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If you thought the last chapter was long, well oh man, do I have news for you.

...I think I'll write a nice short chapter next...🥱




Although the exposition is nice. I was hoping for a little more activity. Maybe watching him finally pick his last skill. Or learning something concrete about the empire. But I've been proven wrong before and will be again, better the second time through. Good though.


Thank you! The long awaited Staavo conversation. 42 what though? Haha, I liked this chapter


Typos: Some of the status windows aren't in blue “Squishy?” Staavo asked?* Left an hr in brackets after Staavo's turn starts


Good chapter. Now you have a good plot device for Rain knowing things and condensing that information in an internal monologue.


This is my favorite chapter thus far. Also, why doesn't Rain make a paper airplane and demonstrate lift? Basic high school science describes the bernoulli principle and it is really easy to show using a sheet of paper and blowing to one side or a shower curtain.


Will the multi-aura ability ever let him use more then 2 when upgraded?


My fave chapter thus far, I love these kind of debates


Typo: Deckard "Cane" should be "Cain"

Empty Shelf

Supression, eh? Looks like we finally have a dedicated debuff skill. And a very potent one too.


Can't believe I didn't see that. That changes the entire chapter. Thanks.


Finally new skill info! I really missed the theory crafting. I also really like Staavo and Rain's dynamic.


thank you for the huge chapter :D


Best chapter in a while, solid 5


While that would be a super helpful demonstration of what the airplanes look like, Staavo doesn't believe him because of the weight. Paper = light so wouldn't change his mind in that area. I'm hoping Rain gets an... illusory aura? At some point. Something he'll level and nudge the system into letting him use it in lots of cool ways like showing things from his world.


Cat snakes.... I really need know when they have got to this point... Ferret is the best familiar ever.... Just losing to honey badger, because they are crazy as shit kkkk


Definitely a five, Staavo is fun

Tommy Littlefield

Hope he went with shroud he needs an aura he can use full blast with no worries and who knows when he might get in a situation with no equipment on him and need to fight


I forgot what mageburn was can someone refresh my memory please.


It's an unofficial term that covers what happens any time a mage hurts themselves with the secondary effects of their skills. For Rain, that can mean getting hurt from superheated/supercooled air when he uses Immolate/Refrigerate with too many modifiers. Usually mageburn is a symptom of the mage in question not investing enough points into Endurance.


No matter how long they are, somehow they always seem too short. :)


Best chapter ever! Thanks


You know, I'm almost surprised we finally got to meet Staavo. It's been so long since he was first mentioned and he's brought up just about any time Rain gets curious about something. I figured they would walk in on Staavo just after he was murdered or something.


But imagine him hugging an enemy and then turning into a miniature supernova. It would be so much cooler than a big blob of darkness eating things.


i think he is not thinking about shear properly , if you blacklist everything besides the targets how will it affect the environment ? it will only focus on the target itself since immolate and refrigerate affect him and the the sorroundings because it heat the air itself( can he black list it ? ) , i think shear would work like the mental one and only affect targets, i loved the dinamic between the two of then , good chapter

L Pedersen

Man I'm so happy. First 5 I've ever given this series! This chapter was such a pay off! Good things come to those who wait I guess. It was also really REALLY nice to get a longer chapter. And the tier 3 options for him. And Staavo. I'm just so happy. We can also probably look forward to Rain getting a stat ring soonish and finally getting a hang of his offensive capabilities. Maybe we'll even get some training done, fuck it, lets go crazy and actually learn how to fight while we're at it.


IFF only allows him to be selective when it comes to which "entities" it affects, not how it affects the environment.


Lift is actually more pull than push, the shape of an aircraft wing creates a low pressure zone above it lifting the wing, and thus the aircraft.


Silly question. How far in advance do you have these skills planned out? Were you still thinking about what you wanted the third tier options to be or had you known for a bit? Obviously you tossed aura compression out there and wanted to see what we thought before making it official. Not sure if you have a bunch of already planned skills waiting in the wings with some wiggle room for ideas, a general outline for skills you might introduce, or just winging it. I'd have troubles with it, myself. Both the coming up with ideas and ironing them out.


This was just great. Is good that the normal populace has a better understanding of some of these concepts more than Rain. The chapter was great


Did he put 4000 mana into his armor (it had 40 in the mana Mana Capacitance Rune) then when he checked his status he was full mana again when he checked for changes to his vitals?


Awesome world-building in this chapter. Seeing someone show genuine interest in the functions of a completely different world made me think 'about damn time'. Also, learnIng about the world Rain is now in I think is something everyone had been waiting for for a long time. Was kinda disappointed when the chapter ended to be honest. The conversation was one of the most interesting/entertaining parts of your story so far.


Love the 'argument', so much fun.


10/5 rating


Aerodynamic lift in fixed wing aircraft is something of a taboo to try to explain in the physics field. It still has multiple completely opposed and field testable valid theories as to how and why lift occurs.


rains free point was missing from his character sheet or am i confusing free skill points with free stat points?


u know when u say my world doesn't have servent is generalizing like I know a lot of countries who indeed have servents, I mean the thing like sleeping in your house and been servent is very common I even heard there are students who work that way.


now when I say servant doesn't mean you need to bow or be submissive, maybe that how it is in China.


You just have to accept that the author is writing what Rain thinks and said, and isn't trying to give you absolute wisdom of the world. People believe things that aren't true. People also say things they realize aren't true layer when they've thought about it more. And sometimes, people just generalize to their own experiences instead of interpreting a question literally.


A useful skill down the line would be one like Magical Synergy but where the stats enhanced are endurance or strength based on his clarity. That could solve a few things. Great chapter, thanks !

L Pedersen

I don't think we're gonna see that because that would be too good. Tailored for our Rain by the greatest god of them all, the Author God. Still, should it happen I wouldn't mind. It just seems like it would have happened already if it was going to.


First of great chapter, some very nice new skills with the morning coffee and the conversation with Stavo was most enjoyable. However I have a slight worry about how things might go in future chapters. Hopefully unfounded. I really hope Rain now knows what to expect from a bit of a range of monsters and builds - in enough detail to theory craft them. Actual numbers for damage, health, resistances and armour effects. My suspension of disbelief will be very pushed if he is unable to make decent estimates of the effect of his damage options and survival of attacks from possible opponents. It would be reasonable for Stavo to not be as precise as Rain would want. So Rain may want to experiment to pin down exact numbers, but should at least have a basic shape of things like armour absorption workings. I get that us readers dont need to get that information yet, revealing it as the story goes on is fine. But, we have seen a lot of instances where Rain could of asked question - but didnt, did ask questions - but never got answers due to interupts or people did not volunteer info where it was probably reasonable for them too. Rains cant be so much of an idiot that he would not get details on what a "rank 3" striker can do and an exploration of what that means. His main aim for this meeting was to come away knowing what he needs to be able to do to survive and kill a higher ranked blue.


I assume it will go up to 11 when maxed out since there's no other modifiers on the skill to alter when leveling.


I can't help but wonder how that Overcharge skill would react with his auras. If he could overcharge a aura nova and have it ready and walk around with it all the time that would go a long ways to improving his combat dmg while also giving himself more mana to work with. After all if he overcharges a aura and keeps it ready then he can let his mana regen in the mean time back to full. And a heavily overcharged Shroud or Shear aura would potentially inflict tons of dmg without even his boost auras in play if he overcharges it long enough. Imagine if he put a half a days worth of mana into a overcharged Shroud/Shear nova for instance. It would actually be like a large bomb went off I bet. Of course we don't really know how overcharge works yet so maybe it'd would play out differently depending on the possible skill restrictions.

Ole Halvorsen

Overcharge doesn't work like that. It work on cast abilities, like firebolt where you need to channel your ability before you cast it, etc fireball, Rain have no abilities where he need to channel before he cast the spell, All auras are instant. think Janus described it as you channel your mana into a spell and then you hit the limit the spell fires, with overcharge you can increase the amount of mana you can put into a spell before it fires off for increase dmg

Orion Dye

So a question. It occurs to me that if there is a magical utility tree, then there probably is a physical utility tree and if there is a skill that increases base mana from a percentage of ones mana regen stat then there can also be one which increases health, health regen and strength from the mana regen stat too. Those skills would basically be required for single stat focused builds. I wonder why Rain hasn’t gone looking for those.

Lord Falco

First, Staavo and Rain BFF yay! My favorite people are the ones with whom I can have a solid argument. Second, he totally needs shroud. Not only does he need more attack auras for class leveling cheese, it provides elemental variety in case he comes up against something that's immune to temperature shifts. Furthermore, it fits thematically with his general look. We all know staying true to theme is extremely important.


He is very limited on his available skill points both now and in the near future, he is heavily invested in auras at this point (so spending skills on stuff that doesn't directly benefit them is highly questionable) and the realities of killing a blue monster with a high enough lvl to let him spend the skill points on non-aura related things aren't looking all that good. Realistically Rain could've also just got the healing aura but he seems dead set against doing that sort of thing. I've kind've railed on about the stupidity before of Rain not having a self heal skill as a glass cannon build too. His defense aura and the armor does go a long way to improving his survivablity though so I've mostly dropped it. I do still think Rain is setting himself up for some serious pain and sadness by not getting a heal aura though. What if Ameliah gets injured for instance and can't heal herself? Or he joins another group and they get injured and run out of health pots? Almost seems inevitable at this point that he is going to be suffering big time for this but then it is realistic that people don't always think rationally about the long term either. And Rain does seem to be a bit of a air head too and not really all that rational of a person so it does sort of fit with his personality so far in story. He isn't truly a min-maxer despite all the math in the end, he is far more people oriented and emotionally charged and so he often ends up focused on the now first and not the future.


Couple things don't make complete sense to me. 1) When Staavo is talking about a Clarity build being weak in comparison to a build with more damage focus, what seems to be missing from his calculation is how fast you can level with that amount of regen. Even if you're a traditional mage and not an Aura mage you can level up and throw out spells of higher rank than most of your contemporaries. Seems like that would make up for the lack of Focus. 2) Lavarro's daughter is 25? I would have guessed her to be somewhere around 18 based on the other chapters. Seems very strange with her parents so strong that they would have waited that long to get her going. Everyone has their own circumstances and maybe that's part of her backstory, but it feels a bit like she's Rain's age to be a future companion/love interest. I was intrigued to see some mention of Ameliah's interest in Rain in an earlier chapter, because Carten's interest in her seems to point to a path where they all couple up (Carten and Ameliah, Rain and Lavarro's daughter) and live happily ever after. I like to be surprised.

Ole Halvorsen

1. Yes in the sort term. But remember the problem is often that you need to be able to kill blue monsters, and thats the most important part about lvling up, if you use 10 mounts to lvl your abilities to lvl 10 or 1 mounts doesn't matter. the important part is that you can kill that essence monster. It seems like you need good synergy in your talents if you want to get past 25. Just see Staavo, because of unfortunate situation he needed to switch he's build half way to 25, and it gimped he's abilities to get past lvl 25, or at least made it so risky that he didn't want to try. what would Rain have done if he was stuck at lvl 10? how would he be able to kill or contribute to a group to kill blue monsters about that lvl. The fact is that he needed to be carried, he would be an asset outside the dungeon but as soon as they entered he would be a reliability. Feel like we are at a turning point with Rains build now, with IFF and I guess Aura compression, magical items and armor he will be an asset in every group he is in.


I LOVED this chapter. But I really get frustrated when Rain ignores how amazing prismatic intent would be! Imagine always having detection and force ward active! But I really look forward to seeing more!


Hi don't know if anyone has talked about this yet cause there are so many comments and I can't be bothered to go searching but has anyone considered that if overhealth can cause limb regeneration (given enough overhealth), overmana causes increased memory function, then overstamina might increase body function or muscle memory, allowing someone to master a weapon quicker or in cartons case adapt to the increase of velocity quicker (it could also be possible that carton just has better body control)