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Can you solve it?



(drumroll) the answer is.... Val really is an idiot. :P


Rain's mana transfer equation is like the driverless car trolley problem. Everybody's concerned about how we program cars to deal with the trolley problem, but the number of uncontrolled variables in driverless cars means there are always going to be way more false positives than true positives for most automated methodologies for detecting a trolley scenario. The trolley problem is a good academic exercise but most of the time you're better off focusing on other methods for harm reduction.


>He’d said that being too close to the fire was just as being too far away. Missing a word here. I'm guessing either bad or painful?


Thanks for the chapter!


How does he get 35 dmg/mp? 40 / 10 = 4


sounded at first like a diff eq. type of problem but when you started writing out your equations, that looked a lot more like an deterministic operations research type of problem. If you really wanted to solve it, I would choose the DOR method. You would go into excel (with the solver add in) insert your objective equation (the one that has OTR aka the main thing you want to know) then add all of your other constrain equations. Then use the solver to solve. (If I get any more technical with this description, I'm sure I will


confuse even more people. Second, it would be at the point where it would be easier just to solve it myself


P.s. Great chapter =D


Good chapter. At least he is working on IFF.

Andrew Meyers

For anyone wondering what the answer is, from the discord someone determined that the answer is 16%, with the next breakpoint for 17% intensity when he reaches 0.37 mana/s base regen, he's currently around 0.21 so it'll be a while. So, he wasn't actually that far off from perfect anyway, just 1% shy of ideal intensity.

L Pedersen

This is probably the best most consistant litRPG in a pure numbers sense, I absolutely love that. That being said I kinda scrolled down when the maths got hot and heavy in this chapter :P Don't take that as me saying it was too much or you should change things though, love it just the way you write it.


"You’re going to help by packing me full of mana until I puke." Never assume Val is exaggerating. Never.


It does 30-40 damage. That averages to 35, so 35 dmg/mp is correct.


I love how incredibly nerdy this is. Although I wouldn't like it if it happened all the time, seeing Rain trying to math his way to omnipotence is just the best thing ever.

Alexander Dupree

Val you idiot LOL. When you change things randomly and get your code to work they call that bad programming practices... if you do it really fast they call it machine learning and give you triple your current salary. Why can't he just use Gradient Decent to solve it.


The real optimization calculation will have to take into account how much soul-strain Val can take before being unable to continue. Assuming [Winter] actually *heals* mana-related soulstrain, I'd say to fill Val up fairly quickly, then blast [Winter] at full for 10 minutes or so before using [Mana Well] again, and repeat. Probably best to test it out empirically.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.