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Last updated on March 29:
- now possible to Add / remove from Past Ages too!
- other improvements

Milestones & Milestone Mods are new, so I always suggest to Back-Up your saves for safety!

Mod: Cheat-ADD / REMOVE milestones:

- ADD any milestone available in current or past ages
- REMOVE any milestone from current
and past ages

Gif image below shows you how Adding & Removing works

Adding several of the same ones is possible for milestones that have the ability to repeat. When Removing, it will remove ALL of the same ones (all births, for example), so be careful!

You can add / remove milestones to the Active Sim,  under 'Actions' then 'Manage Milestones".


THANK YOU TO FRANKK AND LOT51 for helping me find what I was missing to get the 'remove' option to work.



Perfect! Thank you so much


So I feel stupid, but it says to scroll back up and read instructions but I dont see anywhere about it talking about which one to get. Im not trying to be rude I promise!


Hi, no worries, I just use a generic image to point where links are. Sometimes there are several versions for certain mods, but other times no. If there's only one, there is no need to check version instructions


hey!, i have added this to my mod folder, but none of the options appear, i don't know why..? sorry if you can't understand what i'm saying ! i speak spanish lol


Hi, please check instalation instructions :) https://lumpinoumods.com/how-to-install-sims-4-mods/


yes, i installed it right i use mods since forever, but it doesnt show up on my infants? only on young adults +


Are you sure you are looking in the right menus? Because it does absolutely appear in all ages


Hello! Having trouble with the unlock all option - I click it and nothing seems to happen at all? Otherwise having no issues… let me know if I am doing something wrong!


Hi , that's pretty weird - can you try downloading the most recent and see if it does anything?

Sam D.

Oh THANK YOU SO MUCH for enabling us to remove the repeats. I play with aging OFF- you know how many first time woohoos there are???? PUH-Leeze - we stop counting after a certain point!


'first kiss' and 'first Woohoo' are a removable part of Milestones Expanded, too, if they bother you - that's exactly why I made them a separate file, I figured some people might find them annoying! But you're still going to get a lot of EA's 'fell in love' and what not for sure ahah :)


just fixed it, it was conflicting with some random ui mod i don't remember ever downloading


Hi, Thanks for the quick reply. I really appreciate all you do for the game + supporters :) Just wanted to update, I installed new Milestones folder (April 1st) - tried again with same infant, same results. ALSO - created brand new sim/infant in a fresh save with same result. For some background, I only use a handful of mods - mostly yours, a.deep.indigo, Turbo, Basemental, SimRealist - never experienced any sort of issue before (at least one that wasn't resolved by re-reading the notes) Please let me know if you'd like me to try something else! Or would like me to provide this info elsewhere for you.


Thank you for creating this. However, I have encountered a problem as the mod seems to have loaded successfully, but I am unable to locate the options. Could you please help me with this issue?


Hi there, The description says and video above shows where the menu is - If it's not there for you, you have an installation problem. Here's a tutorial https://lumpinoumods.com/how-to-install-sims-4-mods/ Thanks! :)


Is there a way to link milestones to other sims? e.g. 'Got married' and 'Had a child' usually show names/pictures of the spouse or child.

Sam D.

This is so useful- thank you!


Hi- is anyone else experiencing not being able to see all the milestones with this mod?


Not this very minute, but I'm working on it. If it's possible, it should be just a matter of time


Thanks so much for this mod, so useful! I've noticed that after adding milestones, the notification badge doesn't go away even if you've hovered over the newest one.


Hi, that should be kind of impossible since they don't even get marked as new to begin with, I tell them not to, and they behave as expected here - only ones that will mark as new are current age ones which work using base EA systems and therefore should mark off just fine. Unless you have a version of the mod from its very first hours in existence, you should not have any weirdness with that. What version are you running?


I gave in a spin again just now and can confirm I see nothing but the expected, functional behavior on my end - I would advise to update the mod and check on a new sim - also if this problem was on custom milestones from some other creator, that might be on their end, too.


I'm using the latest version & don't have any custom milestone mods installed. Hmm, maybe my game is just bugged, like usual haha.


Hello! Great mod, thank you! I play as the X people - they are aliens and they clone themselves quite often for the sake of procreation. It would be nice to add being born during the cloning process as a life milestone. We all like entertaining stories so much))) Once again, thank you so much! Hugs.


it wont work for me


What do you mean? And do you have script mods enabled in game settings


Do we still need natethelosers fix? I noticed in my mod folder I have that, so want to make sure.


Hi, Like it says in the post, I split the mod in two pieces. If you update it, delete the previous version yes


Hi, to prevent milestones from disappearing you can download my milestone fixes mod :) You have an installation problem if you don't see the milestone cheats under 'actions'

Breoni Hester

i've noticed that my milestones are grouping in alphabetical order, not appearing chronologically even though i've entered them that way...is there a way to reorder them so that they appear in the correct sequence?


Same thing happening to me, some milestone go to the beginning of age instead of after other milestones. Hope there is a way to fix this!