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This chapter took me a while, and not just because there were a lot of tables to format. How did it come out? How does the character interaction feel? Anything forced, unnatural, overly cringey, or out-of-character? Argue about it in the comments. Or on discord, because Patreon's comment system is [a wonderful masterpiece of UX design that needs no improvement].


Empty Shelf

"Fortunately for his jaw, Velocity didn’t seem to boost his every motion, only those related to movement." Dang. Still powerful, but not instantly lethal. And now he gets to play with Aura Compression...


Wait, isn't that going to burn the Ring out? It doesn't have a self repair trait like the armour, so it's on a limited timeframe anyway...


good chapter.


He has Tallheart to repair it if anything, i think. If anyone can repair it, it's him. Hopefully he doesn't end up dead like everyone else was saying when he made the ring. >.>


Good thing Ameliah helped him a bit getting out of his shell. I didn't thought about but is normal for him to be traumatized, after he was almost killed inside the dungeon/delve, he has been encountering individuals, one after the other, that could easily take his life in less than a second; The noble woman, Halgrave, and Lavarro, even if they are not really going to kill him. aura compression is going to be OP once he levels it up


His mana regen is too damned high. Or rather, its so high that im losing context for how much mana other people spend :P


It won't take him long to hit 10/10 on Aura Compression, at which point max mana regen will be 30/s. Considering that normal people have a mana pool of 200, that's beyond insane already.


Great chapter! And now we see he can shrink his auras down to no range, that'll make training his offensive auras super easy in the future. With zero range he won't do any damage whilst still using enough mana to level the skill at his usual insane pace. I'm also really interested to see what happens when someone caps out their level and all their skills simultaneously. It would be awesome if that increases either skill/level cap as then Rain can just powerlevel on his own. Probably won't happen though, otherwise most people would know about it - low-levelled workers have definitely maxed everything.


Wait, with that point put into Compression, will he have enough to get five skills in each of the five trees? Will he have to choose the class upgrade immediately upon getting to 25 or later, when he has leveled all of his skills to rank 10?

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


With the extra skill point you get from level 1, he'll have a total of 26 skill points at level 25. Putting 6 skills in aura metamagic means he doesn't have any more wiggle room for spending the rest of his skill points outside the offensive and defensive aura trees.


You did a good job portraying Rain's fear so far. It's totally reasonable for him to have developed that paranoia of people squishing him. He's had multiple brushes with death, he's been seriously hurt firsthand and casually by a gold plate and almost gold plate, he's literally forced to see his health being at 200 every day in his interface to remind him how squishy he is, and everybody keeps telling him and demonstrating how easily he could be one shot. That aside, the part you did well is how you showed his fear developing. Since he's gotten his armor you've added in lines now and again about him not wanting to take off his helmet or doing so reluctantly, casually brushing off people mentioning he never takes it off, things of that nature. With how the reader is inside Rain's head, it would've been easy to have him "vocalize" his fears of taking off his armor in a way that would've made his feelings crystal clear. Instead it's shown as something he's not completely aware of how much it's effecting him until Ameliah confronts him about it. It's demonstrated pretty well when he's shying away from even Ameliah and thinking about her easily crushing hounds when he's out of his armor. Harder to write while being more true to the character and much more satisfying. Overall enjoyed. The "softer areas" was a bit cringe lol. He hasn't been hugged in ages period, let alone by attractive girl he likes, so it makes sense. But wish I had a recommendation to edit that bit to be along those lines while being less cringe.

L Pedersen

I loved this chapter. The only one recently that I thought was better was the Staavo one. I thought the interaction between Rain and Ameliah was very human and not forced or cringy at all. I also liked the foreshadowing that preceded this chapter, as well as all the small answers to questions we've had for a while. I loved his rant about units of measurement :P I'm also a big fan of his "Singularities". For offense it won't do much but the potential for ward singularities is amazing because it increases output without increasing the cost in mana. Previously Rain has shown a 100% force ward with each point of damage costing 1.86 mana but with this he'll be able to flip that ratio on it's head, I'll leave it to the math people to do the actual math but it's a very exciting development! There are many other things to gush about but I figure I should offer some critique as well. Like I said before I think this is one of your best recent chapters but something I've noticed lately is that while the average length of chapters is going up, the time elapsed in the chapters is going down. In this chapter we saw Rain do some work on the foundation of Tallhearts house and then he did some running with Ameliah. The total time elapsed in this chapter could be anything from 3-5 hours to 30 minutes. Now I don't think this is a problem for this chapter in particular but it's something to think about, there have been chapters in the past that felt sorta empty because of the passage of time in them. As always, I really like this story and I can't wait for more! It seems like sundays are the day you tend to stick to for updates with more sporadic updating during the week. Are you trying to work out a schedule or is it just serendipidy?


When aura compression hits max level, it'll be 2% per meter compressed. If he's doing it for just himself, he can do all 18 meters (it seems). If he can do all 18, that's 36% added to force ward, bringing it to 90% (for ONLY him). To hit 100% and not accounting for skills that pierce resistance, he can channel mastery it and bring the cost to 1.11ish mana per 1 damage. If he has to leave a meter around himself, it'll be 1.14ish mana per 1 damage instead. Either way, not bad.


Boo compression


Good... Compression was the only choice, if he want's to fight offensively within a Party. Or at all if he's anywhere where he has to care about damage to his surroundigs. Without that, he couldn't even have fought back against attackers while there are other people around.


Doesn't seem that cringy. He likes Ameliah, thinks she is pretty, and so far in story hasn't been with a woman for a while. It'd be stranger if he DIDN'T notice the softer areas.


Well the other top choice was shroud. As far as we know, that doesn't damage the environment. When it comes to attacking while people are around, that would have been the better choice. Depending on the people in question. With shroud, he could blacklist everyone but the attackers and blast them without hurting unawakened bystanders or party members. Going with aura compression, he's stuck with immolate and refrigerate (for now). The better control of range and more power is great. But the mageburn from both can still hurt himself, those in his party, and bystanders. We don't know how high his endurance or resistance needs to be to ignore what level of mageburn, and he'll have to be wary of his team mates when he's using both of his attack auras. Shroud's effect of darkening the environment and effectively blinding everyone would've been very advantageous in fights with proper warning, like with velocity's effects. I thought he was going to take shroud since the slime king chapter. I'm surprised it ended up this way. It does make sense for a lot of reasons to pick aura compression instead of shroud and overall is the better choice. But not for the environmental and friendly fire reasons. Mostly cause POWAAHHH.


With Rains essential immunity to magical attacks (armor absorbtion) and huge resistance to physical attacks (armor + force ward singularity). Rain is now a walking tank. I doubt anyone his level who isn't a hyper specialist could even come close to damaging him if he is actively resisting.


Fantastic chapter, absolutely loved. I am very happy with what you did with Rain there. It was a longtime coming. Giving your characters a few weaknesses only makes them more human, and I think Rain's is completely understandable. Rarely do I see such good characterization! And nothing cringy about it :)


Small grammar correction: "he'd literally couldn't" - - > remove the abbreviated "would"


Damage numbers from people in the same level and skill range as him, should be around 300-500 points at a minimum for basic attacks. Possibly up to 2k if there skills match effectivness of Aura Metamagic tree. Special attacks like that arcane bomb should at least be in 1k-3k range. So he may only be bringing his survivablity up to a reasonable but not overpowered level. We havent seen much of how other peoples builds compare. Its possible Rains aura boosting skills are like auras - expensive but powerfull. I doubt however he is ridiculously overpowered.


I understand this story is not a romance, but Ameliah's character could use some thought going forward. She is certainly likable but her motivations are way too shrouded in mystery. I have no idea what direction you plan on taking it but I hope its not the 'pathetic guy pines endlessly for unobtainable woman' or your typical 'will they, wont they' scenarios. I understand that authors seek some level of authenticity to their stories, but feeling bad for the sad guy all the time is a bit too authentic, don't forget its called fantasy for a reason. Adding another woman to Rains group would add a bit of a distraction and balance things out a bit. Besides, in a world where men and women can be equally strong it makes sense for half of all adventurers to be women. Just my two cents.


Loved it, if I had purify and that sexy armor I'd never take it off.

You fool, Warren is dead!

It's a good chapter. Rain's dialogue and attitude is Rain-esque. Whatever you did to format the boxes, keep doing it because they look good.

You fool, Warren is dead!

You would think every adventurer suffers from PTSD. That would be a normal state of affairs for a person in a profession where death is the retirement plan for most.


When Rain checked his movement speed stat with Velocity, his mana regen should not have been boosted, since he can't have Winter on at the same time.

Chris Mantakounis

Yeah I hope they don't get together, they are in completely different places, she feels more like a mother or a older sister than a romantic interest. Problem is rain feels like a teenager most of the time not even 20's let alone 30's like he is supposed to be.


The fear and paranoia makes sense, as the last time he took off his helmet he almost immediately got a concussion. And this was in the Guild where he was supposed to be safe too.

Ole Halvorsen

I really don't buy the part that it makes sense that half the adventures is women, considering that giving birth, watching children comes more naturally for women, than men. Also men is more likely to take risks which is a big part of being an adventure. At least the power structure because of the stats would not mean that there should be a difference between what a female and male is capable of, at least after they are awakened. I'm not saying that having female adventure is wrong in anyway just that a 50/50 might not be the most realistic number, if you takes into consideration that more women will prioritize family instead of adventure. maybe a 40-60 or 30-70 female/male adventures is more likely. But you can put up pretty convincing arguments for why there should not be hard for women to be adventures as well. like she could be the provider while the man is home watching the children, in this society adventures is something in between a peasant and nobility and it would not be uncommon for them to have a nanny or multiple ppl working at there home who can watch there children when they are out adventuring.

Ole Halvorsen

Yeah I also see Ameliah more as a big sister than a romantic interest for Rain, ofc it is no wonder why Rain is a bit taken with her she is quite capable and also a nice person. It's at least sure that Ameliah is not looking at Rain in that way, and have stated that she is not looking for a relationship at the moment. She is also not a girl who looks for a fling, so I don't see them becoming anything more than close friends. I'm more sure that maria? Lavvaros daughter is going to become a love interest. She also seems to be a interesting character.


He is out of his shell, his Shadow resistance should be 3, right?


Story feels good. Character motivation is identified and characters do feel more fleshed out than many stories. Is mana manipulation like an aura? It was described kind of like pushing water around. If rain could compress mana into a singularity, what would happen? Would it crystalize?


Sure its true that someone has to raise the children but not every woman starts pooping out babies as soon as they hit puberty. Realistically people become more risk adverse the older they get so adventuring would be a young persons game (More often than not). While women more often take care of children men are more often groomed to take over family businesses, preventing them from becoming adventurers to begin with.


We don't know a lot about her, but we know enough to explain a lot of her behavior. She lost her dad at a young age. Not just lost, but watched him die and couldn't save him. It motivates her to have the power to save others. It's not a whim for her; she based her build around making sure she'd have purify at a strong level. Rain is someone earnest, sincere, without guile, and needing help. She came upon him in the forest literally in his pajamas and unable to speak the language. And she's said herself when we were in her POV how refreshing Rain and the group's trust and sincerity was compared to the shitty adventurers she's used to. And while Rain is becoming much more capable, him needing help has only been reaffirmed by when he fell in the chasm and she watched him practically die before saving his life. Ameliah doesn't have Nightingale syndrome to the degree Marty's mom does in back to the future, but the situation is definitely triggering some feels in her. So those are some good broad strokes motivations for her. Other than that, she's a silver plate of unkown level but decent strength. She has the capabilities where she's going to be fairly wealthy and/or independent. As far as we know, the dad is the only family she had so she's untethered. Either traveling randomly or going where the jobs are. When we found her with Hegar it was probably a job to join them from one city to another or something. She's disillusioned with the average adventurer her level and has a desire to do more but no concrete outlet for it yet. She's found some people she finds refreshing after being disillusioned by adventurers her level. Not all of them are to friend level (yet) but several are. Some possible direction and company. A guy with attributes she likes even if she's not ready for a relationship yet. And he could use some help. Nothing tethering her or holding her back (except for random jobs) from seeing how things go with this group.

Atlas Dwarf

"In fact, he didn’t really like viewing his soul as something separate from his body like Ameliah did." Oh no! We've been had.

Alexander Dupree

Not everyone gets PTSD in war zones. I'd imagine not every adventurer gets it. Probably some do and you see them working the desk at the guild or drinking in a corner and doing simple jobs that keep them safe and alone.


She rejected Rain but it seemed like there was more too it than just the typical 'sorry you're not my type'. The other thing that bothers me is her need to be away from the group with no explanation. I hope this is simply something we will have answered in time.

Ole Halvorsen

She is going away to check up on this noble, is she not? And I like that we don't know everything, this story is from Rains point of view, we don't need to know the inns and outs of every character. That they have some mystic or there own reason to do stuff is just fine.


Well it wasn't even "you're not my type". It was, "I think you're attractive but I'm not in a place for that right now." So she flat out admitted she likes him while simultaneously saying not right now. I like having them interact as two people that just like each other like two, real people instead of shoehorning this NEED to have them be in a culturally defined romantic relationship. No weird story pressure for them to be together, or like you said the "will they won't they" nonsense. Much more enjoyable to read this more natural dynamic instead. I think Ameliah has something vague she said she had to do elsewhere. But yes, was also to check out details of the noble V.


Mwhahahahaha! It was me, the heaven defying aura emperor all along!


Really cool chapter thanks !


A few grammer issues: "You should do pretty soon" missing a "that" or "it". " indifferent to the needs those that" should be " indifferent to the needs of those that".


Fixed, thanks. You through me for a loop. These errors were in 68, but this comment is on 67. 😝


Sorry. Just testing out how good you are. Or I just messed up when commenting.