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Just Carten things.



Dust is best girl. Carsten can only take second.


Carten > https://i.imgur.com/XnAYTVO.png

Bunny Waffles

So overmana can help animals, particularly smart ones, with figuring out the trick behind our human supremacy? Making fire at will, creating tools, the like? Dear god Rain will doom the world!


4.5, good chapter, wasn’t that much world building besides over mana affecting animals, one or two tidbits would have been nice


You are missing the important question how long untill they kill an level 25+ essence monster and unlock the system for the horse!

Critical Hit

Typo here. "the head of the vile helpless against the violent whiplash." should be vine, or vile (something)

Alexander Dupree

Rain's Winter Aura is significantly more powerful than the slave aura. They only go up to level 5 and are basically a passive small boost to your whole army. Rain can boost a normal persons mana regen up to almost low Dynamo levels. He has massive modifiers making it super effective. The horse isn't exactly more intelligent as much as it remembers more than it did before.


Ehh didnt do much for me, POV chaps just frustrate me if its a slow release. This did at least progress the story right at the end with a new bit of trouble rearing its head. Also a hint about the horse and a potential upgrade ;) honestly I like Dust more than Carten!


I almost want a story about a horse now. ;p Dust is the real main character, not Rain.


pov chapters feel bloating when a story advances this slowly especially when we already have multiple characters explaining their viewpoint even if we dont see it from their view.


This was nice, but I think I would have preferred a regular chapter. Suggestion: Make Carten say "Never should have come here!"


+1 for Dust. Would read more about the horse.


This feels like a comic relief filler chapter except for the interaction at the end. Especially the horse part... but hopefully this goes somewhere.


I thought the horse was filler to until the end when I realized it was getting more intelligent because of rain, Just imagine what would happen if he gets a pet

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter. Dust was interesting but Carten was not.

L Pedersen

So glad I decided to read the other comments before posting. This is basically my take as well, I can't really find any faults with the story other than the slow pace that it's going at. That makes it frustrating when you get a chapter that doesn't seem to progress the story at all. It's great world building but carten has already shown us that he's a big guy with a heart of gold. As for the horse pov, that was a lot more interesting.


Ya the horse is smarter then Carten, he should spend more time around Rain when he is using Winter so he can benefit from over-mana


But isn’t rain using his iff aura? This should be the effects before he got iff to10...hopefully the horse develops in a way so rain can know that getting a pet to help in combat is an option