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Rate this chapter! Not the whole story, just this chapter in isolation. Why is zero an option? Zero is always an option! Be honest. You won't hurt my feelings, and I want the data. I'll probably do this for all chapters from now on to see how I'm doing.



Please don’t break me. I only have 100 health, remember, chainmail or not.” Typo, he has 200.

Mike G.

Good chapter... It'll be good to get back to action, but this is good too

L Pedersen

Man rating individual chapters is hard, rating a finished product is fine but can you really rate the individual parts of a whole? How would you rate them, compare them to some personal criteria or to other similar parts? I also wish I was allowed to fractions but oh well. I liked that it was a fairly long chapter, lots of blue boxes. I do wish you'd let more time pass in your chapters, most of the time they're very short timewise, almost never more than a day and an evening.


Blame Rain. His crazy exp forces me to keep having to explain tons of new skills. 😅

Darcy Lessard-Patola

Fun read like always. Could use some polish, but what book couldn’t?


Thanks for the chapter! I loved how long this one was. The item crafting in this world seems so cool. I love your economy!

Silver Beard

Length +1 star. Easier to judge!


A fun sedate chapter with plenty of number crunching and theory crafting, some world building and character interactions. No action though so it falls short of a perfect 5.

L Pedersen

I mean it's not all that uncommon to see stuff like the maths here, especially not in the litRPG genre, whats different here is instead of the MC doing some maths and finding out that x does infact equal 42 we get to see the process. Since it is a litRPG and a pretty good one in terms of numbers adding up it's uniquely suited towards showing the maths but if that isn't for you but you still enjoy seeing numbers getting larger, just skim the parts where Rain has to crunch the preverbial numbers and you'll still have a nice story to read.


Wasn't IFF Tier 2, not 3?


Aura's or not, please make either of the 5 people in the party understand to Rain that he needs to learn how to fight properly without magic. How to dodge, how to block. The combination of his Auras with his staff could be deadly especially if he takes the Aura compression skill. I have mixed feeling about the Mana Manipulation. That was a cool chapter, thanks !


If I recall correctly, the mana manipulation skill may be useful for more than just maintaining enchanted item, and if correct, should probably be one of his two available points (still unlock the skill tiers first though). I am pretty sure it was said that essence monsters are drawn to high concentrations of ambient mana.

Chris Mantakounis

I liked it, gave it a 5, every chapter doesn't and shouldn't need or have action in it, the number crunching and theory crafting are great, and the interactions between characters is what gives this story depth.


I think the Velocity exp calculation should use +7400 rather than +7800. "..., 5800, 7400]. It needs 5,800 + 7,800..."


The exposition was handled well, not just an infodump. The characters stayed true to themselves. My biggest gripe was some editing stuff. Just needs a good proofread to clean up a few things. I gave a 4 because this chapter (as a stand alone) has little tension, which is how things get to 5 in my opinion, if a 4.5 were available it would have received that.


Yes. It was a very good slice-of-life sort of chapter, and I like that it didn't end in a cliff...


Who wants to bet that mana manipulation + some other skill will result in a hidden one? I do


4. I don't like Rain casually saying he doesn't mind getting mana manipulation after all these chapters where he stresses how important it is to get the right skills.


I really enjoyed this chapter! My favourite aspect of this novel is the blue boxes and the maths! Love seeing these big chapters!


meh, one skill point for self repairing armour now and better options for future gear. and as rain himself says... “I’m planning on getting soooooo much enchanted shit eventually"


...Who pays money to be a patron for this story and then gives this chapter a 0? This chapter has pretty much everything people love about the story in it.


Good chapter. Length, 5. Plot, 4, he is maxing out skills, just max them out and stop worrying. Characters, 4, the cut off gag gets old. After this testing I would expect Jamus to have a talk about Rains previous life. Keep up the length and pacing, less worrying about exp, less cut off gags.


I gave it three, but the 0s could be from a number of things. The numbers are good, but the dialogue for Rain seems to be getting more... snobbish? Who actually uses the word "Whom" in a conversation? Not to mention that there's no fighting, or even really talk of fighting, but Rain's thoughts still hop right on back to the pacifist hero tropes, with him refusing a weapon simply because they're "for killing;" this reeks of a setup for something terrible to happen due to Rain's very unrealistic naivety, and the 0s are probably more rating of the trends that this chapter continues. That said, I gave it three because the Rain's dialogue wasn't particularly realistic, and the pacifism bit irritates me, I loved the numbers and skill stuff.


Overall, 4. I feel like the skill grinding while it can be interesting figuring out the system may be for a niche audience, the rest of the chapter i would consider a 5. The thing that continuously nags me is the fact that the MC sees NOTHING WRONG with the fact he can basically be one-shot by anyone in his group or a monster half his level. It almost seems like its now a plot forced trope that he won't put any consideration into how to NOT die. It feels like that should be more of a priority after a near-death experience.


4 Stars. It was quite the entertaining chapter, my only problem is that the story progression has been pretty slow. Our characters have been outside the dungeon doing nothing besides training since chapter 47, so it is getting quite boring. I do enjoy the grinding for exp and all but I feel like the story is stagnant at the moment.


I ranked it 4 because this was a fun slice of life chapter. The weakest part of the chapter was the Rain/Tallheart interaction, where it on first read felt to me like Rain was being incredibly inconsiderate and obtuse where what Tallheart was saying was concerned. My second read-through, I noticed it was much more friendly than it initially felt. Other than that, this felt like a good rest day before the next Delve, as it were.

Atlas Dwarf

Rated a 4. Nice long chapter with math and future prospects. The only issues I had with it was that he didn't really seem to care that much in having to spend a skill point. He only has 2 points left and doesn't have a concrete way to increase his level, meaning his points are much more valuable right now. Granted he hasn't done it yet so there is time to cover that later, and Mana Manipulation might just be the skill he can use to attract/powerup monsters since it lets him flood massive amounts of mana into the environment at once. It makes me wonder if he could use it to greatly speed up the dungeon's recovery or try to powerlevel a monster with mana after trapping it.


I like the individual chapter quite a bit (gave it a 4/5), you do really well with dialogues and character development. Also you're extremely thorough when it comes to the little details. My only point of criticism for your story is that you may do the latter too much. You focus so long on the MC doing math to figure out the most efficient paths (which don't get me wrong I like but it takes a long time in each chapter for that to happen) that you tend to lose focus of the overall plot. While the minute details are what makes a story, you also have to consider your pacing, and imo the plot progression seems very slow. Considering where we are at 50 chapters in, thats basically telling the readers to buckle down for a very, VERY long story that will take at least 10 years to complete. Just my opinion though, and if thats what you're shooting for then you're right on target lol


Huge improvement IMO. Could always quibble about some things but anyone can always do that so it doesn't matter.


Mana Manipulation is probably a good option; it feels like something that could start and sustain a slower growth period, where Rain's Level is locked but he's still getting better at using the abilities he has. Plus, accumulating magic items will also increase his total combat strength. As for the final skill point... Well, first of all, Rain should max his Skills - including Mana Manipulation - and unlock all the tiers of his fave trees, just in case. Then... I think *probably* an Aura Skill? I think it would be nice if he could get [Prismatic Intent] before hitting the class-up, and from what I got, that requires like seven Aura Skills in a row - unless Aura Meta-magic skills also count somehow. Unless something better shows up, [Shear] seems like a decent option; it would provide the army-killing power that Rain currently lacks - [Refrigerate] and [Immolate] both affect Rain too much, while properly armoured soldiers would be resistant to direct elemental damage because of mana absorption. (Of course, it'd still have limited use because of collateral environmental damage. Using it in a cave might cause cave-ins, if strong enough.)


Hm, if Rain gets better at handling soulstrain the more he practices, maybe he ought to work up to the tier-4 purchase already, getting used to spending 22 000 XP in a day. The once he starts levelling again, he can take it further...


It was a good training montage ya know? He got all the leveling crap he needed out of the way so we can see some new stuff or see him make use of his stuff.


I think its his Clarity, which seems to be pretty high if not incredibly so compared to others his level, that is allowing him to cope with and/or outright prevent the Soulstrain. I don't think its really something you can get used to per se since it seems so debilitating in effect (IOW not just the pain) mentally/physically.


Yeah his survivability is outright trash tier. He is pretty much a glass cannon. The Ward aura does offer some potential improvement in his survivability once he levels it up. But even with it maxed he is just too squishy IMO. He REEEEEAAAALLLLLLYYYY needs a strong source of heal and/or lots more hp. I don't think even a good set of armor will cut it. Guess we'll see though. edit: I do have to say though that in even a mediocre party his survivability + destructive capability skyrockets. With IFF maxed he can just walk around with his offensive auras up and clean up whole dungeons. Solo dungeoning, which IIRC was something he wanted to be able to do, can get him into trouble and dead real fast tho


Yuuup. That staff/spear is his last line of attack/defense and he really needs to have one against any half way strong enemy that doesn't just melt in seconds from his offensive auras. Otherwise if he gets hit once or twice (3 times with armor/Ward up?) he is dead.


Writing felt good. Some progress on the story and world. I feel he is an idiot though for his hp. His auras are going to harm his own party even with iff. So he really really needs more strength and resistances. I get why he put his stats how they are. But when he asked for all stats instead of just saying only strength that was dumb as fuck. Though maybe it makes sense for the character. (Still the wrong choice). He needs to prioritize strength first. Then once he has 500-1000hp he needs to start stacking resistances. Mainly cold and heat. Otherwise he is going to need to hire a meat shield. He can probably afford it. My thought is he can sell purify for 1 tell. A day of winter for 5 (added to his list and he sleep and eats in the guild with it on). Intensive winter (under focus for 15 minutes) for 7. And blocks of 1000 mana for 10 tell. And if he wants to get fancy. Winter comes with 1 purify. First block of mana comes with winter. All aura lists cleared at the beginning of the new day. He can maybe get out of the fine by talking to the watch and saying he can pay the fine. But if he does he will never sell to the watch. Sorry for format mobile issues.


To me mana manipulation is super needed. He is going to really need to stock up on enchanted gear. He basically is required to buy as much str and resistance gear as he can bear. The enchants failing could kill him. He has so much mana that this seems useful as well. I think it was implied that max enchants you can take are based off of a burden on the mind and soul. So he may be able to take a LOT of enchants. Personally i would have grabbed a squirrel and seen how much mana i could pump into it before it died. Killing via pure mana seems like a possibility.


He TRIED selling his auras, got banned from the guild and town, and owes a fine of 500 tel. People don't trust magic. On top of that, he wouldn't use Aura Focus in any way as a service - he already got robbed while doing charity in town, imagine collecting money and then turning off your senses for 10 minutes. Surefire way to get robbed. It's most efficient for his class to go all Clarity, though he already understands his health is a problem - he's going to buy strength rings and gear. In fact, he already bought one, he just didn't understand how much it sucked. For this reason he's getting heavy armor and has force ward. You do make a good point about hurting his teammates even with IFF though... The hot/cold air bothers HIM, how will it affect the team?


Mana Manipulation and Shear look like good choices. Wonder if he can add "environment" to IFF for it, or even better specifics like "walls" He has only 7 skill point gains on his way to class evolution at 25 (assuming he can spend the one at 25 too). So can just manage prismatic intent on level 25 if he gets mana manipulation.

Joshua Little

I've been wondering if Mana Manip is what Ameliah used to turn her flame cloak into fire bolts. If it was would it go perfect with the auras? Thanks for the chapter.


You might want to italicize "computer science" - at least the computer portion of it.