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Even your polls have too many numbers involved


Wow, disgusting is the right word for that ring. Tallheart is the man

Empty Shelf

Rain needs to get a repair kit, because that ring is broken.

Bunny Waffles

Aw, that end bit was just the kind of sappy I am a sucker for!


That was wholesome. Also, that fucking ring is fucking OP, it gives him almost 29 levels worth of stats.

Critical Hit

I'm just imagining the insanity that is him having that ring at +180 to clarity. Like, that'd nearly double his mana regen, which is already absolutely huge. Or hell +180 focus to make his offensive auras crazy strong for a bit. Lots of potential options. Though, just not dying as easily is probably one of his safer bets.


I was wondering If all this strength will hurt him I mean he don't have a lot of endurance? Also can someone increase their strength manually like if rain train every day? Otherwise this chapter was epic

Adrian Gorgey

I've been getting a steadily growing paranoia that something's gonna happen to Tallheart. Something bad. Maybe not this arc, and I fully expect them to stage an epic rescue attempt in which Tallheart heroically sacrifices himself at the last moment, forever putting Rain at odds with the empire of adamant. Then, maybe Rain will be captured and used as one of those Aura slaves we heard about, before staging an epic escape and tearing the empire apart from the inside.


Nice having a general rule of thumb for how much of a stat boost adventurers can handle for their level. And knowing that stat boost soulstrain and equipment soulstrain are not the same category. And yes. That ring is bananas. Here's hoping he abuses it to its full extent and slowly trains all his stats for massive point fluctuation possibilities. So Halgrave can (and probably does) handle an extra 500 stats on top of the 510 or more he has as a level 50+ adventurer? Jeeesus. Good equipment is a must considering it grants you a theoretical 20 points a level instead of the base 10. Adventurers definitely get orders of magnitude stronger with levels. And that's even before considering class evolutions, skill level caps going up from specializations, being able to afford higher tier skill unlocks, probably more equipment soulstrain tolerance, and whatever other nonsense we don't know about yet. Tallheart's moment was pretty touching. I don't understand why Rain having his recovery at 60 for more than a short time would put him in more pain, though. It's been established ala winter and dialog that increasing the regeneration rate doesn't strain the soul much since it's a "gentler" method compared to straight up transfer. To the point Rain can increase people's mana regen more than ten times without hurting them in any way. They get soul strain from using their mana too much even, but no noted soulstrain from regenerating it. Given this, if Rain's recovery stat goes to 60 whether via level or stat ring, why would it hurt him at all? His health at that point in the dialog is 200/200 so it's only generating overhealth naturally which isn't harmful. I don't understand. Am I missing something? Edit: I get it now. Phrasing of the explanation still seems a bit off. I'd say edit that but maybe it's just me.


I dunno about the rest, but Tallheart's touching moment definitely struck me as a death flag. No idea if it was meant that way or not.


that was soooo good also goddamn that ring is super powerful, having like 15 extra levels in stat gain easily that can be changed is so good


It was brought up before the stats are static unless numbers are added and the mechanics of it. It acts like an enhancement and a cap. If you work out constantly to hit peak strength with 10 strength, let's say you can lift 100 pounds. At 20 you do the same and you can lift 120 at peak strength (or whatever the unknown ratio is). But if you are super sedate and don't lift a finger with 30 strength, someone with 20 at peak fitness will be stronger. Though also established someone with boosted strength like a fortifico with an extra 200% bonus to strength efficacy + lots of points invested in strength gets to a point where they can't even control their strength and hurt themselves.

Atlas Dwarf

Wait was it mentioned whether the dungeon plates count towards that stat boost limit or just stats boosted by skills? That noble woman did mention not being able to use all her plates likely due to a similar limit. I think the pain Rain was talking about from Recovery was his body healing to quickly without letting it adjust first, so it would be more of a physical issue than soulstrain. I'm more interested in what happens if Rain builds up his body's muscles then removes stats from strength. Like would it immediately harm him or would he just slowly lose his bonus muscle mass and durability.


That is amazing and so heart warming! I love how deep you make the relationships between the characters. Even the flimsy relationships have depth because they have a reason to be flimsy. Thanks for the chapter. That ring is going to last him untill level 29! That is disgusting lol. I love this story so much.


why should it only last to lvl 29? it says stat boost from item just get somithing simliar ones he is lvl 29 or even just a normal ring as i understand it all itemstat count together


Typo: Tallheart snorted. “You think I would have made you a ring you could not wear? I thought you ^would^ have noticed by now.”

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Wow, that ring is something else. That puts Rain up to 2k-3k health with 5-10 base resistances in survival mode. But more scary than that, 180 points in Focus puts his mana pool to 15900 and ups his dps by 86%. He could maintain a 54m aura at 3330dps for 17 seconds - close to 60k damage. Does his perception accolade count as 10 of his stats for soul strain? Does switching down strength or endurance lose any extra points in health and stamina he has gained? Will the durability of the ring suffer if he uses it for Focus? like his cheap focus ring. Hope he avoids that. Empire auras no longer seem as useful as boosts. He wont be able to get anything out of them for himself till after level 29 now.

L Pedersen

Now all we need is a training montage :P Gotta get used to the new stats.


I am genuinely baffled he put points from that ring into clarity....like really. He could focus on shoring up his absolutely horrendous physical stats but he adds more mana...


This changes everything. But yeah the points he put in clarity should go to strength/endurance. I doubt 30 is enough to handle the offensives Novas bit he said that he going to get used to it so I hope he will progressively up the amount, still got 60 to add when he feels more confident. Tallheart basically almost doubled his level with one ring, that's ... precious... (cough)


The death flags... don't kill Tallheart, make him injured and have to run or something, he's a great character!


I feel like the empire auras will be part of a different soul strain or there would be no use for them. Maybe they are part of the same soul strain and makes it so when he levels past 29 all his equipment points can go into the regen stats and his aura now improve the other stats. Even with this it still feels that the aura will be a bit useless. By level 29 he should be able to get much better gear from Tallheart so the auras will be rendered useless again. Unless Tallheart dies. Maybe it's for boosting other people more than himself, but I hope it's part of a different soul strain.


A very emotional moment with Tallheart at the end. Loved it. You really know how to make characters come alive :)


Please dont kill Tallheart


Well he's gonna have to put in 10 more if he wants to have 300 clarity by the time he reaches class evolution

Ole Halvorsen

So what will be the best stat allocation for the ring and the best way forward? I think its pretty clear that Rain is trying to train up so he can handle a high load in all he's chosen stats. Like he said it's no point boosting he's recovery past 60 because he's body is not used to it. He will probably work towards maybe + 50 - 70 in Strength and endurance, that will leave 100 to 60 in different other stats. If he's full on HP and he has no other injuries he can allocate more points toward clarity or towards vigor if he needs more stamina regain. so a optimal build in my opinion would look something like this: Strength 70 Revovery 10 + 80/0 Endurance 70 Vigor 10 + 80/0 Focus 10 + 80/0 Clarity 200 + 80/0 This will ad some much needed survivability and because it takes so much time to full up end and str I feel like he should have these buffs all the time, also for added safety. Focus is not that important to have because he can fill it up mana super fast, and he would change probably mostly for the benefit of more dmg. So he need to train up in everything so he comfortably sit at 80 without straining he's body that way he can easily relocate the stats to what's most needed at the moment.

Ole Halvorsen

What's also interesting to consider the difference between tank and dps, most ppl who want to dps wants more str than endurance, and a tank will need more endurance than strength. There has to be an ideal ration between increased dmg mitigation and health, the same the other way around, you need to have a certain endurance to be able to take the stress that strength gives to your body. So what is most important for Rain? being able to take dmg or dish out physical dmg. At least I feel like he is choosing strength because he needs more survivability, But I think thats maybe the wrong way around, He need some strength for sure but I think Endurance will be more effective at mitigating dmg. So maybe something like 2points in str and 3 points in endurance is the best way to get him as high effective HP as possible.


Everyone: No, don't kill Tallheart! Me: Press F to pay respects.


10 bucks tallheart gets kidnapped by the nobleMcspeedy and we don't see him for like 100 chapters.


different builds for different situation and getting used to the stats on those builds , like what stats allocations for when facing the noble and thing gets dicey ?


Gah! I just finished the chapter and it feels like Tallheart just raised like 50 death flags all at once! Gah! Don't kill him off please >_<


I don't understand, why he would boost focus and clarity with this ring. It seems a bit like a waste... Then he states, that he starts to feels burdend by the boost at 150 points but in the end only uses 120... Wouldn't it be better to boost the first 4 stats by 35 or something like that?


I would go for as much Strength as practical. Endurance only gives 1 resistance every 10 points. From what we have seen that point is a flat reduction in damage. As in someone with 5 resistance hit with 300 damage will lose 295 hit points. Defeneders probably have a ton of skills for Endurance that make it work. Rain does not have them, so more hit points please. However, Endurance is also the stat for Stamina, and he will need enough to get through an adventures average day (full of fighting and runing). So at least some must go there. Also, mage burn is low damage over time - for which Endurance works well. Depending on testing, more might be good - but has to be balanced against surviablity loss from lower hit pionts. Beyond all that he may need points in Recovery and Vigor as standard - Just to avoid stat imbalance issues. (Rather than just moving points from Endurance/Strength as needed when pools drop) Clarity is least appealing, Focus is a maybe - but any points there cost survivablity. Switching to Focus and Clarity as needed might be fesable if extra hit points are banked like with the armour durablity when mana runs dry.


I was thinking the same thing, boost the top four by 30 and its the same points.

Ole Halvorsen

It only give one resistance that's true, but I feel like there is some hidden shenanigans here. take for example mageburn, even with more str he will never be able to stop mage burn, true he will be able to take it for longer but he will be just as "soft". With endurance it will come to a point when he take no dmg. It's all about finding the balance her. Maybe strenght is best in the beginning lets say under 40-50 but after that the ration between endurance and strenght should go in favor for endurance. This is 100% something he has talked with Staavo about, I will be interested in hearing what advise he would give. Think Staavo knows what he's talking about in this regard. Regarding imp auras it might be better for him after he get to 26 to get straight for improved end and str instead, it will give more value at the start than the imp auras. At 30 he can have he can have multiple auras + spring, winter, summer with improved Str and End. 35 with all imp auras, Think when he reaches this point he will be a powerhouse. also feel like he has to take a dungeon and get some free talent points, becouse there is just to many good talents.


High hit points also kinda block damage. So if someone with 200 hit points gets hit for 100 damage, there hit points go down by a 100 + they will take significant physical damage ontop. Maybe a really bad burn or smashed up bones. Someone with 3000 hit points, hit for a 100. Will also lose 100 hit points but the physical damage will be much less, maybe a bruise. High hit points protect you from actual damage (till they get low) So even if Rain takes a few hundred damage from immolate mage burn, it may just end up feeling like he had an extra hot sauna. There is, as you put it, room for shenanigans as we have not seen much about how Endurance works.

L Pedersen

I think we'll see a lot more thinking about this in coming chapters where he'll be experimenting with the perfect "mix" for him. I think he'll also ask for help to run some tests.


Because he's probably training himself. Slowly incrimenting his body to the limits (180 in everything) so he can at a wim switch all the stats for min maxing Imagine before a fight he puts all his points in focus for a huge mana pool and damage increase, he uses that to nuke whatever he's fighting and then he switches all his points to clarity to recover all his mana stupidly fast.

Ole Halvorsen

Well I agree with what your saying payforthat, but personally i feel like endurance should be just as important for tankiness. But I think we can both agree that a 1000dmg on a strength build that has 2k hp is the same as 500dmg on an endurance build that has 1k hp. In fact I would argue that Endurance is better because you need less recovery to heal up the missing health and you get more stamina. Anyways there can be cases where more HP is better and cases where more mana is better.


Can't he charge his armor and use a nova winter at the same time? I thought mana manipulation was able to be used with an aura at the same time since it wasn't an aura?


Lol I'm glad I'm not the only one that saw death flags. Honestly this isn't as set in stone as some so could go either way and I prefer not knowing which.


Does it really work that way? I was under the impression, that he still would have to wait for his body to adapt to the new stats for a while even after his soul is used to them, every time he switches them. On the other hand, This tactic wouldn't solve the problem of him being a glass cannon. I agree, that it is usefull for an alpha strike, but in regular combat you don't want to be distracted by switchig your equipment specs. Especially, when one hit could be your end, while you do so.


Yeah the ring pretty much fixes his survivability problems. Getting cocky will still earn him a short nasty death but if he is careful now he should last past lvl25.

Ole Halvorsen

No he's body definitive remember. Think Janus told him that if you get a 50str ring and put it on you get the stats like + 1000hp but your soul will not be ready to use the 50strength yet. So he needs train up he's soul to get the full benefit of the ring. Once he's done that he can take it off and on and he's "soul" will remember. After he's talk to Staavo it seems that Rain has come to a different conclusion. Your soul is fine if you increase your stats, but you need to train up your body to tolerate the strain. This is why he probably does not increase he's stats more than 30, he needs to train he's body to be able to take the strain before he can increase it even more.

L Pedersen

@Matthias I don't think it's been definetively stated exactly how it works, it's been talked about a lot in the comments so I'm not sure what info we've actaully gotten from the story but I think there are two parts to it. First the physical aspect of gaining and losing stats. He'll feel it both losing and gaining so I think he'd benefit from physical conditioning. It would also help him get the most out of his stats and probably help him handle Velocity better as well. The second part is the soul strain. No matter how much he practices and gets used to his stats going all over the place I don't think he'll ever get to point were he can reallocate his stat resovoir mid-combat. The closest I can see as possible is dumping as much as possible into end right before he's about to get hit but even that might have setbacks I cannot foresee. Honestly I think the best way to use the ring is to find the stats you want to increase, personally I think he should go for stre and end mainly and perhaps fcs clarity to a lesser degree or even just focus but his whole build revolves around how fast he can regen man. He doesn't have a balanced build and I don't think he'll spend a single point elsewhere until he's satisfied with his mana regen. I think Ole is right in that Rain intends to get used to higher stats and is starting out slow, seems like he's decided to train all his stats but that doesn't mean that his default in the end will spread evenly across all stats.


A nova is a super-short aura which is amplified with Aura Focus. It's not really a channeled thing. I think he has been using winter + mana manipulation to recharge the armour, it's just slow because of the 1% efficiency.


He "channeled a winter nova" while sleeping for the sake of overmana, on the offchance it would help him remember all the different matters he and Staavo discussed. There wouldnt be any overmana if he used all his mana to charge his armor. Havent seen any indication of him being unable to use mana manipulation while aura focus is active, but who knows.


He says "nova" only when he uses an aura at full blast or close for a beat then drops it. As for winter + aura focus + mana manipulation to charge the armor while sleeping? He explicitly stated he's started doing this starting the day he charged the mana plates in the guild lol. Only didn't last night to help remember info dump conversation better.


Well, Focus does help damage, so increasing his focus will upgrade his damage from a 1.05 to add a +.05 per 10 points spent


You know, I was wondering how Tallheart was going to get the ring on. I figured that he was either going to make it thin enough to fit on underneath the gauntlet, or just use metal wizardry to smith it to the gauntlet directly. Taking the finger off to get past the joints never occured to me. Do you think that the subordinate metal unity enchantment is used to count the ring as part of the armor as far as hardness and regeneration are concerned?


I thought it would be to allow mana to be put in and stats able to pass through in spite of on armor. Didn't even think of the ring piggybacking the hardness or other enchantments. I was worried about the low durability and there being no hardness level given. That'd be a great enchantment if it does anything like that.


Tallheart is dead. So many Flags, the fucker could drown to death in the sea of cloth.


Minor editing: The plates were very thin, but the enchantments on the armor made them rigid and durable. Rain had noticed that the metal felt a bit flimsy when the enchantments were deactivated, but rigid and durable when they were working. The passage has redundant phrases. Namely the parts mentioning the enchantments and how it makes the armor "rigid and durable." Example of better flow: The plates around his fingers were very thin. Rain had noticed that the metal felt a bit flimsy when the enchantments were deactivated, but rigid and durable when they were working.


new patron, how the flip do I read the chapters? I only see a voting option for numbers I don't know the purpose of o.o"