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- In addition to releasing “Milestones Expanded”, I’ve also re-uploaded RPO Core, Adoption and Charm&Chemistry. The former two, to address a new issue with sending going newborns; the latter, to fix once again relationship status is not showing after the patch. They are now fixed for good.

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* Just Chatting

- This patch has been madness. Not only because it required a large amount of updating, but because it was also stressful beyond what other patches have been. This has been the case for me and many others. Thankfully we have received a lot of kind words from the community which have helped.
Yet, in addition, investigating milestones proved more full of twists and complications than I imagined it would, from a weird ID issue to S4S not being updated for them while we were working on them to my own mistake with a goal tuning wasting me endless time.

All this has left me bankrupt of energy and extremely low on creativity. Of course, it has also not been any good for my hand problems. 

So we are entering once again a period of “sticking to bug fixes, small developments and small improvements” for the next two weeks at least certainly.
You can probably expect more milestones to be finished and added to the “milestones expanded” mod, perhaps addition to small features to RPO, that kind of thing. 

Being that the previous plan was to attach Law & Disorder to Memory Panel systems, and this plan has been discontinued due to the game’s addition of milestones, I also need to reconsider my path on that and it is certainly a consequent roadblock at this point in development.

I want to thank every one of you who has sent a kind word recently, every one of you who supports me and gives my work a chance.

As always, with dedication,


Sam D.

I would still be a patron if you produced at half or a quarter of the rate you do now. It's not about volume of production, but the quality I'm here for. Take a breath!


Thank you for all you do for this game and the community. I'm glad you recognize when it's time to take it slow. We'll all be here regardless!


love Ya Girl, Take Your Time. Your Health Is Valued

Prahkeet-Mama P Sims

Thank you so much for your work. I'm never in a rush. Im just happy to be able to add your mods to my game.


I love your mods and appreciate all the work you are doing for us. I'm impressed with the speed modders have been updating their mods, but I have been concerned about their well-being! It is no trouble for me to wait a bit longer for an update. Unfortunately, I have hand problems too and can relate on that front! Please take some well-deserved time off to take care of yourself 💜


Thank you for all your hard work!!!


Your mods are so fun and involved, and they make the storylines I have so much easier to play out. I love getting to have full creative freedom over my Sims, and I can do that really well with your mods. Thank you for your time that you've put into these files, and I hope you are able to rest and care for yourself. Be well!!


Thank you so much for all of this! I know the modding community has been pretty insane these days, so I just wanted to add my voice to the ones recognizing how much we appreciate all that you are doing! Your mods are brilliant, and I can't thank you enough for keeping them up-to-date and running smoothly.


Hello I love your mods! I was wondering where I can make a request?


Hi, requests happen in dedicated posts for specific mods at specific times. If you want to share a general suggestion however, you are free to do so anywhere anytime, there is simply no guarantee it would happen :)


Ok! a general suggestion of mine is that it would be really cool if u could add a period system like wondeful whims where it effects pregnancy chances bc now that u added an attraction system it would be like a cherry on top. i love rpo without it my game would be stale


as someone who has experienced hand, elbow, and wrist issues from overworking myself at the computer, I really hope you allow yourself all the rest of the world. None of this is worth doing unreversible damage to your hands. You only get one pair! Please take care of yoruself and get as much rest as you need ❤