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As always, please report any issues with my new mods so I can address them!


This mod will be up until EA revises the related 'inconveniences'.


This 'fix' mod file has three effects:

1. Prevents milestones from rotationally disappearing.

2. If you play a sim and they interact with a sim from another played household but not currently active, that other sim will be able to gain milestones properly with your sim, for example if they get married, etc.

3. With this file installed, Sims from Played households but not currently played will have their existing milestones recognized by the game as existing, and therefore infants and toddlers with the relevant milestones will be able to move about.


So, NateTheL0ser was noting that, when visiting another Played (but not currently active) household, infants and toddlers there acted as though they had no milestones and therefore could only lay there.  
I made a functional 'fix'. Then I continued on to make this also fix the fact that when a sim from a Played but not currently active household is doing things with your active played sim that should grant them milestones, it doesn't. And added also sth to prevent milestone disappearing rotationally, until EA provides a fix.
I would not have made this if not for Nate, so, thanks to him!

1. I suggest you BACKUP your saves. Milestones are new, milestone mods even newer. Been no problems so far with my two other milestone mods, but I like to remind people to play it safe!



Sheila Lobert

I wonder if this will fix the issue with tried foods sometimes disappearing for infants. I had not connected that to rotational play, but it just might be when I changed households that it happened.


I have the same issue and it drives me batty! I really hope this fixes it and also didn't make the connection.


As a big rotational player, thank you so much for this!

Marco Cantillo

Hey Lumpinou, do you think it's possible to make it so NPCs also gain milestones? At least when they are on the same active lot as your active Sims? I know NPCs gain the retroactive ones when they become active, however, it's weird to see an NPC having a bladder failure and then, if you make it part of your family, it's like that never happened.


Hi, yes I could, but, EA chose to keep never ever played households out of Milestones due to performance concerns, which I consider valid. If you however have great perf and choose to mark all households as 'my household' aka as 'played' via household manager, with this mod installed then these npc's will have their milestones record when they happen on the lot where active Sims are

Marco Cantillo

Understood! Yeah, I imagined EA wanted to avoid another Sims 3 memories situation where the milestones data would bloat the savefiles with tons of them. My only concern with marking NPCs as played is that a lot EA and modded features work with a npc test, however, I can understand where you come from. Thank you really much for your answer and this mod!


Thank you!

Carsten Rogowski

I use Enkidu's Toddler Milestone Fix: Numbers before Letters. Could that cause problems? https://modthesims.info/d/675205/toddler-milestone-fix-numbers-before-letters.html


Hi I absolutely love your mod - pregancy overhaul, I wonder did I download it ok, the game keeps crashing on me after about 5 mins. I have wicked whims and mc controller too. Is it possible I need to disable these to use yours? thanks for the amazing work.


Hi and thanks, Those are compatible. My mod doesn't cause any crashes so, either an installation problem or an outdated game version perhaps.


Thank you so much for helping this game :)




it happend to me too since adding in your fix. Though I can't say it is necessary your mods fault. I keep getting a white screen, no last exceptions or anything and it worked fine before. I added Andrews Pose Player about a day before but did not get the crashing then. I do have MCCC, WW, Pandas Child Birth Mod, CC and some of your other mods as well. I will test it without the fix and see if this might solve it, but it is strange...


Hm that is interesting! Wondering if you have a performance issue due to having a lot of Sims marked as played. Will separate the fixes in two optional parts in case. Myself I have had no crashing and other modders who use this did not warn me of any issue either - please let me know How it goes without other mods installed


Thank you :)


For me, tried food disappears every time I "load" the house, so even after travelling. I don't have GrT, though. Can anyone confirm that this mod could fix it?

Kim Michel

Thank you !!!!!!

Wendy Hubble

Thank you so much.


Hi, I sent an infant off with the other parent for a visit with the RPO mod and they came back with none of the milestones they had gained. I have all of the files from this mod.


Hi, if you sent them to a household that is not marked as played, then that would happen yes. The game doesn't allow milestones for non played households

Sam D.

When you say the mod is "performance greedy", what do you mean exactly? Does it mean longer load times or possible game play lag, for example?


So, first, this is only about the part that enables milestones for households played but not currently active. And what it means is, for players who have a ton of households marked as played, say if they go to a crowded public lot, all the Sims marked as played who would appear on it would all have the milestone tracking system active on them, and it can be assumed that this could mean some lag on computers that aren't equipped to deal with it


I just wanted to double-check this from the patch notes: "Sims with tracked Milestones won't forget about them if they are moved into a non-played Household" That doesn't really sounds like it fixes what your fix...fixes, lol. Can I leave your fix in, to make sure I don't lose the milestones in my played families?


Yes, the EA fix of today is not about the rotational vanishing, so you should keep my fix in if you want to avoid that bug! :)

Destany Roman

is this currently up to date