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Autopost (I'm away for a few days).

Find me those typos!



I was literally about to go to bed when I got the notification. Good stuff. keep it coming!


This was an awesome chapter! I love seeing Rain from Tallhearts perspective! That line about asking questions not being easy for the person being asked was the best.

Empty Shelf

Reading this chapter, it's easy to remember that Tallheart has a history of burning houses down.

Stephen Pearson

Great chapter, thanks! Though it feels like a while since we've seen those sweet, sweet blue boxes:-) Huh, checking it has only been 3 chapters. I guess I got used to his insane daily progress reports while grinding. Here's hoping he's casting force Ward and having someone beat on someone else to power level it! Instant party immune to physical damage, up to a point:-)


Some of the things I'd hope to see in the near future: Tallheart crafting a lot of stuff for Rain (starting with decent/non expiring rings (strength/focus/clarity mostly, but some others as well for Rain to boost his stats and increase survival) and some armor. The rings coming first. (IIRC, focus gave some mana for his pool and with multiple modifiers it would grow a lot). (Rings would go for others as well - Jamus/etc.) Rain maxing out IFF. Rain assisting with spell grind for Jamus (with mana regen/winter + mana well to prevent soul strain. Maybe if Jamus would get enough clarity rings, the strain would be gone for Jamus). Val has maxed out skills (since he's got so few) and I don't think I've seen Carten grinding them, he just wants experience to gain levels. Rain unlocking some more tier 3 skills (even with soulstrain) - his xp otherwise goes to waste. Tier 4 should be too painful/impossible for now. Rain and Tallheart experimenting with forging/purify. Not using filters as now, but just pouring slowly hot stuff from crucible on the angle/via some sort of drain/open pipe (to spread the melted ore thin) to another basin. And at that time Rain would focus+max. channel+amplify purify metals from the impurities (maybe focus is not needed if the melted steam is thin enough and all this melted stuff would be slowly enough pouring down into the basin/whatever. might need a several rounds). Iron is.... interesting. It just vacuums/dispers mana while cold and is behaving differently while in liquid state. Also not sure about blue monster. Is it random creature? Why only tier 5? is it related to dungeon tier? While Val gained is class, he is still capped at 5? So he is still useless until they find another bumper blue. What will happen then they will destroy the core month later? Will they get extra skills? Some new hidden skills opened? Is it possible to purify the core? It was very black when Rain took a look at it. Maybe it can be cleaned up. Does anyone own the mine? Will there be any fallout due to them mining there? How much they can mine with Tallheart during the month they will be staying? Rain regaining entry rights to town and doing max range purify on the town first (cleaning up the city streets/buildings after agreeing with watch). Rain re-visiting sewers for nostalgia now with full team and maybe dwelling below to find another blue monster to increase caps for team members - looks like there's another dungeon below the city.


There isn't a ton that happens this chapter. But what little we see gives a sense of depth and realness to the story. It hints at a lot of world building behind-the-scenes that makes everything breathe a bit. You do a good job conveying the thoughts of a decent level person that's lived for decades trying to explain a wide variety of things that are second nature to them.

Critical Hit

That was a really hot chapter.


Great insight into the interaction between magic and mundane skills in crafting and why you can’t just magic everything. I like the premise you used


Cool and interesting chapter thanks !


You know, it makes me wonder how they measure temperature in this world, without zeros or negative numbers. Though I can imagine Rain rambling on about thermodynamics here, mentioning temperatures below zero, and Tallheart immediately tuning him out.


Considering the depth there is in crafting, I wonder if there's something similar for skills. Like, could Rain draw some runes on the ground before unleashing his aura, in order to moderate the effects? For example, changing [Refrigerate] into a water condensation spell? Of course, maybe runes are also products of Skills, so Tallheart had to pay for each one with skillpoints...