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I'm away for the weekend, so this chapter has been handcrafted to produce the maximum quantity of debate in the discord channel such that you may entertain yourselves.


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Good chapter, with 5 points in a skill tree that means def needs 4 and attack needs 3. So 7 more which means he has very little options before level 25.


So what, he has five skill trees that get 5 skills each so he can get 5 specializations at 25? That makes the most sense to me at least.


I rate this chapter “Delve”, and it makes me happy.

Chris Mantakounis

Yaaaa more info he should be close to specializing in a couple of tree that could be really helpful.


Decent info dump chapter. Could've used some action IMO though. Doesn't have to be fighting. Just him taking his newly max lvl'ed auras/skills out for a test run on some trees or whatever to observe the effect. Seeing the numbers is nice but having the real world effects is better IMO. Thanks for the chapter

David Zimmerle

Really can’t wait to see what ridiculous class he pulls for that sweet sweet 25 upgrade.


That was so cool, I'm in love with this story. The class and skill structures just keep getting better and the simple stat line up makes up for the complexity. Thanks for the chapter!

Atlas Dwarf

Thanks for the chapter. So he currently has Skills in 5 Skill Trees and could have 5 in each by lvl 25, so if he ends up with the Legendary Dynamo he can get specializations in all 5. I guess Mana Manipulation is a done deal then since he needs 1 for Magical Utility.


So technically he cant get aura compression if he wants to have 5 points in the 5 aura trees can he? Aura compression would be the 6th in that branch.


There are only four aura trees. He already has four skills in Magical Utility so if he gave up on that tree he'd have one loose skill point to play with. If he goes that route though, [Prismatic Intent] is a much more useful skill to pick up.


So my first response to this new information was that he should give up on Magical Utility and take [Prismatic Intent] as a sixth Aura Metamagic skill, just because it's so important to his build. Then I realized that he can't get that skill before level 24 anyway so, I guess it's not so big a deal if he puts it off until level 26. I hate it, but it just doesn't make sense to forfeit a possibly amazing specialization just to get a skill two levels earlier. So now I'm theorizing over which skills Rain should pick up, under the assumption that he wants five skills for each of his skill trees. [Mana Manipulation] seems like a no brainer for his last Magical Utility skill. It's immediately useful and probably has tons of versatility outside enchanted objects. For the Offensive Aura tree, I'd say he should pick up [Shear], [Radiance], and whatever mental attack aura is lurking in tier 3. [Shear] is generally great and doesn't seem to have any environmental effects, which means it can be completely controlled by IFF. I imagine the same is true for a mental attack aura. [Radiance] is the light aura. Light on its own is fairly harmless but still useful for blinding enemies. Thanks to [Channel Mastery] he can also tone down the cost and intensity in order to use the skill as an actual light, which should even work in areas rich in dark mana. On the Defensive Aura tree, I really want to know what's in tier 3 since all eight damage types are already covered. Of the skills we know, [Heat Ward] and [Cold Ward] are the most important since Rain can use them immediately after a heat/cold nova in order to not die from the extreme temperatures his offensive skills produce. Fire and ice also just seem like they'd be common attack types so they would probably just be useful in general. For the last two, I'd say [Arcane Ward] and [Mental Ward]. Arcane protects against a variety of miscellaneous effects and mental attacks just seems like a nightmare to suffer through without any resistance. Edit: I forgot about the level 0 skill point! 26 skill points means he can still get [Prismatic Intent] before level 25!


Agreed but then I guess aura compression is out too then? As thats a 6th skill in one branch?


Had to give this chapter a somewhat low score, since it's the first one I felt was rather boring. I can fully understand that Rain would have this discussion with his high level friends, but the discussion itself wasn't one that needed to be shown. We, as readers, should be given this information as well of course. Just not yet. It's still a long while until he reaches level 25, and it'd make for better storytelling if we got the information around his 24th level or such. Or if it was told bits and pieces on the way there, so we got to see Rain given the cruical information, but the actual details being left for later. Now it feels like you'll just have to give all the information one more time when he actually reaches such a level, just because a lot of the readers will have forgotten it by then :). Oh and I say that while being someone who absolutely loves your blue boxes and stat/calculation heavy approach! Haha


When he get cap of 15 on all auras and aura meta, aura synergy gives + 262,5%. That is +200% compared to how he is now! Edit: no clue where that number coms from....


I think he should try getting a tier 4 skill in each of the 5 trees, maybe he'll unlock some special legendary+ class. Or if he's able to unlock the tier 5 skills before level 25, he should try getting 5 of them.


It would be silly if him getting an aura specialization didn't result in him being able to have another aura active (on top of the skill he has not purchased yet). Or even better having one aura in each category active...


Wow he's going to be overpowered at 25/26, class and specializations will give a massive boost. Assuming only a +100% boost to clarity from new class. Prismatic Intent at 25. All skills maxed and an extra skill point from a lair to buy Aura Compression (or he can just get it at 26) -Base mana regen 22.5mana/min. Mana pool 12750 -Range of most skills with full blackout boost 292.5m -Base dps of auras aprox. 380dps(75mps). With blackout boost 4563dps(1350mps) -Multiplier from Range Compression with range reduced from 292m to 10m is X334 -Blackout boosted Winter mana regen with range reduced to 10m. 7425mana/SECOND -Winter regen without Aura Focus boost, with range reduced from 97m to 10m. 770 mana/SECOND -With 770 mana/second and 15 auras slots he can run Winter, +5 Wards and 9 of his other auras at base cost permanently.


I love the info, but I really wanted to see him use his newly leveled skills in action!!


I agree, great chapter from reveals about his build.. but weak in terms of story, characters and excitement. It felt a bit short and I was expecting them to get back into the lair. Also the Tallheart memory bit felt like an awkward excuse to avoid a plot hole Still very much a fan of the story as a whole.


Actually thoes numbers might be low. I used Aura Synergy as giving 325% boost (15 skills x 15% +100%). I think I should of used 437.5% (15 skills x 15 levels x 1.5%+100%) Have I missed something else maths wise, seems overpowered already?


At the moment he has 5 Skill Trees active. Offensive Auras (2/5) Defensive Auras (1/5) Utility Auras (5/5) Aura Metamagic (5/5) Magical Utility (4/5) If he takes Mana Manipulation, he has Magical Utility at (5/5). that still would leave him with 8 points till level 25 to fill up the 7 Offensive and Defensive missing auras. This would bring him to 15 Auras at level 24 so he could take Prismatic Intent at level 25 or he could take Aura Comression right now and still have exactly enough points to chose 5 specialisations. I guess that taking Aura Compression earlier would be more practical? I'm more interested in which 7 Auras he'll chose though...


Prismatic intent will let you use multiple auras at the same time. However, it never says that you can't use the same aura multiple times. My big question regarding that is, does that work, and do the effects with winter stack?


I agree with the point about practicality, but if any one skill is a key skill for a better class it will be Prismatic Intent. It completely changes the rules and combos for how auras are used. Missing it at lvl25 might be bad.


Quick specialized winter math: Winter Aura in natural state will do 150% Aura Synergy will boost the aura by 1.5% for every rank in an aura. With fifteen auras at fifteen ranks apiece, that's 225 ranks total. Multiplied by 1.5% gives us a 337.5% boost on every aura passively. Channel Mastery will allow 250% output. Amplify Aura will give 250% output. Aura Focus will give 400% output. Doing the math, that gives us 150*(1+3.375)*2.5*2.5*4=15406.25% boost from winter. Without knowing the boost that the specialized class will give to winter, using the default total stat gain for level 25 nets us (270*10*3*4)+10*20*4*.375=32700 mana per day. (Intrinsic clarity and focus and magical synergy will all rank up to fifteen, boosting their outputs.) Multiplied by the winter boost, and subtracting the cost per day for winter (15*2.5*4*4*4*24), that is 530,7243.75 mana generated per day. Mana per minute: 3685.59 Mana per second: 61.4264 Unfortunately, this is probably inaccurate. The class Rain gets will boost his effective clarity further, and we do not know whether or not he will be getting compress before level 25 or not. Depending on how this goes, there are a few different outcomes available. I just did the math with what we have and what we can guess.


My first thought was "no actually this *reduces* options, so there'll be less debate", but there's still a full thread, they're just mostly on the same page. Second thought: Holy Macaroni, taking the class-up will make Rain about five times more powerful within the same level! More, if the Dynamo Clarity boost goes up as well. ...He'll just... y'know... stay a 100-HP shrimp under his auras. Yeah, he can't NOT get 5 skills in each tree. Which means [Aura Compression] is out, because [Prismatic Intent] is better. But then at level 26, his power will double *again* because of [Aura Compression]... ...Random thought: Huh, [Prismatic Intent] will let him have 50% more auras now... ...Random thought #2: Huh, what does skill rank 15 even DO for [Aura IFF]? Can he reverse aura effect for someone - slow people with [Velocity] and so on? ...Random thought #3: Oh noes, now he can't start on the Season Auras until level 27! I wanted him to get the full set... Anyway, yeah. [Mana Manipulation] and [Shear] still seem like good options in the short term.


That's a good calculation, but Aura Focus definitely shouldn't be included. He's probably not going to be using it very often except for training or maybe to nuke an army with multiple offensive auras once he has prismatic intent.

L Pedersen

I wanna see the season auras as well... I agree that as of right now it's very important to narrow down his focus for lvl 25 and his class change but the 25 lvls after that before 50 will let him branch out more. With the foundation he's laying right now he really could turn into a master of all trades kinda class, like I suspect Ameliah is, except with auras.


Rain still hasn't checked the 10k exp offerings from every tree yet, you never know if there might be some goodies. Those hidden skills are a lot less common than I had guessed earlier in the story. Perhaps many of them require specializations to get above skill level 10 to unlock.

Mike G.

On the financial side, once he's allowed back into town, he could get fairly rich just selling ice, if he just wants a quiet life... :)


i doubt he will be able to use the same aura multiple times, but if he could he could probably send someone to the moon with velocity

L Pedersen

It's certainly possible. Do I think it'll happen in the story? No. Rain gets all the clarity he needs from putting all his points into it, if he's gonna get stats from items it'll be str and end to avoid dying because some monster sneezed at him :P


I really enjoyed this chapter, getting crazy excited for level 25 now. Would be good to see some action soon now though ! Thanks for the chapter !


Say Rain got to lvl 25+, specialized in all 5 skill branches, and got all skills to lvl 15. With all aura-boosting metamagics turned to max, the range for any aura would be 525 meters. If he took Aura Compression, the power boost compounded 524 times would multiply output and mana cost by OVER 5 MILLION TIMES from compression alone. I am now confident that Aura Compression is OP. This isn't even counting whatever effects his Legendary Class will have. Also, he would kill himself from the OverMana doing this with Winter regardless of his clarity I'm pretty sure.

L Pedersen

Would be nice to get a judges ruling on all the math being done because either it doesn't work the way we think it does or we're shit at math. Or if it turns out all the math is correct and Rain will become a god the second he gets aura compression and goes over 9000 then maybe a balance hotfix is in order :P


his eyes will light up the world :D


Assuming 1% per aura rank with Aura Synergy at level 10, that is 150% with 15 auras(250% total without any other skills then(100%+150%)), what did you add to get 262,5%?


It would be interesting to know the build of "Endless". She obviously didn't focus in Auras, or she'd have made more of an impression, so what was her build and the reasoning behind it?


Given that Rain will attain nigh-infinite power at level 26 or so... And then double that power at 27 with [Empire of Will] multiplying his damage output... Should he continue onwards for the level 50 super-dynamo Class? Is it even worth it? (He'd probably explode if he used it at maximum, anyway...) Or should he round out his stats a bit so he's not such an extreme glass cannon?


With prismatic intent and all of the defensive auras, Rain could theoretically block 100% of the damage done to him at all times, making his mana pool cover for his health pool. With the seasonal auras, he can boost his regeneration up to such a degree that it takes him very little time to recover. With the imperial auras, he can cover for his stats to a certain degree. There's not much point in rounding himself out because all of his skills will do that for himself already. As soon as he gains specialization, Rain is going to become even more broken with his build. Just be patient.


Update: The author has removed the utter OP-ness of [Aura Compression]. It now increases intensity by 0.2% per meter per skill rank, and *doesn't* increase cost, so it'll be better for efficiency than [Channel Mastery].


New Aura Compression at level 25/26 lets see. +3% Max range of skill (with aura focus and range extension) 525m. So reducing such an aura to 10m adds 1545% to its power. Wards can now be run at an efficency of 0.1968 mana per point of damage blocked, so he could block around 70k damage with his mana pool at that point. (please note this requires Aura Focus so no senses). I suspect he will be able to turn on the Empire of focus skill and get more mana back than it costs due to Magical Synergy skill.


So assuming Rain now is aiming for Legendary, I assume Mana Manipulation will round out Magical Utility. Shear is a must have for Offensive Auras and I see either Radiance and either Shroud or Fulmination, since I don't see great need for chemical damage unless the fact that it disrupts health generation is important to Rain. Defense is the one I'm struggling to see the path because since he only has two points for now he could put off getting these but if he doesn't get other people to grind with before he can get them he'd need to get Wards he could grind over more useful Wards since I don't remember anyone having access to some attacks that it would be useful to have Wards against like Mental, luckily he can at least grind Arcane which I would think would be important. Past Mental and Arcane I have no idea what would finish off Defensive Auras except easiest to grind which would at least include light, and maybe dark if they still have this place to farm.


Prismatic Intent is noted at level 0/10 to give: "User may maintain 2 auras simultaneously" So if it gives 1 extra aura per level he could run all the def auras at the same time just to be compleatley immune to damage. So I am wondering what else one could get from leveling up that skill. 8 resistances have been noted at this point, so with an potential 16 auras that who'd be creasy. So I am hoping it is an extra aura every 5 levels so on level 11 he can have 4 auras. That way if one got an level 5 spesialisation one whod have an extra aura, but as he did not get that he does not. If someone know how it works I who'd love to know as I can't remember any statment abaout the skill as it levels up.


Well... the heat and cold wards could be useful to defend him from his own corresponding offensive auras aftereffects. He could train them all by himself too. That would still leave two open slots, I'd look in every 3rd Tier option, he hasn't unlocked yet, though, before I'd make any choice at all. He seems to be able to unlock them just fine if he doesn't unlock more than one every few days. He's stuck at 18 for the moment anyways. It isn't like he knows, that he's the protagonist of a story and that he'll surely be found by a higher leveled Blue in time for us to not get to bored by slow progression. At least I guess, that is what all these imps, they found two times now, are foreshadowing... ^^


I approve of this, +1


People seems to be forgetting that Rain doesn't need to specialize into defensive wards since he only has one point in defensive wards. This means that Rain can find another tree to potentially put his points into that could synergize with the rest of his build. Rain can specialize into defensive wards, which will boost the effectiveness of the wards, and with aura synergy he will eventually be able to block well over 100% of the damage with it passively on. However, if Rain doesn't specialize into defensive auras he will still be able to block over 100% with aura synergy. The deciding factors for whether or not he should specialize into defensive wards is as follows: 1. Can Rain decrease the mana per damage cost using channel mastery? 2. Can people inflict blows that can go through X amount of resistance, and would putting your resistance over 100 effect that? 3. If Rain were to put his points into one of his other trees, could he gain double specialization by getting ten skills at rank ten? 4. Is there is a ward that blocks other people from draining health, stamina, or mana? (Rain's health pool is tiny. If someone drains that and goes around Rain's resistances, Rain will die easily... Unless he can counteract it with summer or life well. Either way, something to keep in mind.) 5. Is there another tree that Rain could invest into that would make his auras more powerful? (Probably not, but who knows? Senescent can make it happen. It's his story.)


If he can get it to 100% without multiplier then it would be more health basically but for the channel mastery lowering the cost if he could lower it to 80% and still be over 100% then it wouod be .8 mana per damage so thats a really good goal and as for bypassing it would be just using adamage type not covered


My skill list post mysteriously disappeared, so here it is again: My tentative list of what Skills to get in which order (probably obsolete after a few unlocks): 17: (metamagic #5) Mana Manipulation - will unlock skills 18: (offensive #3) Shear - AoE that doesn’t damage party --- essence monster required --- 19: (defensive #2) Heat Ward - can just stand in a fire to train 20: (offensive #4) (prerequisite for mental attack, probably [Shroud]) 21: (offensive #5) (mental attack) - AoE without environment damage 22: (defensive #3) Arcane Ward - Jamus gets some training in. 23: (defensive #4) Cold Ward - hard to train without PI 24: (defensive #5) Mental Ward - harder to train without PI 25: (aura meta #6) Prismatic Intent - Rain is now OP. --- class-up --- 26: (aura meta #7) Aura Compression - Rain is now more OP. 27: (utility #6) Empire of Will - Rain is now even more OP. 28: (utility #7) Spring - Lets Carten get some stamina for training. 29: (utility #8) Summer - Rain can heal people. 30: (utility #9) Life Well - Rain can heal people faster. 31: (utility #10) Empire of Brawn - Rain can maintain some actual extra health. 32: (utility #11) Fall - Rain can walk through a desert indefinitely if required. 33: (defensive #6) Light Ward - in case Val has gotten AoE spells 34: (defensive #7) Dark Ward - Rain can change armour now... 35: (utility #12) Energy Well - Carten starts getting soulstrain from overtraining. 36: (utility #13) Empire of Grit - Rain can maintain some actual extra stamina. 37: (utility #14) Sustenance Well - just to complete the set, maybe unlock things. 39: (defensive #8) Chemical Ward - low priority because wouldn't [Purify] fix poison? --- Rain is now functionally invulnerable --- 40: (Physical utility #1) Inherent Strength? - would triple HP, might unlock synergy...


I think it's something with editing Patron posts that risks them being erased, this has happened enough that I installed a back-up tool for when it happens...


I only get a 404 error when clicking chapter 53's button to "select tier at no additional cost," anyone else have the same problem?


Nevermind, when I looked at the tiers, I had a credit of the amount I was already paying.


Tier 4 will require 100,000 exp to unlock. I don't think he can spend more exp than he has at his current level aka he can't "level down" to unlock a tier. At his current rate of progression, I think he'll (barely) have enough exp required at level 25 to reach level 26 to cover the 100k costs to unlock tier 4. So I'm assuming we'll see, at most, 1-2 skill points spent in tier 4 before level 25. If any.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.