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 I was going to wait until tomorrow to post this, but it's ready now, so whatever. 



Thanks for the fix

Empty Shelf

Is there anything else he can spend his exp on? Granted, buying tiers will tide him over for a while, but eventually he will hit a wall.

Chris Mantakounis

I actually hope him and Ameliah don't get together. Not that I don't like her she's a great character, but she was the first female character introduced and it's ALWAYS the first woman introduced that's the love interest.


Well, if none of the other trees will synergize well with his build, he'll only be specializing in the trees he has stuff in now.


Considering she views him as a small child, I don’t think they will get together.


Calculating Experience Spent: 144 trees. Rain already has five trees. 144-5=139 trees Rain spent experience on. Tier 1 unlock cost = 100. Tier 2 unlock cost = 1000. Rain spent 139*100+1000=14900 experience total. Hopefully, he makes that back by tomorrow.


This chapter got a 3 from me. The good part was showing his use of magic and curb stomping. The bad part was him trying to explain Earth. I get him having trouble the first couple of times but I expected a bit more now he has had time to think on what he would share. It was a let down. The second part was about improving the world. So far we haven’t seen the ugly skills, mind control, body control, poison, etc. I would have thought he would say ‘Not dying’ or ‘learning more about this place’. There is still a huge cultural separation. Pointing out how stupid his idea is does not make it acceptable. If this is leading to a morale crusade, you might want to hit the breaks, or have someone tell him off.


This was a cute chapter. Looking forward to how things develop between Rain and Amelia.

David Burchfield

This is actually the type of chapter I really like. The interactions felt genuine if awkward, it had some system stuff but not too much, and a little actions (we get to see that his area auras actually work). Works well for slice of life fantasy.


Minor error in this chapter (I think) "Force Ward didn’t work on the rock, obviously, but it did protect his knuckles. The timing was the only tricky part; he needed to use Aura Focus just as he struck, as he couldn’t boost Force Ward to 100% without it." Force ward base is now 30%, he can get that up to 120% with Channeling and Aura Amplification, no need for Aura Focus (but might still make sense to boost mana spend for exp)


Good conversation, nice reveal of some aspects, I do want to see some detailed Worker skill set investigation though


who's the one guy who votes 0 every time? lol

Bunny Waffles

We're really getting into the meat here! Having a proper endgame-ish goal, even if it is just a lofty pipe dream, is excellent and gives a character something to strive for! No matter how much fun one might have just reacting or going with the flow, drifting, having a final goal gives a sense of purpose.


His goal of making the world a better placed is good personally and fits his character, the naivety of the goal fits too. He can get himself into so much crap just because of this and thats great. My favourite story of all time is The Zombie Knight Saga, and his goal in the entire thing is he wants to help people. It's such a simple goal, but he ends up going on so many adventures, and at the end of it all, you realise hes doing all this because he wants to help people. Rain having a simple goal like making the world a better place is fine, but what matters here is building the world up. There are problems in the world, but there needs to be more actual enemies and mysteries. All of that can be added in due time, but it is chapter 53 now, and we hardly know anything about the world as a whole. I feel you'll get to all that stuff eventually as already the RPG elements of the story has so much depth and a connection to the world that I don't usually see from other litRPGs. Can't wait to read more.


I think its a great goal but to have him go about it in a reasonably intelligent and thought out manner would be both best and realistic. Its not like he is 5yr old or even a teenager. Unfettered optimism doesn't survive long anywhere on Earth after all. Even if he doesn't really 'know' how society works in his new world he has to have some common sense and adaptability.


hi, thanks for the chapter i voted 3 his failed attempt to describe our world was a "bit" of a downer for me it brok my flow of reading

The Golem Crafter

That part where the character went into how the people were shoveling literally shit and how he could help them was nice and all, but those kids were probably poor and that was work so they could afford a place to live and food in them. If rain did all that everyone would and should hate him. Hes taking away jobs from those that need them. Plus saying that rain could help build houses or get a grow food aura wont help either. He cant be there all the time and help everyone and he shouldn't have too. People can help themselves and when you try and get rain to "help" makes it seem like the government. People need help and the government isn't doing anything because they dont have enough money, Solution! Bigger government and Tax the rich........ Rains idea is nice and all but he should let people help themselves, now healing someone or cleaning infection or disease is a great thing. But taking a job that doesn't need him an provides work for skill-less people is wrong.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Yeah, hes a bit too much of an idealist


I saw the free healing and shook my head. “There is no such thing as a free lunch”. No such thing as free health care. Some one has to pay to incentivize taking healing skills and spending mana. If not the injured then the govt. so now people are paying taxes and that will be lopsided because most of the healing will be for adventurers but majority of tax payers are non-adventurers. Real life will check your idealism daily so I hope the author does blindly use plot armor to justify and make this inane idealism work just because they can. I believe it would ruin any story for me.