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Long chapter is long.



Thank you for 27 pages!


I hoped his purifying earned him some friends on the Watch, otherwise they could make his life complicated


It's funny, not often in fantasy do you really see a proper understanding about what high level magic does. Interesting to read here


Didn't care for this chapter. After how everyone goes on about how no one asks about skills, he goes and gives a massively in depth description of his skills? Everyone gives this information? Very hard to believe after what has already been said and shown. Seems a fairly significant plot hole. He should have just left.


If someone is avoiding a threat assessment, it's seems likely they are indeed a credible threat. And then he would be on the Watch's shit list. Once he's there, he'll get in trouble everywhere since the Watch is a global organization. While it is generally a good idea for him to hide his capabilities, this isn't an instance he could reasonably walk away from.

Alexander Dupree

One of my least favorite parts of lots of fantasy is how tame two power houses duking it out is. Oh two of the most powerful women in the world are slashing at each others access to the Source and the subsequent battle wrecks a room in a palace and a couple of streets... K cool battle for one of your BBGs and an MC where fuck all happened.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

David Zimmerle

Long chapter is best chapter. But on a more serious note every time he does the math for how much damage he could do I get excited about how ridiculous he’ll be when he eventually classes up... probably some time next year :P

The Golem Crafter

I kinda wish you progress the main character and slowly get rid of his cowardice. Being cautious can save your life but rain seems to get scared by just about anything or anyone with a little bit of power, I understand that hes very vulnerable to getting one shot but my god hes survived life and death situations, fought monsters that could kill dozens of weaker adventurers , and very nearly died. Rain should have gained some confidence in his abilities. Hope you read this and take it into consideration.


Typo: “I harmless. Well…mostly harmless.” *I'm


Yes. Very nearly died. If you almost get hit by a car 5 times in two weeks, do you get more or less scared around cars? He's gone from a sedate lifestyle to terrifying brushes with death. He logically knows he shouldn't be scared of certain things and tries to talk himself down, but emotionally his lizard brain is all, "AHHH DANGER!" He's obviously not going to be this way forever. But seeing him slowly start to cope with the constant danger he's never had before is realistic and refreshing. I will bet you any money we'll see Rain think, "Wait when did (x thing) stop scaring me?" at some point.


I really want to see the faces of the Sentinels, when they see all the grunts and their buildings are sparkling like new, while they themselves are still dirty... ^^


This is a really cool chapter, since it changes the framing of Rain and by discussing the way others see him. The last chapters hammered home that there’s plenty of people who will match him, even after he makes it to silver plate. This one hammers home how far he has already come, with his build, gear and level.


Really nice chapter and good of you to flesh out the position of the Watch in the world. I actually think I would like it better if Rain joined the Watch, seems like they get to put some assholes back in their place..


Rain was finally forced to think about his casual mass-destruction potential. If he tried, he could destroy a chunk of the city and almost everyone in it in just a few seconds, and then do it again in half an hour when his mana recharged. Before his assessment he could have even gotten away with it, since he doesn't look like a mage.


Actually, an army of regular people would have no chance of stopping him. His abilities are specifically made to decimate large swaths of weak enemies. He's an army's natural enemy.


great chapter


He'd run out of mana fast though. They'd just have to wait him out. Also bows have more range than his aura.


Good chapter, finally get a feel to the world. First, combat is probably based around alpha strikes. In real fight between awakened with all the different damage types the first strike is the key. This seems to be born out by the questions the watch asked about how much she could damage output at once. Second, the Watch seems like the nuclear deterrence and a pillar of civilization. You get someone with no regards to life and they come after you. They have probably done this for long enough it is common knowledge. The fact that they are on four continents indicates their prowess. Third, The fact that there were two officers talking to him during the threat assessment indicates that there is mind controlling skills out there.


I bet the guild will be very surprised. He just looks so super noobish that I doubt anybody guessed he could do that.


I've been thinking of cool higher tier utility auras. I think an invisiblity aura would be a cool addition. Maybe have it as a hidden skill? Also a repair aura would be awesome, think harry potter.

Aezy Ken

What are the chances theyll try to hire rain so he can clean all their buildings as well? At least a serious meeting where they discuss it lmao

Empty Shelf

Thinking on it, while Immolation can decimate large swaths of weak targets, his most powerful attack on single targets is likely Velocity. Now, he mostly uses it to disorient groups of enemies, but fully modified it increases speed 10x, and it could get much stronger. An enemy could literally find their body tearing itself apart as every slightest twitch results in a veritable conclusion. And if they actually tried to move, they'd be lucky to simply dislocate the offending limb. This is assuming that the ability doesn't affect one's internals. *shudders*


Yes, but just think about the auras that boost stats/ refill mana. That would just fry someone, not to mention bypass someone with physical resistances


He mentioned not using refridgerate because he was worried about bursting any underground pipes (with rapidly expanding freezing water). He also did his best to check for drains leading into the sewers and found none. So bit harsh to call him "dumb as shit" - as he did his best at the time with information he had.


That was really good, thank you!


They seem overly harsh and aggressive right away for no reason.


That is what happens when you have 2 or more groups of people getting together who have a negative history and dislike each other strongly as a result of that.