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Later on release day: made a fix for a possible load error.


New in version 2:

- life notes/personal bios:

Creating, viewing and editing: Sims can start their Life Notes / Personal Bio at any time from the Memory Panel. They can edit it from the memory panel or from the inventory. Only the Sim who created the bio can edit it, but any Sim can read it.

Safekeeping life notes: Bios / notes can be stored in inventories, shelves and chests. After death, bios go to the Household Inventory; you can retrieve them from there.

Why does the bio also appear in the inventory? Originally I didn’t make them visible in inventory, but to make it possible to fetch them and store them in chests etc after death, I had to 🙂

optional: "show times happened count":
If you have this file in, the memory panel will also show the count of how many times each memory happened.

– Optional: retroactive assignments.
Retroactive assignments have existed since day one in this mod, however now I have made them optional. Remove this file if you don't want them to happen.

– New memories:
Introduced self to a celebrity, created an online dating profile, got a new sibling + integration with Adeepindigo's mods for various memories (got braces, diagnosed with chronic condition, etc). More new memories upcoming soon.

DETAILED MOD DESCRIPTION on the Description Website HERE

This mod records the First Times your sims experience something big, and remains for their entire life. Think of it as a ‘list of major things Sim has ever done / lived‘ that can also show with whom, grant special moodlets and relationship statuses, and a bit more!

It also offers a Life Notes / Personal Bio feature, for the player to write and edit at any time Sim-By-Sim personal bios!

DETAILED MOD DESCRIPTION on the Description Website HERE

For reasons not worth explaining, 'Adopted a Pet' won't show a count right now.

optional: "show times happened count":
If you have this file in, the memory panel will also show the count of how many times each memory happened.

– Optional: retroactive assignments (recommended)
Retroactive assignments have existed since day one in this mod, however now I have made them optional. Remove this file if you don't want them to happen.


- remove everything from previous versions)

- grab the file from this post, extract them, and put them directly into your mods folder or one subfolder.

- Install tutorial HERE.
- For Mod-Specific questions, check info & links in this post. If they don't answer your question, contact me on Discord, or here in comments.
Find Index of All Mods here.
If you notice anything off please contact me! Happy to help and fix things if they need fixing.


Alexis Schonberger

Hi! I just got a Better Exceptions report from the newest download. It has two invalid tuning reports. Lumpinou_LifeMilestones_Trait_All_AutoAssigned Lu:mpinou_MemoryPanelMod_v2_Optional_RetroactiveAssign_loot


Hi, first are you on the very latest, which was later on release day ; second, I would need to see a lot more of the error, as that in itself says nothing at all, and would also need to know context. Thanks!

Dashia Davis

This is so cool! I can't wait to play with it.

D Love

"Does not want a child right now" doesn't work cuz the Sims Partner gets pregnant and my sim is ok with it...I have tried this in multiple games...just looking for a stronger reaction of/or "No Children" option, compared to "Not wanting a child now" ?? Sooo, I assume it's a No Fix? Thx for the reply :)


Your should have a very negative reaction if they have the "does not want a child" trait and their partner gets pregnant. Can you try this with no other mods installed to make sure there's no conflict? I have never heard of anyone having any issue like this, and this mod has been out for a very long time


In the future if we can add photos to the memory books that would be literally amazing

Sam D.

I am getting the dark blue buff for New Memory every time I load onto a lot, or re-enter from CAS. I mean there's no real memory formed then, just the buff, but I thought I'd let you know.


That would only pop up if a memory is trying to be added. For new Sims, when there's retroactive additions, for example, that will happen. If a specific sim gets it at every load screen basically, they've got sth trying to add itself and failing. I'd need a sim info log to see what or why.

Sam D.

I'll head over to Discord with this a bit later

D Love

My Sims Partner got pregnant...My Sims response "Not on Same Side - Does Not want this Pregnancy and it stresses him out sometimes to be near a Partner who does" Does it make a difference if they Live together or not? Anyway..I guess I was expecting more of an reaction...Thx for your wonderful Mods...By-the-way, None of my other Mods conflicts with your Mods cuz I only support the Best of the Best Modders! <--- U fall into this category :)


There are more reactions than that, initially at pregnancy being revealed, and later at being around each other. The one that you describe is one that comes from being around each other and not from receiving news of pregnancy.


Try announcing pregnancy and see what happens ; the Sims should animate based on their preferences etc and also have varying interactions available depending on that. Thanks


Two weeks ago I played my sims family with all your mods. All mods worked perfectly, and I finally had everything I was missing in the game. Now I see that you have improved the mod even better - biography, pictures. I don't know why the Sims team doesn't hire you as someone who will help them, and I don't know if I should still wait for their numerous updates, which definitely break the game. I am interested in the new GT, but with your mods. The last mods I used were 2.92 - if that means anything at all, but they all worked. Thank you for everything you do for us and for the game.


Hi there. I have updated the Traditional Chinese translation for this mod. Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/77405708 Tysm for the mod again!


You're a star , I am not worried about updates, I have downloaded it but still havent added mods back into my game yet. Thankyou for all your work, you are very much appareciated for everything you do.

Tiffany Edmonds

Just a quick question: my (adult) sim lost both parents, but I could not add the lost a parent memory for the other one. Will future updates feature multiples of particular memories, like if my sim had twins, would they count as one child/baby? Or am I overthinking this? Let me know if I am please. 🙂


Thanks to Lumpinou for making this mod! I have translated it into Simlipfied Chinese: 简中翻译 https://www.patreon.com/posts/jian-zhong-fan-4-75636815


Hello everyone, is there a German translation for the mod somewhere? would be very grateful for that. Greetings from Austria


Hi! For some reason I'm not able to find where the actual memory panel is to view my sim's memories...I've hunted all over the phone and all the options in the bottom right. I can't tell where it's supposed to be from the website description. Sorry if I'm missing something obvious! My sims get the moodlet that they are creating new memories.


If you have the new pack, the interaction to open the panel moves to under 'actions'


is this compatible with milestones expanded?


No, Milestones Expanded is a rework of memory panel but with EA's milestone system instead of its own panel, so they are completely incompatible. If you have ep13, it makes more sense to use milestones expanded