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Bleep Bloop.

It has come to my attention that e-mail notifications about new chapters might not be going out for those not on a tier. This message should, as it is set to viewable to all patrons.

There's new chapters to be had!

This message will self-destruct...eventually.



Yeah something happened where even though I was in the 5 dollar tier I lost all permissions. Somehow I got set to a custom tier and had to edit my pledge back to a normal tier.

Mike G.

Thanks, I also had to re-subscribe to the $5 tier. Good chapters!


I also had to change my pledge, it was custom


cheers i missed 54


I can’t select a tier it redirects me to a 404 page

Sebastian Viller

Legacy bronze plate doesn't have access to chapters anymore?

L Pedersen

I don't think it's a you problem, I stopped getting email notifications about anything on patreon when they sent me an email about them adding security features to their online payment process. Ever since then, no notifications.


As far as I can tell, you're on a tier already. Can you access the chapters? You should be able to. If not, you will probably need to bother patreon support. I'm not sure there is anything I can do to fix it.


I have a tier and the emails are still coming for me. Pedersen, just to check, you didn't follow a link in an email about supposed "security" changes and enter your login and/or credit card info into some site that may or may not be patreon, right? Cause that could turn out to be a bigger problem than a few missing emails.