recently and how he's the only cervidian in the forest. So we know it works on that. Not sure about the rest but I bet it works on male/female filter as well. Anything involving a concrete and definable physical difference seems to work. The more esoteric we go, the less likely. With Rain's early experiments, 90% sure it can be used to find tools and specific items. He specified and detected various coinage of the same metal but different shape/worth and etc when he tried. And was able to focus on the clothing people wore another time. And various other examples. That sounds hard. Would probably have to focus on sensing everything via air or water or etc and focus on what is missing which didn't work easily or well last time lol.


i agree that the story is progressing rather slowly, but i am enjoying it a ton nonetheless, much more than a lot of other stories i've read


Sounds about right, so at least he's got a backup job as a private detective if the guild thing dosnt work out. Then I realised that thoes sort of jobs probably go to the guild already.

Ole Halvorsen

Well I'm not really that fan of the action part of the stories, like I'm not that interesting in how good he is at swinging he's sword, the world-building an interactions between the characters is what I find most enjoyable . So for me it is no problem if we keep in the city until the house and the matter with the noble is resolved. Feel like this also is a bigger part of being an adventure in this universe since it actually takes some time to regenerate between fights.


You know while this chapter was not the most exciting I still enjoyed it. You started this story by developing a really cool magic-system, which is not given to any story. And now you've started to develop something bigger and you try to extend the world you've built. This will be tricky and you'll probably make some mistakes along the way but it is still worth doing. Thanks a lot for the story and I hope you'll keep writing it fo quite a while !


Nothing wrong with a slow burn story. They can't all be like Azarinth Healer.


I think theres nothing wrong with the pace that the story is going at, hopefully Senescent doesn’t try to speed things up or force action because people are complaining about the pace and lack of action.


^ i absolutely agree, although i said the story if progressing slowly, i rather like this pace. i do not want the author to force themselves to change anything


I think this is my least favorite chapter yet.


Prior chapter math mistake: Forgot to mention it. In the Exposition chapter, the mana manipulation exp shown is 1284. Which as previously established, is 1% of the mana put into it. Meaning it took 128400 mana for that. However, the mana use exp shown is only 10154. I think the exp given for mana use was half of the mana used but don't quite recall. If so, the exp for it should've been over 60k. Meaning the exp received should've been more than enough to re-cap his exp with the given mana usage. Just checked the Charged chapter. According to the exp shown in that chapter for using mana manipulation and mana, the Exposition chapter math doesn't match.


The general experience for using Mana Manipulation is subject to the same 1% ratio as the skill’s experience itself. There is an obvious (well, sort-of obvious) way to get general mana use exp without using a skill, but it hasn’t come up in the story yet. That specific method has a ratio of 50%, just as stamina use through moving around is at 50%, and health use through taking damage is at 50%.


Interesting! Is the mana use exp from the training overview for the Charged chapter from that method? Otherwise it shows him getting 14k+ experience from mana use just from mana manipulation. Edit: Ahh skills don't show exp gain after capped so could be from anything. Derp.


Yeah Rain was just about the glassiest of glass cannon's until he got geared up. His build heavily emphasizes long term planning and growth to get real powerful. Short term a small low lvl monster could've easily killed him though if he wasn't paying attention or if he allowed it get close or ran out of mana. Now that is actually kind've unlikely.