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Hello Patrons,

When I started this, I never imagined that I would get this level of appreciation, so first and foremost, thank you all for your generous support. That said, I’m spending quite a bit of time on this now, and now that the ball is rolling, I can’t really think of it as just a hobby anymore. Therefore, I’ve decided to move the advance chapters to a tier, and charge a slightly higher price. Nothing crazy, just $2.50 instead of $1. That’s less than a quatro fudge mochaccino latte (I like my coffee black, but I don’t judge). I hope everyone is still enjoying the story and feels like supporting me is worth it, but if not, I completely understand. Chapters will make their way to Royal Road for free as always.

Logistics wise, I think you will have to switch to the new tier once I set it up. This won’t affect any of the chapters that are already posted, only future ones, starting next month. Tomorrow’s chapter will be available to all patrons at the usual time, tiered or not. Hopefully I don’t break things to horribly when I try to make the change.  

Thanks again for all the support,



The new tier is set up. Existing patrons can switch to it whenever they would like, but I’d recommend waiting until next month. I’m going to delay restricting chapters to the new tier until then. That way, you won't get double charged. Thanks to everyone who suggested that.



Better change your patreon bio then


Congratulations! I’ve enjoyed your story a lot, glad to hear you’ll have a chance to pursue a living as a writer! Delve is great, do you have any other stories that you’ve been wanting to write?


Oh well, it was unusually generous while it lasted. I'll probably withdraw for now; I'm trying to keep my spending low until I land a steady job. I might still be back later, though.

M van Dongen

Yes, thats nice...now where is the Moar !

David Zimmerle

I'm perfectly okay with $2.50 ^_^. Honestly I'd be doing the $5 package if I wasn't strictly budgeting my Patreon pledges to $20 total.


If you are investing more time and asking us to invest more it would be good to know if update rate is changing, thanks

John Phipps

I do like your story but 250% more seems like a little too much. Can you just increase the cost for new Patreons?


I'm still in. I made this account for your story, which I hope will continue.


I mean $2.50 is STILL unusually generous too. Most RR patrons charge anywhere from 5 to 20 for all the advance chapters...


Dude, most patrons are anywhere from 5 to 20 for all the advance chapters. 2.50 is a steal...


Any chance Silvers and Golds could get a different Discord role (just color of course)?


If I may offer input it would be to change this after the end of the month. It gives people time to read this and then some time to decide.


I plan to, as well as the tier descriptions. Writing those things is really hard. Even worse than writing a good synopsis.


Thanks. I've got some other ideas rattling around, but nothing that I've started writing. I don't intend for Delve to be the last thing I ever write. When it eventually ends (don't ask me when that will be, I have no idea), I'll probably start working on something new.


I don't plan on changing the update rate at this time. Two chapters per week is the approximate speed that I can maintain without going insane or quitting my job. That's not something I plan on doing any time soon. While writing is definitely more fun than work is, it is nowhere near as stable and doesn't come with a health care plan. Kill off the wrong character, and out come the pitchforks 0_o. This change is more about acknowledging how much time I am already putting into this so I feel better about how much sleep it is costing me.


I can set something like that up. I'm on the fence about it. It's just cosmetic, but it feels like a cheap lure. I'm not really adding any value, but at the same time, some people might like it to show off to others. It's not as bad as loot boxes, but still. I'll think about it. If enough people ask me for it, I can set it up. By the way, why aren't there any LitRPGs with loot boxes in them? That could be a fun idea for a comedy-type story. Someone gets trapped in a game made by [insert most hated games company] and has to escape. Someone go write it!


This is a good point. We're half-way through the month, and if I do it now, people will get double-charged. I'll see if I can find a way to have it go into effect next month for existing patrons.

David Burchfield

It doesn't affect me since I am already give over the threshold. My advice based off what I have seen other creators do is as follows. Get a bigger buffer of advanced chapters, allow anyone who gives anything to continue seeing as many advanced chapters as they do presently, but use the bigger buffer to allow a larger number of advanced chapters for the people giving at a higher tier.


i think this is a good change, and honestly i think you could charge more if you felt like it. anywhere up to $5 would be fair in my mind for 5 advance chapters. i'd probably be willing to pay up to $10 personally, but that is because i'm impatient as hell (and i really do love delve so far). i'm a greedy fecker, so i pay the minimum for access to the maximum amount of advance chapters available. there are probably a ton of people like me who just pay the minimum because they can. i think it would also be fine to have rewards (like discord roles as someone suggested before) at higher tiers. i wouldn't call it a cheap lure. personally, i wouldn't pay more for a role, but if people want to, nobody loses (unlike lootboxes, ordinary players who don't want to spend money lose :c ). you gain money, and those who spend more get a role. those who don't spend money don't get a fancy coloured name on discord, but if someone starts complaining about that.. well i just can't imagine that happening. in fact.. i would argue that it would benefit the ordinary reader if you gave out stuff like that (like discord roles that are just cosmetic). my reasoning behind this is that it would provide more of an incentive to pay for more expensive roles, therefore allowing you to earn more money, therefore increasing your motivation to write chapters, therefore possibly making you subconsciously increase the already good quality of your chapters, subconsciously choose to write more, have more fun writing (unless earning more money from your story causes you stress) and decrease the chance of you choosing to drop writing the story. i think i'll stop writing here.. i think me writing all this was just a way for me to procrastinate before going to bed. welp, goodnight o/ P.S: i do respect how reluctant you seem to be towards charging your readers money. i won't respect you any less than i currently do if you do choose to charge more or change your methods of monetising delve. also.. apologies for the wall of text.

Critical Hit

Yeah, I'm okay with this.


I donated at the beginning of this month with the expectation of receiving a full month's worth of patreon benefits. If you raise the tiers and I lose access to new chapters in september I will be very upset. If you wait until october to raise the price I won't be upset.


I also think you should update when the month ends, it’s basic decency to update deals between billing cycles. About raising the amounts, feel free to charge for the time you spend. Just keep in mind that with raising the amounts you also raise expectations. At $2,5 I’ll stay and still think that this is good value. :)


I respect you for realising the amount of work you put in and charging appropriately. Unfortunately I am a poor student from overseas so exchange rates make it closer to $10 😅


First of I like the story so far! But while I respect your decision you will lose me, I would gladly support you for a small fee but raising this per month above what the average author makes from selling a book is not for me, then I'll wait and maybe buy a book in the far future or some merch, maybe donate once in a while. I wanted to support some of the artist who's work I read on RR and chose you because of the simple tiers, I also like the epub download though, reading on patreon is not great. I do wish you good luck and hope you keep writing and let those of us that discontinue direct support know when you do publish, etc!


Already been doing 5$ month so no sweat off my back


nice, 2.50 seems like a good choice, I like being able to read ahead and chat about stuff